Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 180

Tailong is still unsatisfactory.

He didn't want to deal with this guy called the blade, but in the eyes of the younger brother as his "emotional enemy", he can't express it, otherwise there is a loss.

The blade smiled and nodded him.

He looked at the knife and nodded.

The blade goes towards the dormitory.

"Tailoro, you and the little white face know?"

Tailong shakes his head, nodded, did not answer.

The teenager is a mist, is this what meant?

He looked at another few people, and the other few people helplessly stall, and the face was written "Don't ask me, I don't know."

However, they didn't ask again, and the big brother did not say not to ask, the younger brother should have the understanding of the younger brother.

Still drinking.

That's right, they have a ghost!

what! This wonderful nightlife!

Unfortunately, Ma Hongjun did not have a mood to enjoy, and he didn't have this mind in the bed.

The blade stopped and stopped in front of his room. He looked at the dormitory. He frowned before the door. There was a very light trace in front of the door.

I am so thin, I have someone to visit him.

Although there is no life in the room, it is still a good job.

Take the key, and often screw the keyhole to open the door as usual.


The palm is slightly smeared, and the door is slowly launched.


A slight sound is particularly clear in silent air.

The blade squatted on the ground, the left hand held Zhuge God to the door, the right hand is ready to summon the blade, a stroke is ready.

The door opened.

same as usual.

The blade stands up and slowly went in, lit up the light, he carefully explored the room to the rear of Zhuge Shen.

It seems that it is not a malicious.

Once again, I went to the door to observe the faint footprints on the ground, and I murmured for a long time: "Oscar?"

He turned off the light, closed the door, and went out.

Since Oscar came to see him, it should be something.


"Oscar, is there? I am a blade."

The shelled Oscar in the bed is exited.


Sunshine, forest, shade, one person, full of rickets, unexpected harmony.

[Preparing to go to the August 1st, I wanted to wait until 300,000 to drag a few recommendations, but this recommended effect is cold, this is probably the so-called test water push.

This effect is not necessary to drag again, directly to see life and death.

After the shelves, the deposit is directly copied, and the codeword is started.

Chapter 76, is there being amazed?

Drag the tired body, he quickly opened the door.

Some doubts in my heart, what is the blade? I am looking for him.

"Blade? Rare!" Oscar exaggerated.

The blade shakes his head and smiled: "Don't invite me to sit in?"

"Of course! The knife brother is driving, I don't ask you to come in! Please!" Oscar tested a road, very gentleman, made a move.

The blade is step forward, and then the door is slowly closed ...

"Blade, do you look at me? I tell you, don't you come! Otherwise, I will call it!"

Oscar looked at the blade and closed the door, and the face was looked at him with a charm smile.

Damn! He is a man! Oscar is screaming in the heart.

The blade is slight, then laughs: "Next I should say 'call, let it, today, if you call your broken throat, there will be no people to save your'?"

The intercom is a step forward.

After the Oscar retreat, he was forced to the corner, but he had to hold his hands around, and his face was panicked.

Tao: "Blade, you don't do this, the sameness is no result. What do you like is a girl!"

This injured beast, the frightening and shaking the model is really a pity.

The blade is again approaching, smiling: "But people really like you."

"No, no, no blade, you don't like me, you just greedy my beauty and, then we have no feelings! We have long been in dident!"

The blade shakes his head and smiled: "The feelings can be slowly cultivated, and you have to have confidence in us." He stepped forward.

Oscar was completely refunded by him. He looked at the blade in front of him, and his heart was in urgent.

The breathing of the blade, even a faint sweat can be clearly experienced, his vast and quiet, like the sight of the water ...

A charming eyes.

Do not! Oscar screams in the heart of this terrible idea.

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