Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 221

The knife nodded, and then pointed at the time next to the big hole. "Please change this girl"

The staff is a little bit to the Mengmei: "Please come with me."

The Meng girl nodded but did not move, she looked at the blade: "The one, if I don't mind, I can treat you."

She summoned a refugee crystal rule, very mini, probably 30 cm long.

"I am a 25-level auxiliary soul." She is sinking to introduce.

She probably fifteen six years old, this level is actually very good.

The blade smiled slightly: "That's more thanks."

"Well!" She nodded.

Raise a yellow soul ring under the feet, and a milky white is integrated into the blade.

"This is my second soul technology - the cure light. But because my level is not high, I have effect ..."

Said that the big chest is embarrassed to be embarrassed.

"The girl is too modesty, your second soul skill is very good, right, under the blade, I don't know the girl's name."

"I, my name is ice cream."

"Good name." The blade rose the thumb and praise.

"Well!" Ice Cream is busy noddling.

"However, the time is not early, the girl is still going to take a break, staying up late to the body."

Ice cream nodding.

"Guests, please come with me."

Several hotel staff in a light bulb have long been impatient.

The manager of the radish hotel was pulled out from the dream, and the clothes were in a hurry to come to handle this trouble.

He is most annoying this sudden accident.

However, the process is unexpected, and this young man is very good, and there is no Hu.

And its kind of calmness is really not what ordinary people can have.

He didn't dare to annual price. After the negotiations of the parties, they were still satisfied with the amount of satisfied, and the blade had paid the money.

The hotel manager is passionate about a room for a knife.

The blade smiled and rejected.

This unexpected accident is over.

After sending these messy guys, the blade closed the door to place the condition.

Chapter 101 will enter the starry forest

His state can not look so good.

Even the specially treated walls were hit, how can he spit a blood outside Gan Meng girl? Is it ok?

This life and destruction of the power of the force is too sudden, and there is no omen, and people are unable to prevent.

And the most critical is that he is too close to the outbreak point.

If it is not a critical moment, he cuts a part of the impact force, it is not the internal organ damage.

Fortunately, the internal organs do not have too serious damage.

As long as the soul is adjusted, it takes another source of life, but it is necessary to recover between a moment.

Just he still has some heartache.

He is a large use of the source of the source, and it is impossible to ban a waste.

If it is not a matter of the martial art hall, the movement is not small, and even the attention of the Wushu Hall, he will not choose to use this source of life.

Restore immediately, then evacuate here.

If you are afraid of direct running road hotels, you may find the people of the Wushu Temple. He ran in the first time.

(I heard that in the Radish City, the thief likes the thief likes to idle.)

However, it is now spent out, and it will naturally restore this time.

A black blood is spit out in the blade, in which some subtle internal organs are mixed.

After a few words around the hotel, he took out the source of life.

Dynamic rocks that exude red halo leaves a red light such as a hairdryerous thick.

It has not been in its heart position under the manipulation of the blade.

The source of life disappears, and the blade has closed his eyes again.


His seven seven eight eight he stayed from the absorption.

This is the power of life, but the blade is not ready to treat the remaining life of the life as an emergency treatment.

He said that it is not this.

When I stopped, he quickly started cleaning.

He wants to eliminate his traces, blood, and odor this is the weight.

After the blood was collected, he took out a bottle and started spraying in the room.

Such fog seems to be air fresheners, which is a liquid made of more than ten plant modulation, and there are a number of normal human tastes.

But this will be extremely terrible interference for those smell sensitive creatures, fully effective blockade of odor tracking.

After confirming that there is no problem, the blade is replaced with a new white robe.

The stretcher sleeping staff, did not feel the white figure that left.

The staff who woke up from the sleep in a semi-comed state.

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