Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 284

He asked the doubts of the rest.

The blade laughed: "I will be better than it? Is my one or two soul rings?"

Ma Hongjun looked at the blade weakness: "Knife brother, your luck is too good?"

"Good luck guy." Ning Rong Rong returned to the knife and hate.

The master and others are also surprised. They are not present, so they don't know how they come.

I didn't think that it was determined by such a mysterious means.

Just look at the power of the soul, it is really envious of hate.

The blade shakes smiles: "Intuitive is not simple luck, it is a combination of experience, knowledge, instinct, perception, thinking and other things."

"It is not unbelieving blind choice, it is a collision with experience, knowledge, and so on, and judges the product after judging."

"It's just that this process is not allowed by our reason, and the speed is very fast."

"When the different factors appear, our brain will process the automatic processing and judgment with our knowledge experience, etc. itself."

"In order to quickly draw, and reduce the load of our brain, our brain will be omitted to the process of judging the process."

"So I don't know how to be a rational product."

"Of course, some mysterious and mysterious factors should be there."

"So, have you realized?"

The knife is long.

His face hangs a "fast gap me", "how do you still call six or six six?

Originally prepared to call Liu Liu Liu, Huang Jun, who had already swayed it back.

"I am! A set of sets, who knows if you are blowing ?!" Ning Rong looked at the blade disdain.

It's just that her heart is believed.

Tang San has nodded and continued to open the way seriously.

"Little, blade this child ..." Liu Dilong looked at a few people chatted.

The master said softly: "Second Dragon, don't ask more."

Liu Dilong nodded.

Zhao Wuji took the Shoulder of Flanders who won the head thinking, smiled: "Do you want to do so? This kid doesn't say you want to explode!"

Fland looked at the blade of a white robe, and then sighed and said: "It is also, I hope that one day this child can be opened to us."

The blade on the way is extremely comfortable.

This day of forests and starry forests are not at a level of a level.

Here, the density of the soul is not high, nor is it very strong.

All the way, everyone only met the fifteen wave of soul, and the thirteen is the soul of those hundred years.

If you don't have the rest of the two, the blade is so doubting that Tang San is not wanting to engage in things.

But this is not very important, but the solitary garden, it is a good place ...

No, his blade is that kind of person, he just wants to see if there is any soul that is suitable for you.

"Hey, blade your guy will give this lady back, don't eat any ingredients! This mushroom is poisonous, do you want to die ?!"

Ning Rong looked at the colorful mushrooms of the squad, and the corner of the mouth did not help with a striped mushroom.

"Nothing, Rong Rong, everyone is relieved, this mushroom is a five-color mushroom, don't look at the flowers, the whistle is like toxic, in fact, it is a great taste."

Although everyone listens to a set of sets, I saw the so-called five-color mushrooms.

It looks quite unfriendly of human beings.

I think of the blade saying that he collects ingredients to do dinner for everyone. Everyone will be more powerful.

"Blade, you won't want to die, the little dance, then inherit the little dance sister's collection version of the carrot?"

The knife compassion looked at the rabbit essence: "Vulgar, I am a kind of person?"

Xiao Dance: "..."

"Well, these should be enough to die."

"What's wrong? Continue to find new ingredients!" The blade saw that they stopped and could not help.

Everyone: Is he just saying anything that he can't say?

Also, we are here not looking for ingredients!


Everyone is not anxious, the blade is very fast, almost every collection is completed in several seconds to ten seconds and returns the team.

"What is something come over! Everyone alert!" Tang San suddenly showed the police behind the people.

The master is pleased to smile.

It is a disciple.

The eyes of the remaining three are on the blade of collecting heads on the tree.

How can he find it?

With his twice in the starry forest, his perceived ability is definitely not the strongest three people present!

Feel the great Flander, Liu Erlong, the eyes of Lao Zhao, the blade will put the last head of the tree after the top of the trees.

Among them, there is no other than you know.

Frand, he is not letting the team have more dependent on him, but make others get exercise opportunities.

"You don't have this little laugh, I am old Zhao Dare to pay for the head, if it is really unable to solve the existence, this kid is the first runner!"

Look at the appearance of Zhao's helpless, the blade is seriously suspicious of his bad things!

Oh, the dead old Zhao also aimed at him! This iron is to say that he is bad!

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