Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 201

In two days, he really likes this very much, long look, and it is full of stunning young people.

It is like it is a food, and there is almost no broken food. Is there a soul tunator? !

And it is not low, talent, this young man can not take back to his own treasure at first sight, but there should be some opportunities to get along with it.

It can make him look at your eyes, I feel that the young people who have a baby daughter are really a few.

It's rare to pick up one on the side of the road, but it is a pity that it is a pity.

The blade is twice: "I want to fool me to go to the door, my woman is beautiful, I have no big wind big waves have never seen it? Areas of the district, the squad is also dare to go to Tiger?"

I bought a map, he was ready to find a good hotel in a map, that is, the kind of kind of for one day according to the golden soul coins.

Hold the map, walk in the street, the turn is more than 100% along the way.

Suddenly, I came to swear.


"Murder !!"

"Rolling! Don't block the grandfather!"

"This animal, Alan, you will save people! Others keep up!"

"People on the street, go back!"

"This time, I can't let him escape again!"

"Rolling! You are slag!"



The street is chaotic.

While the pedestrians are hurried to the two sides, the slim man of a martial art is coming from the side of the blade.

His robe has been reddish by blood.

Its martial art is a blood lion, and the face is full of mad smile while the face is over.

An old man who is never returned is taken by him.

The old man is not a soul teacher, and the scene is dead, the death is not good, and his body is almost disconnected under the claw.


"Murder !!"


The screaming is coming.

More than ten people who have been chasing the guard army is red.

When the blade saw that the thin man rushed to the smile, the whole person was scared, stupid, it was not moving, it was the map in his hand.

A few people next to the road yelling quickly, there are a few young people who want to scare this scream, but they will not be able to move, and they can't move.

"Expand !!" This is a roaring that is rushing in the forefront of the guard against the roar.

It can be scared, and the fundamental movement is not, only silly looks at the thin men in front of him.

The road is very wide, but the thin man will not detour, because he is to see this child is not cool, and this kid looks still, since then, it will be kill!

He took a smile to the blade, his hand was tall ...

"Expand !!!" The guard force forcibly accelerated the footsteps, this is the stupid child? ! Standing waiting for death? !

"Hahaha, go to death !!"

He seems to have seen this long-awaited dog-like, which is went by him, and the flesh and blood is separated!

The two are different from two meters.

The blade mouth is slightly evoke.



Between the electro-optical flame, a bowl of the light column has grown in the heart of the paw, the portal is open, and the door is open.

Run through!

At the same time, the blade was jumped to the side of the next to five meters.

This is to do not let the dirty blood and heart debris tarnish his clean white robe - washing clothes is very troublesome!

The smile of the thin man was stignted on his face, slowly ran out a few steps and fell to the ground, and his eyes looked at the blade on the side and didn't close.

It is really dead, and the wanted criminal of 42-level is so disadvantaged.

The blade laughed with the guards rushed to the rush: "Scared me, just scary!"

Guard: "..."

The lead is a middle-aged man with a pure country face, a strong sense of mind, sharpness, very majestic, and forty-two, the martial art is a shield.

Later, there are seven men, six girls, all of the souls.

"Thank you for the brothers," the national character face man and the blade have seriously opposed the blade after the phone. "

In order to grab this dog, several comrades who have followed him have entered their life. If there is no one, if there is no one, it is very likely to be escapped again, because this dog is too familiar with the terrain here.

The blade smiled and swayed: "You don't have to polite, it is for social harmony. But I have a little doubt, I hope you answer me."

"The little brother please say, I am trying to know anything." Middle-aged man is serious.

"That, is there any bonus?"

The air is quiet.

The national face of the Chinese man is one of the faces behind him.


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