Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 263

"I haven't absorbed it yet." The knife shook his head.

At this time, Zhuzhu Qing took out the practice of practice, Ning Rong ran over the curiosity: "Zhu Qing, how many levels have you improved?"

"Seven." Zhu Zhu Qing although the answer is a shocking.

A small grass has such an effect.

She is solemn to thank Tang San.

This also excited Ma Hongjun and Oscar are a bit sloppy.

This person is afraid of comparison.

"Wow! Bamboo Qing you are so powerful!" The rabbit fainted with Zhuzhu Qing two-eyed stars.

"It's all the tries of the three brothers." Zhu Zhuqing shook his head.

Ning Rong Rong suddenly said: "Right, everyone releases the martial arts to see if there is any change."

She summoned the new Wushu - Jiubao Liuli Tower.

Three of Zhuzhu Qing explained the transformation of its own seven treasure glazed tower.

Oscarmine, the first summoned the martial art, but let him down, it's the original big sausage.

Zhu Ziqing's martial arts seems to be more favorable, but there is no much change.

However, when Shan Ma Hongjun summoned his evil phoenix, everyone looked at him with a ghost.

what's the situation? !

Is the fat man really a potential stock? Will you become a handsome pot sooner or later? !

"Why do you look at me this?" Ma Hongjun was afraid to look at everyone.

But saying that the first sentence hit me, he stunned, what is the sound of this magnetic sound? !

Clothes seem to be loose.

It seems that other people have changed.

The little dance gave him a mirror to give him a mirror: "Fat, you look at yourself, but don't be scared!"

Ma Hongjun saw his current appearance through the mirror.

This handsome murder, this evil eyes, this charming handsome face, tangled nose, thin lips, slim body, evil, a dangerous breath but make people can't help close temperament .

Is this him? !

After appreciating tens of times, Ma Hong Jun Simer gave the mirror to a small dance.

Suddenly there was tears: "I am Hongjun finally turned over to do the master!"

"I will never talk with the three brothers, I have nothing to do with everyone!"

Tang San:"……"

Wow, Hongjun seems to be very hurting Tang San's words!

The knife gave Ma Hongjun in the bottom of the heart.

This knife is beautiful!

The little dance is very dissatisfied: "Fat, what do you say ?!"

Ma Hongjun extended a finger and did not think of it.

"You have to use the eye to see all things in the world."

"Please call me handsome guy!"

Several people play room, the master also quits cultivation.

Faced a bottleneck for decades, finally broke through today.

He lamented, came to Tang San, and said: "Thank you, Xiaosan, this is bothering me that the level of the decades finally broke through."

"Teacher doesn't need this, which is worth mentioning about your cultivation of me."

Looking at Tang San Master is deeply gratifying.

Then Dai Muhu also broke through, the first time is to give Tang three big bear hug, the second is to look at the blade.

The blade knows that someone expands.

But not anxious, wait for him to add a soul ring to teach him to be a modest truth.

After understanding the changes of Zhuzhu Qing and others, the master sighed: "It is a fascination, and the power is really unimaginable!"

His eyes stayed for the longest, Ning Rongrong's crystal clear nine treasure glazed tower.

He knows what this means.

Qibao glazes will open a new situation!

The status of the first auxiliary martial art of Douro mainland will be unable to move.

Finally, his eyes fell on the blade.

He knows what he is not busy here, but the reminder is to say, this is responsibility.

"Blade, you must think about it again. I will give you the recommendation to give up, because I've been in the description of Xiaosi, the risk is too high."

Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Dai Mu, some unclear.

But in Tang San whispered, a few people who looked at the blade after the criminal penalty, and I was going to see the madman, such a terrible thing, are you ready to take? !

The blade looked at the master and smiled: "Master does not have to worry, I pay attention to itself than anyone else, I will never get a joke with my life."

The master of the silence is nodded.

He will know that it will be this result.

However, according to this mixed kid, he should be a grasp of the decisiveness in the truncation forest.

I looked at the sky, and the blade smiled and said: "You don't have to worry, it's not too early, leave someone to drive me the little couple who came over and rushed away."

"Hey, is your guy crazy ?! So terrible thing dare to eat ?!"

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