Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 228

The knife is a full-scale determination without anyone tracking, I ran out of 50 kilometers again.

All the way with a superb conceal method, those hundred years, the soul of the year and two thousand years have not found him at all!

I also encountered a few old age souls, just there is no kind of touch in the eye, and it is quite interesting.

So he did not engage in sneak attack, so quietly, etc., from the bottom of his eyelids.

However, after another time, he knew that his third soul ring had appeared!

Chapter 104!

The knife is a cat on a tree, and the enemy is observed through the honesty vision.

This is a sword tab.

It belongs to the snow and white with metal gloss, the height is around three meters.

The eyes are slightly smashed, but the sharp eyes are still.

Ten centimeters highlighted on the paws, and they warn the sharpness of the world.

When it opened the bloody dish, it was even more chance to cut the knope.

The blade according to the soul of the tree, the age identification method of the tree, is probably brought about between 5,000 years and six thousand years.

This soul looks in the blade that should not be the limit he can absorb, but there is nothing, and everything can not be as good as possible.

The most important thing is that intuition tells him that this will be a good choice.

Now, don't worry, the blade is waiting for the sky and completely secretly.

It was when it was a hand.

The sword tiger swallowed the quarry.

The blade followed the top of the tree after it took a few days.

This is not the low-level soul beasts that have been nearly a thousand years.

Swords and Tiger are more thin, powerful, and perceive a soul beast.

The book records the soul of the soul of ordinary junior years in the book.

The blade is ready to keep up, then find a good time to give it a little bit of heaven powder.

He didn't want to fight against it, and in the case, he told him that this sword tiger should be much better than it appears.

It is probably what special way to break out at the critical time, just as he is getting the anger when getting the second soul ring.

This should have not so exaggerated increase, but it must be not yet.

There is no big variable, the variable is too big, and the blade is not ready to take this insurance.

Leave the traces left with the swords and hidden, he forth far with it.

And the swords and tigers on the prenatal road did not pay attention to the rear of the rear of the rear, followed by a uncomfortable human.

Into the night.

The blade is preparing to engage in a bush.

On the other hand, it will be lost in front of Hullina.

Compared with the blade side, the benefits of the thigh hug at a glance.

The small knife must know this expression:? ° (° ˉ? ˉ? °) °? Don't cry.

Then I lamented: I know that I will hold the legs of the Popener. Hey!

In the dark, the blade has entered a semi-sleep state, and the sword tiger is enjoying the big fat pig he just captured.

What is this white flower fat?

The muscles of this troops are really chewing, the more tastes!

This is like a rich blood!

At the heart, it is a slightly smile of the eyes, but the surroundings around them.

It can live to the same level beyond the strength of most soul beasts, depending on this vigilance.

However, everything is now as usual, this is a lot of peace.

But the vigilance is still not relaxed.

It thinks: If it is a big boy, it can walk in this piece, and it is not always afraid to encounter the overntencells of those thousands of hegens, then who wants to eat!


Think of it is not from low.

The blade opened his eyes and passed a touch of attention and perceived around.

No situation?

What is it crazy?

After the blade is completely determined, it has re-entered the semi-sleeping state with a doubt.

He has to be patient.

The five thousand years of soul beasts are much more spending for him, and they must wait for some time.

However, this sword tiger is really enough, eat a meal, it tastes a lot of taste!

It took the remaining half of the big fat pig.

The blade also got up and he he got up after he left, he had to be more careful than before.

The night is coming, and the vast majority of creatures will increase to the highest level to deal with sudden dangers.

The dark night of the starry forest never has a safe saying, after arrival, the snarling of the horizon is coming from all sides, or far or near, there is no moment.

The black iron sword brush appeared in hand, squatting on the tree far surveillance the sword tiger to the blade counterpart to shoot a snake who didn't know which branches flew.

The green jasper born, the snake hit on the tree, landed, and turned into the dense grass.

Although I don't know why this human beings don't take their last name, this is not its food!

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