Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 235

He has a good fortune against the East.

"Hey!" Hu Lena snorted, she certainly knew that she revealed that it was found by him.

When the thirty-level slag is sure that he is a rookie, her emotions have a huge fluctuation - she is ready to give him some color!

"Join the Wushu Hall, you will get the best training." Better than the cold eyes of the East, look at the blade, compared to usually more serious. "

The blade and the opposition, laughing: "Thank you, big, but I still like this freedom."

Hu Lena brow wrinkled: he actually refused the teacher's invitation?

It is faint to look at him in the East, and the eyes are fierce, and the sky is above, and a huge pressure is poured down!

[Write Tang three deaths back, what do you think he has to give a blade?

(¯ (●●) ¯)]

Chapter 107, do you know where is it?

There is no feeling of the blade, the district soul is full, can you feel?

If the soul of the soul is still useful.

He is opposite to the East, and the calm of the road.

"Do you think I won't kill you?" Biobi took a few chills in the East Eye, and the tone was indifferent.

The surrounding air temperature drops a few points.

The blade sway: "Of course not, just treat yourself, I should be sincere."

"I know myself. If I joined the Wushu Temple, I should not be a bad choice."

"I should eat, I should drink, I will take it, I am not polite."

"I just didn't do it. I was absolutely not dry. The running road almost became an inevitable. When did you prove that you don't know how to know?" Since the East brow, her intuition tells her that this young man is not lie to empty itself Reception.

Hu Lena feels very incredible, this guy is too sincere?

But do he really have him so unbearable? It looks like appearance, and this person gives people feel very ... not bad.

For the view, the soul is pulled up.

Turned away.

"Is the blade? Or that sentence, the gate of the Wuhun Temple is still open for you, if you want to open the palace of the Wushu Temple, if you want to open it."

Since the corner of the east mouth, the talent is good, there is a courage to seek first, and you can ignore her soul, and very honest, interesting.

Hu Lena looked at a blade and he tacted him slightly.

The blade is incredible: big , you are so simply to turn away, you will be very sensitivity, but I will be very embarrassed at this time!

"Daxie please stay!"

It is a blade that is not an expression in the east.

I dare to interrupt her domineering, if I can't take out a reason for her satisfaction, hehe!

The blade threatened the breath of breath, smiles:

"That, do you have any gods that restore souls? Some words borrow me! After I developed ten times in the future."

Bisong turned its line of sight to the sword tiger, and later: "Are you ready to absorb it?"

The blade nodded: "Yes, Intuitive tells me that it is very suitable as my third soul ring."

Bottary in the east, a white jade bottle flew to the blade.

After the blade is caught, the arched is acknowledged.

"Thank you!"

Tap to the east point turned to continue.

Hu Lena looked at the position of the sword tiger, smiled for the blade: "The little brother is really big! Come on! Don't support it."

The blade blinks, laughs: "Thank you, the beauty cares."

Hu Lena snorted, licking his eyes, and then smiled and said: "You can don't be met by my sister, otherwise I will put you into a pig!"

"Wow! Lana girl is too cruel, I have the handsome face." The blade touched his face with the face of the beautiful jade and laughed.

Hu Lena powder, such a man who is not face, he is still seeing.

But he is really a good job.

"Don't you don't have your hand?" Hu Lalena hooked and prepared to teach him how to be a person.

Such a handsome face is beware!

"Lena." Just took the first step.

This is a cold voice than the East.

Hu Llen knows that the teacher is urging her to keep up, watching her own blade, she is itchy!

"You are waiting for me! I will not be so lucky!" Hu Lena smashed his blade and turned around.

It's just that her charming and tempting face is destined to have no deterrence, but in turn give people a sense of illusion.

"Lan Na girl is going all the way!" Looking at her back and enthusiasm.

Hu Lena has been planted, and he went back and glanced at the blade. The eyes were turned.

The yellow soul ring rises, and the purple light is released.

Second soul skill - fox!

The blade is blurred in the eyes of the eye ...

See the journey of the journey of the journey, small!

She turned back to speed up the speed.

Only the blade of the moment it turned into normal.

Little fox, let you get a moment.

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