Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 248

Someone else is like this kind of understanding of this Slack College, there is a little less uncomfortable. If no one is disturbing him, it is not difficult to accept the college where the old unscrupulous is not accepted.

After lengthening the hand without lonely, the nostrils are inexplicably treated.

Frand, respectful, good fortune.

Others are also full of sweat.

Tang three patted the brain, damn, didn't you give the dean a few faces? At least don't let the dean can't get it!

Flander doesn't care about these little things. The most important thing is to leave this uncle, so that this grandfather suddenly turned.

This is not what he thinks, it is a bit unfortunate to look at the solitary, he is seriously suspected to be used by Tang San. What is the way to flicker.

Let him fever for a while, and the Slack Academy will live when it is a living.

Hurry and finalize things and say it.

"Solitary, you will be tired, then you will be indifferent to the noise.

It's better to bring your predecessor to stay, and then I am interested in my predecessor. I will lead you to the college and introduce you to the specific situation of the college. "

Solo-neot nodding and later: "Introduce the situation of the college, it is not interested, the old man is not interested."

The Flend's mouth smoked, and he dared to use this tone to tell his Slack College? !

If you can't fight, he can stand out of Shilek today, and his name Fran is written!


"The seniors said, you come with me."

Flend squeezes smile and respects the action.

I nodded alone, this name is a good antique attitude, I know something.

It is a little eager to stay in Flanders to go to Tang San, and some are eager to say, "Xiaosan, no longer is it?"

Tang San shakes his head: "Don't worry, the teacher, I have learned a lot of things in my predecessors."

The master relieves: "This is good, let's go in."

He took the shoulder of Tang San.


Things to solve everyone in the same time, Liu Dilong looked at the masters with father and son and the Tang San, and there were more observations.

I've been sighing, I murmured: "Solitary, alone ..."

Master on the road asked Tang San's practice.

"There is no slack practice this time?"

Tang San smiled and said: "Teacher, you can rest assured, I have now 37 levels."

"Well, it's not bad."

The master will spit out from the mouth without the brain.


Thirty-seventh level? !

The master slammed the head and looked at Tang three.

Liu Erlong and Zhao have not been scared.

However, Liu Qiurong still thinks that the child is more? ! "

Tang people know that they have come to him.


The blade looked at the rabbit who was sitting in front of him.

He has some secret law that can hide the body of the monster, but he doesn't dare to teach.

It is better to let the rabbit avoid the wind, and you should not stay too long.


The blade turned his gaze to a certain direction of the college, where a ribbon with ambiot's soul fluctuated.


Who is angered him?

But let the rabbit will escape the wind.

"Little Dance, Little Dance ..." The blade squatted, gently calling the rabbit fine in the cultivation.

On the other hand, it is difficult to look at the dust, the housing of the spider web is difficult to look.

Frand wiped the sweat and carefully explained: This is the clearest place in the college, just a little person, it is negligent, waiting for him to refurbish.

Solitary snorted, I took the soul pressure, I agree with Fland.

The little dance opens the eyes, and it is confused to look at the blade. How do he here?

"Blade? What happened?"

The little dance looks at the blade.

Why don't this guy laugh, this serious face actually let the little dance sister is afraid, don't he know that the radish he sent last night eliminated? !

"The rabbit is fine, Tang San has come back ..."

"Really ?!" The little dance surprised jumped.

"Hear me out!"

The little dance was shocked by the blade. He didn't dare to talk to the little dance sister so? ! Seeing me ...


"You immediately go with Tang three, then I took you out to avoid the wind."


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