Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 250

He has always been the most late, and the best is the best.

Dai Muhu took Tang San's shoulder: "Xiaosan, can, this is 37th!"

Horse Hongjun, who took Tang San, left the water: "Three brothers, what is the secret, bringing me!"

Tang San pushed the fat man posted on his own body - how did the little dance have seen it?

Zhu Zhuqing and Oscar were more silent, and he didn't expect him to make so fast.

Ning Rong Yang said: "Three brothers, have you give us a gift?"

Tang San Fili pushed the fat and smiled at Ning Rong: "I have prepared the best gift for yourself."

Tang San swept around a circle: "Xiao Dance?"

Ning Rong Rong said: "" The motion of the motion in her is far away, it is normal. "

"Well." Tang Dynasty nodded.

"Three brothers, get a gift out and take a look, I like to collect gifts!"

Ning Rongrong flashed the opening of the star.

Tang San smiled: "Wait a small dance and blade."

Ning Rongrong listened to some doubts: "What is the head of the guy? Is there a problem with eating? How do you have any problems today?"

Tang Sudu, this is really like a blade.

And very reasonable.


somebody is coming.


It seems that it is not the direction of the bright hole?

Ma Hongjun looked at the blade that came here, the two people were strange: "How can the knife come from there? Also together with the little dance?"

Tang San's face suddenly became nervous, did I leave for half a year, a small dance and a blade ...

no, I can not!

what! What if I really do? !

His face is still calm, but the heart has set off a huge waves.

There are also two people who are not normal, and Zhu Zhuqing is a bit of a pressure given to somewhere.

Ning Rongrong Xiao Xing fist.

Does he and the little dance ...

Looking at the side shoulder, there is a rabbit, a rabbit, and the people have two words in the heart - harmony.

The blade feels a malicious, seeing a nervous Tang three, he rejuvenated.

It should be that Tang San classmates want to kill him with Blue Yinhal.

"Small three, long time no see!"

The blade paired in Tang San.

His little dance has flew out.

"Small three ~"

When the little dance hangs up, Tang San face has a lot, and it is blushing.

But the blade looking at him is not good: "Xiao Dance, you and the blade ..."

The little dance is in front of Tang San: "Oh! The guy, he is a bit looking for me to help."

Three people labeled tones.

Tang San looks into the eyes of the blade.

The blade is two, the stinky man is good!


The blade looked at Ning Rong, who was helpless, helpless.

Ho happened again?

Looking at the Tang San and the Rabbit, the Tang San and Rabbit, the Tang San and the Rabbit, and the blade played an yast.

When one person, a rabbit said that the blade has been wanted to hacked this pair of men and women when they let him get a chicken skin.

The surrounding people were ambigulent, Tang San and the red loving face brush red like a monkey butt.

I am busy with each other.

Master stiff face could not be smiling with a silk.

"The gift I prepared to everyone is not simple, I believe you will give you a surprise." Tang San with mysterious smile

Of course, the blade certainly knows the small three students in the transfer topic.

"Three brothers, what do you prepare will not be a food?" Ma Hongjun is weak.


The face of Tang San laughed stilestly, and some looked at Ma Hongjun.

I am so superficial person?

Chapter 116, three brothers, take the baby out to let us see!

"Of course not, what happened?" Tang San looked at Ma Hongjun's doubt.

"Nothing, there is nothing." Ma Hongjun played a haha.

Tang San looked at other people, thinking that their face was blamed, but they didn't ask.

His confident smile rebuened on his face.

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