Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 186

The following students still remember this new dean saying this:

"Let me tell you a few words from me."

Brief your uncle! Are you misunderstood this word? !

"Thanks to the wonderful speech of Flander, let us give him the most warm applause!"

The white-haired host of the white hair hurriedly sent Flanders. Don't say students today, he can't stand it!

When the dead, the dead venue suddenly turned, the Thunder tsary.

The Flanders who are walking goes with a smile to spend a smile, it seems that his speech is extraordinary!

Next time, you must not end the grass today.

Well, must!

The host is a simple summary of the latter:

"Today's meeting is over, thank you for your active participation! Please have organized to leave!"

On the audience, as the host fell, the pot was blown out in an instant.

The students have departure, what is the crime!

The blade is collapsed, stretched a lazy waist, and it is a full morning.

Looking at time seems to go to the meal.

Ning Rong said poked him: "Hey, eat."

The blade nodded and got up.

"That, hello, my name is Blue Moon, can we know?"

A slightly shy teenage voice came from the blade.

The blade looked at her smiled: "Of course, I am called the blade, I am very glad to meet you."

The girl hugged this book, and some did not know how to worry: "I, I am also very sorry!"

Ning Rongrong is somewhat uncomfortable: "Hey, are you ready to eat, or chat?"

The blade is helpless, and then the blue moon belt: "Time is not early, we will go to eat first, and then have a chance to talk about it."

Blue moon, point: "Well!"

"Goodbye." The blade smiled and nodded with her.

The blue moon looked at the smile and brushing red, with a branch of my mad, "again, goodbye!"

Ning Rong has snorted to the blade, turned to keep up with a small dance and others.


The blade shakes his head: What is the injury?

go for meal.

"Xiao just, let's go eat."


The master will quickly take the hand that is held by Liu Dilong. His face has risen to red, and the amazing huge and soft ...

After the master got up, Liu Erlong blinked his eyes on Flandy.

Fland nodded and sighed at the bottom.

Lao Li took the shot and took her hands to hold her chest. It seems to be closed, and the Zhao, who is secretly sleeping.

Touching, Zhao helmetively opened his eyes, sweeping his eyes around, faint: "The world, dirt."

Lao Li: ...

Did you drink you!

After Zhao Wuji looked at Lao Li, I was sorry to touch my head, grinned: "Listen to the blade saying that this is a famous saying that the unioneer is awake, listen to the quite domineering. "

Lao Li face has no expression: "How do you feel?"

Zhao has no big thumbs up: "Too bad!"

Lao Li: You are happy.


Starting today, here is called the Shrek Academy!

This Square - is called Flander Square!

Fland got up, he was going to arrange some jobs.

For example, change the brand hanging on the doorstep of the college.

On the way, many boys wanted to take the front and rural Rong Rong, Zhu Ziqing, Xiao Dance, but when I saw the blade, I retired back.

If you face the golden hair and peach bloty, they are still a bit confidence, but in the face of this bit ...

When the blade smiled nodded, their heartbeat could not help but faster.

Ok, let's go to the eye.

The girl didn't go forward, they were eclipsed in front of the three beautiful women.

This is comfortable, although he doesn't want to see a lot of eyes, but do not block his way.

Dai Mu did not disdain, these skin is shallow.

The people in the cafeteria are unprecedented.

After watching a long team, the knife shook his head, and a few people who were desperate: "If you don't mind, I don't mind, I have food."

Ma Hongjun is running over: "Knife, I don't mind!"

Ning Rong Rong is curious: "Where do you come from?"

"I bought it when I went out yesterday."

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