Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 213

Otherwise, once they enter here, first, it is necessary to face this horror.

If you really solve the midnight, it will not be, when his strength should not be worried about the side effects of the original card.

In short, now his mood is really good, as long as he is not killed by the indigenous of the Douro, he will be very safe!

This kind of heart is not a long time.

a ha ha ha!

is now happy!

The blade swept the tone to sit down next to the table, he wanted to drink a bowl. What kind of celebration is.

Today, I finally solved the problems that bothering him for a few months, and he would also express the most sincere gratitude to the predecessors who left the martyrdom, although he left the thing, he killed him.

Dried this bowl!

After drinking, the knife squeezed a salted fish to bed, lying on the bed.

He wants to sleep well, enjoy a long-lost half-depth sleep, just half an hour.

The outside is already dusk.


"What is the old side?"

"There is still no way to position."

"Then continue to monitor, as long as he uses no soul, we will be able to position him again."


"You can't escape, No. 1!"


Sitting up, stretching a lazy blade with a feeling, mutter: "Who is thinking about me? Let it, I am a man you can't get."

The next thing to do is more simple.

Cultivate, wake up, travel.


Half year has passed, he came to Radish City, which is three thousand miles away from Tianma Huangcheng - a city of radish famous continent.

Here is the ultimate destination of his out, is also the foundation of this.

It is reasonable to say that he will not come out in more than 20 levels. Hiding in the great Flander, Zhao Wu Yi, Lao Li et al. Winnast's femininity?

Repair, look at the book, lying on the sun loungers, if you have time, you will go shopping in Tiangou Huangcheng.

This beautiful life of this retired old cadre is not greasy.

But there is a thing here to let him take a risk.

He felt the breath of the source of life from the radish, purchased from the radish city, very light, but that is the breath of life.

This slightly sighful breath makes the radish quality of the radish city more even better.

I heard that the vegetables, potatoes, what is the growing trend of the grass tree is better than other places.

This is also the unknown mystery of Radish City.

Therefore, the blade judged that the underground of the radish city was buried in the source of life.

This is a good thing, he wants to do everything to take him. But not in a hurry, radish city has been more than two hundred years, but radish is still delicious.

When I looked at the entrance to the radish city, I didn't have a smile when I have the two big radishes. Sure enough, I made the radish a city's business card.

"Little brother, how to eye? Who is the radish city gas?"

The blade is sitting in a two-carriage, the driver is an old man, and when he returns the goods, it hits the blade, and then goes back together.

"The momentum is extraordinary." The two fat radishes at the entrance were so answered.

"Hahaha, that is not!"

Say goodbye to the elderly, the blade decided to find a place to live, and then set up the life of life to survey.

"Buy radish! Fresh unearthed radish!"

"Fresh radish! Just digging from the soil!"

"The fresh radish that just digs from the soil! Come and buy!"


I just heard a few steps of the blade, I heard the song of three or two or two two, which is actually like him, the residents in the city vomited.

However, the blade did not buy, the radish is still too light, but he prefer to eat fragrant and drink, of course, the favorite is still sweet.

Radata Hotel.

The blade is working with some small trims to their appearance and clothes.

He is really awkward, as if the blade understands, a low-class life stone is absolutely important to heavy treasure in this Douro mainland.

I don't know if there is anything to know, but Xiaoyu is always stupid, and it is good to be awareness.

If the situation is not right, let alien the sourced stone retreat, this bonus people are his best retreat cover.

If the source of life is really, there is no way, life and death are always interdependent, if it is unable to solve the power of the midst of life, it is the title to absorb it on the spot!

Don't say what is more than a hundred thousand years of life.

At that time, he thought of a way to extract the source of life in the body.

The blade will be replaced in the back house in the back room. There is only one in the gray dress, the appearance of the most ordinary woman.

When the blade turned into the mirror, the eyebrow was slightly frowned, or it was still so point-to-point, where is the problem?

Staring at the mirror, the blade knows where it is wrong, the temperament is too large, it is ordinary.

The breath is in a moment, looking at it, I saw him all the entire person has completely embedded one for ordinary girl.

The blade mouth is slightly evoked, and the specific location of the source of life is positioned.

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