Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 223

The blade has to take a look at whether the diet in this city is hygienic.

I took a ten-day dry food, which changed the taste.


The next day, the blade got up early in the city.

There are also a few hundred kilometers away from Star Trenden Forest, and of course you can't take over two legs.

I spent a small money, and the blade buys a horse.

This horse is not simple, Mashang said that this is not a mixed-blood horse that is cultivated by the horse, which is a pure wild variety, rare!

The blade knows that this is just a one-sided, he fades out the soul three torture: So? Why didn't you sell it? Do you stay in New Year?

The horses in the corner of the horse, this young man seems not to be a head, actually poked to the pain at once.

Still not to explain, the blade opened: Is it tame that it can't be?

Ma Lu smiled and smiled: "The little brother is very powerful."

The blade is faint: "I am not lick, look at the whip of it, if you obey, you will look at its eyes, is this a coward?"

Master is silent, and said: "It is true."

Finally, the blade bought this batch of scarred brown horse horses with a still good price.

Although this pen did not earn, but it was very satisfied with this stinky horse.

I want to pull it out, but I can't move, I think that the guest is watching, the Ma Shi feels very embarrassed, and the whip is going to swell!

The blade grabbed his hand.

"Let me go."

When the blade came to it, it stared quietly at him, no fear.

Finger with a lighted white halo in the war forehead.

This is a more advanced way of communication compared to the usual language, and the mind is conveyed by the medium.

"Load me, give you freedom, if you agree, you will stay here, if you don't agree, you will stay here."

It is dead to stare at the human beings that can communicate with it with a special method, and it seems that he is not annoying in other humans.

The blade see it finally nodded.

"Keep up."

Mashang looked at the brown-red horse who was running with the blade and saw the ghost. !

Will he sell too cheap?

what! Loss!

Star forest edge.

The blade off the red brown horse's horse ranking.

"Let's go."

It's not in the meaning of the blade, and I walked into this dangerous starry forest.

It is a little doubtful to look at the blade, and he really let it go?

After reading the blade, he quickly left toward another direction ...

[There is still much in the deposit, to return to normal update _ (: 3 "∠?) _

The first zero chapter is big and slow! (Subscribe, comment, ticket tickets! (/ Ω \))

This is familiar with air, it is really missing!

The blade is slow in the dense forest.

But, how come this? He is just right.

Is it really good to be too bullied?

It seems that the next time I still have to go back to pull the old Zhao, the goblue meat of Lao Zhao's body looks not good!

There is a relatively dense corner.

When the blade is leisurely, I will walk in the small woods in the Slack Academy.

After his body, after a big tree, a head is dark, similar to the soul of the cat animal is in the thick branches, which is watching the traveler.

It has a few little paws on it.

Seeing the weak prey disappeared at the corner, it gently, the silent and informed falls on the other tree.

The black shadow went to the blade silently.

At the other corner that it can't pay attention, the blade is holding the black iron sword quietly waiting for it.

The black shadow landed, and the traces that were carefully walked through the blade.

A touch of black residue brushed in the grass on the side!

Its a sharp sixth look makes it blowing at this moment, and you will be later!

However, the view of the rolling, but he saw his body, the body of the body, the blood is like spring ...

A black colored head rolled over the ground, eventually stopped, in the eyes, and only surprised and incredible.

The blade looks at it, and then the flowing blood over the ground continues to go deep into the starry forest.

Yellow soul ring rises.

The blade knows that this soul is black, the best at hidden assassination.

Its repair is probably between two hundreds to three hundred years, this strength is really unbearable.

According to the book, this soul beast never hits the enemy, and they like to leave the life of the prey, then play, until you get to death.

This is a very cruel and vicious soul.

Generally due to food, survival, there is a soul beast, the blade is willing to say peace.

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