Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 245

what's the situation?

The master silently listened to the knife and reported the name. Seeing that he said that he said seriously, he won't say it for a while, he had to endure silently.

It is only prepared to introduce the next city when I have introduced the next city. Several paths that lead to different motion-in-law environments have come.

Oh, that fat is not counted.

"Knife! Are you back ?!"

The sound of a fertilizer surprise is far from.

Chapter 113, Hongjun, do you see this sword, is it sharp?

Looking at the horse Hongjun who came to him and rushed to him, the blade silently summoned the blade.

He is gently scratched in the sword, and he is appreciating the beauty of the blade, looking up and smiling and looking at the obesity of running: "Red Jun, do you see this sword, is it sharp?"

Ma Hongjun looked at the blade to take the sword to him, the pace of this run gradually slowed down.

I smiled awkward.

Seeing that this kind of sensible blade is gratifying: "Zhuang people also want to take me cheaper? God!"

Ma Hongjun: "..."

Oscar: "..."


Dai Mof, let you have two days, wait for me to break through the 40th level, you will fight in front of Zhu Zhuqing! Let her see who is better!

At that time, hey!

The blade looks to others: "Do you miss me?"

Ning Rong Rong hits the joy of the eyes, snort to the blade: "I miss you? You think beautiful!"

Rabbit fine: Rong Rong, you are here, clearly, I will not recruit girls around yesterday.

"Miss Rong Rong is really ruthless!" The blade lamented, and later.

"What to do, it's too anxious, I have forgotten to prepare souvenirs for the little fairy!"

Ning Rong Rong walked to him, Yang Xiaoxun, stunned, snorted, cold face: "What do you say? This lady did not hear it."

Xiao Dance is said: "Rong Rong is a good thing, he is flat!"

Blade: Ok you a rabbit, thank you for bringing you so many radish city's commemorative radish back.

"Rong Rong didn't listen clearly? Then I will say it again."

"I said that I have prepared a lot of gifts for the Miss Rong Rong, Rong Rong, you will love it."

The blade reached out of the powder boxing of Ning Rong Rong, and the skin was very white, but blocked his sight.

When the skin contaminated with the skin, Ning Rong's face was slightly rolling, and the heartbeat could not help but speed up, and the eyes of the blade side were no longer so firm.

She is slightly biased, holding her hand and snort: "This is almost the same! I will take it out, if I am not satisfied, give you a good look."


Then the blade looked at everyone and smiled: "In addition to Rong Rong, I also prepared a lot of gifts for everyone!"

"Knife, come out!"

When you are so big light bulbs, Ma Hongjun has long been impatient.

The knife is nodd from the people: "Everyone is retreating."

The little dance spotted the squid of the Pakistan: "What?"

Zhu Zhuqing took out a few steps, and later: "There are a lot of things."

The blade is a thumbs up to her: "I know my bamboo."

Zhu Zhuqing hugged his chest and nodded against the blade.

Dai Mu: What is your head? !

The fist is holding a bit, breaking through it, waiting for him to break through, be sure to let Zhu Zhuqing know who is more reliable!

"Nothing, especially you, Rong Rong, otherwise waiting for you."

Ning Rongong disdain: "More no longer buried me."

The knife thinks, I think it is quite agreeable: "Also."


"Blade your bastard, move these things!"

After the blade took this, after the various gift boxes of Ning Rong Rong, I put it out on the other side.

Ning Rong is definitely sure he is absolutely deliberate!

Blade: Is there?

In his soul, there are almost all of these things that must be full of these things, and three and semi-cubes are gifts to everyone.

Zhu Zhu clearly looked at the colors of the mountains, boxes, packages, and couldn't help but smile, she guess is true!

Ma Hongjun was well in the knife, and his sensitive pig nose smelled the aroma of all colors.

If you think of the blade, everyone will come back to God, he is not joking ...

"Wow! The little dance sister smells!"

The little dance nose is slightly picked, and suddenly excitedly jumped.

"Little dance, what happened?" Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhu, is open.

"Rong Rong, let it open!" The little dance will be opened in front of her, and then looked at the pile of 's gifts after her keen smell.

"Little dance, do you do it!" Ning Rongrong fell.

This dead rabbit is always so hit! Look tonight, she doesn't teach her!

"found it!"

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