Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 279

"Rong Rong, what are you doing so unwilling to do it?" The blade walked down and walked the face of the Ning Rong, who came to him.

Ning Rongrong did not speak, so he walked at him before he got it.

"Rong Rong, there are things we will come slowly, will always solve. Violence is only to make simple problems complicate." The blade said.

"I bite you!" Ning Rong greeted his teeth and said to the blade after this sentence.

"Rong Rong, calm!"

The blade looked at Ning Rong, who was in his arms, he was a moment.

Is this a legendary embrace? !

If she doesn't bite my arm, it is better.

Also quite painful.

Looking at the little fairy biting with your arm, sighed a sigh of relief.

Forget it, follow him, will he do this, can you still bite his meat?

The faint fragrance came, and the warm fragrance is in the abairy, although his knife can really do it, but some personal feelings still have.

such as.

The body of this girl is still quite soft, and the two regiments in front of his chest are really like seeing the pockets from the outside.

This evaluation cannot let Rong Rong find that things are very troublesome.

After bitten, Ning Rong Rong was loose.

But the gas has not been eliminated, the small hand puts the blade of the necklace to the horror: "Do you know that I am?!"

Her face with red halo, this is a unstead of anger, her face has been stuck on the face of the blade.

Two pairs of eyes are opposite ...

The air is silent.

Even the heartbeats of each other, the faint fragrance from the other side, the breath, the breath, the face, clearly canmeasure.

Suddenly, Ning Rongrong's white skin was spread on a thin neck.

Until the entire face egg like a ripe apple.

She retired back, look down, she is sitting in this guy with an extremely indecent action ...

what! ! !


Ning Rong Rongru's rabbit bun is going out.

Some regrets in the blade, the feeling of warm and fragrant soft jade is very comfortable.

Unfortunately, it is always a short stay in a short stay.

Ning Rong Rong is holding a hot face, I don't know how it is good.

I want to sneak a glazed guy, I didn't look at myself, I didn't expect him to have an expression.

Seeing Ning Rongrong sneaked himself, smiled and said: "Although it is bitten by you, it feels quite good, do you want you to bite a bite?"

Ning Rongrong's face has returned a few points of red drafting, even more red.

"Stinking, stink!" The little fairy masked.

"The little face of this unbeliever is still daring Miss, and I don't unload him!"

"Big Brother, let me let me!"

"Shut up, keep up with Miss."

The two very low sounds quickly followed the Ning Rong Rong, who had ran away.

Looking at the back of Ning Rong, there is a smile on the blade, and the eyes have a complicated look.

After it disappears, the blade is sighing.

Then I lie down and entered the cultivation state.


On a tree, there is a small spike of the small worm, and it is confused.

How did the girl's color suddenly changed?

It doesn't understand.

Don't want, hurry and eat and then practice!

Its days have been busy and fulfilling.

It is not as soft as the lounge chair, there is no big lazy!

After dissatisfied, I took a blade on the lounge chair, it took a small wing to fly away.

The blank black cloud slowly blocked the burning sun.

Ning Rong Rong ran back to the dormitory, and one of them took into the nest.

Recalling that she couldn't help but roll in bed with a quilt.

For a long time, he revealed the red puff, and there were some, and the silly smile is exposed.

I think that the guys said, she couldn't help but clear: ", don't face!"

In fact, it feels very comfortable to sit on the guy ...

No, no, what is I thinking? !

Someone buried themselves in the bed.

She has calm down when she is theoretical in the afternoon.

I watched the blade and greeted her. She didn't take care of him.

Other secret attention to this boy is extremely happy.

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