Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 255

I have a comparable radish in the Rabbit in the Tang San!

This is a tenth of ten.

The blade sighed, this is probably the old man's charm of this silly rabbit.

He is just a moment of mind, and the opportunity has fallen into the hands of the silly bunny.

He turned his head and saw someone.

Zhu Zhuqing's face question mark, why is the blade to see her with such a sense of complaint?

Also, he has just a strange movement.

The blade is desperate closes his eyes. It is necessary to fall into the six-level spirit grass in his hands.

This baby is bitter!

I blame this smell!

Zhu Zhuqing: "..."

How is the blade to see her with such a sense of obstacles?

She didn't do anything!

One time is a tee.

Looking at the close-eyed rabbit, the blade finally smiled and shook his head.

Also, can he also grab the grass with a idiot?

But still really want to eat ...

Zhu Zhuqing: "..."

The blade and obeys her glance!

Acacia is cut grass, flowers.

Tang San, the master looked at the little dance, and the little dance looked at the acacia and reddish red, smirking.

Psychic is asked to give people a sense of dreams, and several people in the field are not in this.

Tang Han murmured: "I didn't expect to make my thoughts and broken sausings."

The master sighed, and if he could be like this child.

Zhu Zhuqing knows her, because she said with the saliva, in addition to the radish is Tang San.

She envy her.

I don't have traces look at the blade.

His expression is good.

what happened?

Take his line of sight, that is the blushing of the bloom in the small dance.

Does he also like this dream like a dream?

The blade looked at the psychic redness in the rabbit, the heart: "I didn't expect this flower and this effect."

In a moment of intestinal red, he has already seen the body of the rabbit.

Continue to strengthen your eyes, when you can see the rabbit bodies again.

The blade knows that there is no need to send the rabbit to avoid the wind.

In the future, she will not have the risk of walking by some hidden people.

This concealment effect is not worn by Douro.

It's really a good rabbit.

"Little dance, congratulations, soon, this is the best in the flower."

Tang San smiled and said to the small dance.

Xiao Dance looks at Tang 3: "Brother, don't, I want it to stay with me!"

Tang Sanxun: "Little Dance, if you don't eat, your level will be opened!"

"Brother, you will give me a piece, I can't do it ~"

The little dance holds a psychic red, holding the arm of Tang San in one hand, spoiled.

Tang San face rose red, not only because of the big eyes in front of you, or speak with a small dance, and the breath spit out of the scent.

It is even because the arm is wrapped in a small temperature of the two regiments ...

This is a rabbit and Ning Rong Rong used to deal with Zhuzhu Qing usually used.

"Small, small dance! You put it ... Acacia is too red to hegemony, it recognizes that you will never allow you to absorb other fragrant grass afterwards."

Tang San this wants to let the little dance let go of his arm, just this kind of good touch that makes him heart, let him return the refusal.

"This, but I still don't absorb it, it is so beautiful ..."


"Brother ~"

Looking at the big eyes of a centimeter, Tang San's small heart is jumping out.

"Okay, ok."

thump! thump! thump!

"Brother, you are best!"


Xiao Dance is licking in Tang San face.

Tang people's careful brush accelerated a double beating rate, his brain blank, blushing to drop blood.

"Small, small, small, small, small, dance, no, no, don't, this, this ..."

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