Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 189

Ning Rong looked at his back, it was quite anger - he actually disliked her!

Zhu Zhuqing's small mouth is her kettle, and the corner of the mouth does not help but smile.


The blade did not go to the watch, there is no need, there are some foods in the soul tunnel. Well, just some, probably he takes a few days.

His life is still, while eating food side reading.

Suddenly, a halo haloned on the table.

The blade eyes are fast, and it is not in a blinking time, and it is rapidly plugged into the mouth.

As long as his speed is enough, this meat is clean!

carry on.

Dark night, the entire college is quiet.

Girl in a dormitory.

The little dance and Ning Rong have already slept, Zhu Zhuqing has not slept yet, she stands before the window.

Holding a white cloth in his hand.

She can feel that it is a strip, and even guess what is likely.

She gently opened this white package, under the moonlight, lying on the white cloth is two daggers without sheath ...

Zhu Zhuqing has some lost and pain.

He really didn't like the dagger, so he also deliberately gave her two daggers, ironically, she sent some messy things!

But that is what she can think of the best gift is also the most precious assassination equipment in her.

She is tightly holding the two-in-one dagger, and there is regrets and annoyed in their eyes.

She regretted that when she gave a gift, she was too herbs, and the annoyed is how the blade can treat her, she is a great determination to have the courage to go!

Her heart has some chaos.

Suddenly, she found that there is still something else under the dagger.

When I got up, I was actually a note.

She couldn't help but worry, what did he wrote?

Some people have hesitated, do you want to open it? If some bad words ...

Do not! No, he will not be like that, he is a gentle and careful person.

The paper strips are in the hands, but she still hesitates for a long time.

She is tight and looking forward.

After reading the content above, the haze in her heart is swept away.

It's not for a smile, under the moonlight, she seems to have a fantasy with a dream color.

On paper, only people who can get our weapons, you are the first.

Although these two daggers are not precious, but don't just lose, or I will go on this - cute kitten will cry for a long time?


I said that he won't be like that!

Zhuzhu Qing face with a smile, and it took the paper several times, and the back of the treasures was collapsed.

Looking at the two plays an ordinary dagger, her heart: Even if I am very bad, I will cherish.

However, when I got one of them, I just started, she was light.

This kind of dagger is integrated with the hand.

She gently waved a few times, when the black dagger scored the air, she was like the fish in the water, and she didn't feel the resistance, and the black in the dagger itself was the most perfect cover in the night.

This is a top dagger! In the assassin, in some special cases, its role is not under the martial arts!

Zhu Zhuqing will carefully watch the dagger to the moon, it is still amazing.

Her eyes have a shock of hidden, he actually has this forging skills? ! This is the top master to create the work!

Moreover, this grip is in the hands like a wonderful feel that is integrated with the body, it is to be customized according to the user's specific conditions.

How can he know?

She remembered, when he hit her hand to adjust her hand for her, he had a moment when he had a power to pinch her little hand.

Zhu Zhuqing's face suddenly had a red blood - he actually remembered that this is so clear that he did not have the surface so light?

Do he ...

No, no, Zhu Zhuqing, how can you think so, too shame!

Blade:? ?

Zhu Ziqing returned the dagger and collected the dagger, and slammed back to the bed, then buried himself with the quilt.

After a while, I re-drilled it, and she took a bracelet in her hand and looked at it could not help but show the smile of Xinfu.

Suddenly I thought about what, she took out a sugar and gently peel it into the mouth.

Sugar, I haven't eaten it for many years, it's really sweet.


In the next ten days, the days were repeated and monotonous.

It is another day in the morning.

Before the bright hole, under the shade.

A lounger.

One person a bird.

The blade looks at the tenderness of the little sparrow of the big flowers: "Take more, ready to go."

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