Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 211

The speed of the other people under the chopsticks has already slowed down, and everything is swallowing the kerout, and it is not enough to come.

After ten minutes, there is only three people left, the blade, the big man, a face, a dark young man.

Young people are unable to put down chopsticks, stand up, and he put two sausages in his mouth, and tears.

He regretted: "I ... too naive."

Just left the location, the whole planted and fainted.

The old man is a little bit to express his strength, and this person eats one-third of food. If it is drank the secrets of the secret, it is probably a lot more.

There are still two people in the field, the old people are somewhat surprised. These two people have been the most powerful today, especially the handsome guys who seem to be the first one.

The blade and the man are different at this moment. They are all guaning faces, sapphire mouth, tears.

That man trembled his hand and put down the chopsticks, wiped a tears, and his heroic said: "Brothers, I will take a step first!"

The blade wiped a tears: "Brothers go all the way!"

The man was pleased to hit the sausage mouth, raise the pepper water on the table. Then push the chair and planted on the spot on the spot.

The old man hit his forehead, he did not have seen such a iron.

This is a pepper, not the cup of breaking!

However, he probably knows why this young kid is this, this desk is not moving, and it is probably not to leave any sorry.

However, the strength of this young man is also amazing, and it has eaten nearly two-thirds of food. This is the most spicy in this year's challengers.

There is still a person in the field insisting that this is a blade, and the old man is the least optimistic.

The blade is still struggling, there is a secret vegetable, with a dish of flacked meat, plus a small plate of pepper.

He wiped a tears and continued to struggle.

There is only one step away from victory, saying that you can't take a step back.

Everything is a reward after the success of the success, but it is a super rare treasure!

He stayed with tears, and he went to the mouth of the food ...

The old man who is watching is also touched. This young man actually has a spirit of the general! Although the two ages have been different, they are responsible for a homing!

As for the ice soul and several porters who are ready to save people, they are not commended. This is a clear, this is a true mashier!

Great man.

"For the prize !!" The gorgeous man looked at the small plate of chili water and shouted in his heart.

Holding the bowl of chili water, pause the moment, and then drink!

"Good!" The old man cheers.

Five years! I finally ushered in a customs clearance!

The blade only feels that this is the burning of the melted metal water again in the abdomen!

But now the most important thing is: "The old man, I am a customs clearance?"

This is ambiguous, because the blade's lips are really unfair, big sausage, large sausage!

The old man is pleased to: "Of course! Of course! After the body!"

The people around them are madly applauded.

Next second.

The blade whole person lie on the ground, rolling, how much! It is going to die, you are dead! "

Old man: "..."

The applause of the applause gradually became thin.

The old man is holding a forehead, helplessly recruits: "Go to our hero a little help."

The soul of the ice is lit up in the previous white soul ring, blows the cold air flow to the blade, and the temperature in the air drops.

Yes, he is a walking refrigeration machine.

After half an hour, the blade felt that he finally came over, and the soul of the ice is ambiguous: "Crab Cancer you."

Ice soul teacher closed the soul skills, laughed: "You're welcome."

The old man smiled and said: "Young people, congratulations, you have passed our death, five years, we finally ushered in new customs clearance."

The blade touched his lips, he is - destroyed? !

No, it is good for a few days.


"Hey! Have you heard? Some people have passed the place of death this year!"

"Really fake, you won't you play us? That is the place where people can pass? Don't think that I don't know what the situation, I am also lifted a few years ago."

"Hey! You don't believe! It's a young man! I have a given award, it looks very handsome young people, but the mouth, scare personal!"


On the way back, the blade endured and went to the blacksmith shop, and did a little thing.

Dedicated all the way is a surprised gaze.

When it returned to the hotel, I happened to take the service staff who came to red wine in the morning.

"Mr., your lips ?!" The waiter recognized the blade at a glance.

The blade is worshiping the hand: "Nothing, just hot pot spicy."

The waiter is jumping, this big sausage is a spicy hot pot.

"Mr., do you need me to notify you to give you some ice sugar or drinks?" The service personnel asked carefully, he was very good for the blade.

"That's trouble, please help me prepare some ice cream, and ..." The blade smiled and thanked.

Looking at the smile of the smile mouth with the big sausage lips on the face: "You are polite."

The blade returns the room, the belly is still very uncomfortable, but this is not important! The general thing is that precious prizes have been got!

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