Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 184

Regardless of whether there is blood, it is cleaned, his heart will return to peace, calm.

That is a long time ago.

Now his heart is strong enough, it has long, no need to use this self-deceived method to get the peace of mind.

Four weapons and was placed neatly by the blade.

He picked up a sword and got up.

A set of basic swords is displayed.

After stopping, he is satisfied, it is a master production.

He is named black iron for it, as it is very simple in itself.

After returning to the table, the two black iron will be collapsed, pick up the dagger and wave, just see the residue.

He looked at the sky, and this realized that the time was not early, and the light of the opposite dormitory was also extinguished.

This stars are still charming, and I aim a bit behind the blade and prepare for practice. As a twenty-eight-level slag, he must work hard and go up. Just like the opposite side of the kitten who went to the window sill by sleep.

Zhu Zhuqing was a bit surprised, this time he did light?

The blade smiled and struck it.

Zhu Zhuqing wants to raise his hand, but finally, it is just right about there.

The blade lips are picked up, and then leave the window sill, the lights are extinguished.

Zhu Zhuqing read what he said - earlier.

Zhu Zhuqing's face couldn't help but smile, she had a hands with her hands. After glaring, they turned their eyes to the broad and unmistched, mysterious starry sky.

This magnificent starry sky makes her fascinating, his eyes are gradually, and I can't help but think of lying with my sister on the grass slope. The apple is a calm time ...

"Zhu Qing, quick look, there is a meteor!"

"Ah? Where? I want to wish!"

"Live you."

"Zhu Yun, you are too bad! I want to punish you!"

"Bamboo clear, don't scratch, hahaha ..."

Unfortunately, the time will take beautiful, the family inheritance of the jungle law tastes will completely destroy each other's feelings.

Her eyes flashed the painful struggle, and then calm and firmly.

Remove his eyes, then look at the window opposite the black hole, she is going to rest, and there is arduous training tomorrow waiting for her.

Norway with the master, how to say, the master is still a bit of humanity.

This is her own request for her own, her long-awaited anscal, for this, she has to pay more efforts.

Today, the blade is the first gain of the whole college.

Is this invincible loneliness? Can you still understand the sluts that are still dead in bed?

He stands in front of the window, he took a deep breath.

What a beautiful morning, with a silky style, still shining star, starting a wonderful tweeler than his early beeworm, the moonlight is a bit of the bamboo forest under the cool breeze Small shake, like wanting to choose people ...

This hustle and bustle of the world is a moment of peace. It is really comfortable in this beautiful scenery.

The blade is placed in the old place.

The rays it exudes is really too suitable to read the book, gentle and bright, and there is no dead angle.

It's really a good sword.

He lamented his daily everyday after you sighed.

Book stall is a geographic approval of the Tiandu Empire.

The blade intends to go to the master to go out for a few months, and see the world.

However, when I think that my own face, I will suffer from some unrequited people.

Ugh! This is a beautiful appearance! Why do you always bring me trouble? !

I am bother!

The blade is forty-five degrees looks at the starry sky, and sigh.


After breakfast, everyone can generally go to the high-end collection.

They are going to meet, after all, is an important moment, which is officially entered the Landscape School of the Slack Academy, and then move again.

Safe, which college is a sample.

In the majestic battle, the major events of the usual Blue Billetics are held here.

A white-haired old man speaking on the stage.

"Sir, ."

"Let's welcome our founders of our college with the most enthusiastic applause!"

"Applause sounds!"


Shirake's people are naturally sitting together.

The blade stretched the paw to the Ning Rong Rong, sitting next to him ...

Some male compatriots are angry, and the female comrades envy and hate.

"This sugar tastes good, taste it?" The blade solder is a fruit sugar.

Ning Rongrong mouth, no good way: "I am lose weight."

"This way ..." The blade is ready to pick up the hand, but it is found that the candy in his hand takes away from Ning Rong.

The blade looks at her: "Are you not lose weight?"

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