Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 232

I was a big mouth, the bloody, ready to come to a haired sword tiger, and hurriedly took the bloody paw to resist this sword.

The previous low-like soul beast is very insidious, there is a time to throw the attack into his mouth!

That way, it is certainly impossible to cause substantial damage to it, but it is accumulated in the mouth of the soul.

Fortunately, he is going to spread the big soul, or it is likely to be fry!

Don't forgive! !


At the foot of the soul, the speed of the blade runs with the speed of the swords and tigers.

Half time.

Chasing still continues.

What should I do, why is it so energetic? !

The blade turned back and looked at the sword tiger eyebrow wrinkled - his soul is exhausted.

No, how can it be consumed? !

The attack on all the way did not break, this continuous crazy output is a huge burden on the very common soul!

It said that the end is over six thousand years.

Looking at its eyes, observing its muscles again.

The intersteration in the eyes is the weakness of the virtual float, the muscles are slightly trembling.

The knife mouth is slightly evoked, which is the same: the heavens are enlarged with its strength, it thinks you have endless power.

At the same time, it is paralyzed its perception of its own negative state. Even if the soul is exhausted, it will not feel.

Although the soul of his own soul will be exhausted, the blade decides to give up the plan to escape.

A side effect is relatively small herbal medicine by his plug entrance.

Drag for a while, wait for it to consume some of it!

The blade hide and avoids the rear attack and also in the soul of soul, he is waiting for the best time to start counterattack.

Bisong looked at Hu Lena to absorb the beautiful face of the distortion of the soul ring, and a little pity in a moment, only a moment of breath.

Even if you have a power of your strength, you will not be simple.

Pain, is a must experience every strong growth.

She is not worried that she will fail, she is a strong child.

This starry is very quiet, that is, those tens of thousands of soul beasts are also grandson when they feel the faded horror, or flee them directly.

The trees felt around the surrounding trees were blocked by the trees in the East, and this is very uncomfortable, so they will push all the trees of the square.

The light of the biased moon will sprinkle.

She looked at the starry sky, and there was no wave in his eyes.

"Hey!" Hu origted, she was confronting the charm of the world with the forefinger.

She is slightly leaving, and she has to defeat.

Bisong gently waved, the face, the eyes of the grievances, the charm of the fascination, did not bite the flying gray.

The wheezing of Hu Lena: "Thank you for your teacher."

More than the East said: "30,000 years is too reluctant, but it is fine."

Looking at the scene around, Hu Lena was surprised: "Teacher, is there a strong enemy? Do you have injured ?!"

Bisong's heart is warm, but only a faint shoud: "The surrounding trees blocked the moon, so I will push this piece with the hand."

Hu Llenina: "..."

This is very in line with the teacher's style.

"How is the power of the soul?"

Hu Lena is full of excitement: "Teacher, let me show it out!"

She smiled, the black soul rings rose, the soul is falling on the eastern part.

The eastern pupil is rapidly contracted.

She was actually banned a moment!

Seeing the shock of Hu Lalena, the soul of Hu Lalena couldn't help but squat, smile: "Teacher, this soul skill is?"

Better than the east, the face is restored to the usual.

Fine road: "Not bad."

Hu Lena, what, what is you, you have just been shocked!

At this time, it is more than the east face, and the cold will turn your eyes to a certain direction.

Hu Lena also heard the movement after a small meeting.



"It's a big courage." Than the East faint opening.

She has already cleared the game, but she didn't know the dead.

Since then, send them to the road.

Chapter 106 comes out, I know you are still there (more comments, big!)

I stuffed a herbal import, and the blade was prepared to start counterattack.

Its speed, the attack is not as good as before.

Allow more and more violent.

The violet in the weak will only make it lose the calmness, but will not bring the improvement of the war.

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