Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 290

"Bamboo clear, you can don't be cheated, this guy can not look like this is a gentleman!" Ning Rong Rong called Zhu Zhuqing.

"Well?" Zhu Zhuqing looked at her, and the rabbit was pushed with her, and Tang San looked at her, Oscar looked at her.

I looked at her even the blade, when did he do something that is not a gentleman?

Blade: That day, you will be embracing, and then I don't have a hands and feet!

Quiet air is always accompanied by embarrassment.

"Forget it, how do you love your love!" Ning Rong Rong was red, and finally drilled into the bed.

Everyone looked at the eye nest, and looked at the knife, the eyes mean.

The blade is stressed, innocent: "I have always been very good?"

Tang San scratched his head, the big eyes of the small dance were full, Oscar covered with the quilt, he tired ...

"Hey, I am not afraid of shadow." The blade lamented a lot of bedding.

This is new!

Dai Mu and white face outside the tent, a young white, the fist is gripped, the green bulls, the teeth are bite, and the eyes are full of anger and hesitation, and have a deep shame.

This is a stinky woman!

There is also a blade this dog mixed ...

How much he wants to go in the stinky woman who is not a face, and then strikes the blade, this dog is a meal!

However, I remembered the battle afterwards ...

What is going in, in addition to your own humiliation!

Ma Hongjun looked at him and pinched a sweat, wearing a boss, don't impulsive!

a long time.

Finally, Dai Mu Bi will return to the position of the night.

In the tent, the blade lying on the bedding slowly opened his eyes, on the side, a smell of his smelly closed his eyes.

"Dai Mu Bai, do you have such a good girl?" The blade looked at the heart of Zhu Ziqing, who was sleeping next to him.

She is now needed, not a cumbersome.

He really wants to help her one arm.

Unfortunately, those skills in his hands are here, but the cultivation is immediately alarmed.

Increase the original method of mental power, she did not bear the painful tempering of step by step, the soul is not strong enough, I am afraid that it will be collapsed within a minute.

In short, come on, smell the cat.

Reclosure, and then enter the cultivation state.

Continue to refine soul.

For a long time, the eyes of Zhu Zhuqing secretly opened a seam.

Call, but also did not find it.

She gently patted the proud breast, and she took a tone.

But the next moment she stiffly, a pair of small hands hugged her little waist.

"Zhu Qing, be careful of this guy ~ Don't be cheated by his appearance." Ningrong was stunned in Zhuzhu Qinghe.

The warm breath of the ear is blown, Zhu Zhuqing is not a red face, but it is only no visible in the night.

She gently wat.

But Ning Rongrong recovered this, and the pair of small hands were slowly moved slowly ...

"Rong, Rong Rong, don't make trouble, sleep." Zhu Zhu clearly pressed the dormous soft hand and whispered.

Ning Rongrong reveals a scientific smile: "Well."

Zhu Zhu Qing released her hand, but this hands did not leave, but they were clutched to her ... there!

"Rong, Rong Rong, I will get open, don't make trouble!" Zhu Zhuqing was ashamed and annoyed, and some urgently suppressed.

Ning Rong Rong's small head was posted on the neck of Zhuzhu Qing, whisper: "Zhu Qing, you are so soft, do you really have any secret?"

During the speech, the small paw took a piece.

Zhu Zhuqing is super flustered, and the breathing is a bit: "No, no, fast, get it, or I am angry."

Ning Rong Rong's face was posted on her neck, and it could clearly feel that the temperature of Zhuzhu Qing's skin increased rapidly.

"Hey!" After the hard grabbed, he recovered his hand.

I snorted in my heart: "The smelled bamboo is clear, telling you to the guy to sleep!"


The tent is returned to calm.

But the little dance and the inner heart of Tang San are not calm, because they are in the side, the heart is very.

When the little dance is closed, I think of the stupid Tang San to give her high, what?

The stupid Tang three closed his eyes and began to think about it. So close, the aroma of the small dance can serve ...

It is a young man who says it is a young man ... forget it.

I just listened to Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhu Qing's dialogue tweet a bit.

Half time.

Tang San has not been asleep.

But his hand is slightly buckled, this is a small dance hand.

Open your eyes, a big eyes of a pair of water spirits are in front of you.

"Little Dance?" Tang San breathed slightly, but some doubts.

The little dance face is red, and the eyes are hesitant, but the heart is in the mouth of the mouth on the lips of Tang San ...

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