Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 298

"Of course! Knife, this is at least thousands of bodies ?!" Ma Hongjun was afraid.

The blade shakes his head: "It is necessary to blame the red and small three."

"I am with the fat man?" Tang Sanyi face.

Does he do it?

"Knife, how can I have this matter?" Ma Hongjun depends on.

"It is to blame you, because you have been dragging too long, causing more and more of these pink girls." The blade glanced.

Everyone: Is there a problem? Are you killing so many? Is it a key? !

"But, I also blame me, I am too strong." The blade looked up at 45 degrees.

"Cut, from the big madness." Ning Rong said that it was insufficiently underway.

"Okay, after anything, you will first resume recovery first." Flander waved.

The blade laughed: "Follow it."

Re-sitting in the speech entered the cultivation state.

The rest of the people face each other, or it is incredible to confuse the pink girl, such as the mountain, is a laughing home.

Although he showed powerful combat ability, it is still difficult to imagine that this guy can still be so calm in such a large-scale killing.

"Small three, blade this guy ..."

"Sitting to restore." Tang San shook his head.

Liu Dilong said lightly next to Fland: "Is the Lao Da, the child is really not affected?"

Flend shakes his head, and it is heavy in the eyes: "No, his breath does not change, the eyes are clear, the calm is like a pool, not like a large-scale person."

"No matter what, it is always good." Liu Dilong nodded.

But your face is still worried.

Zhao had a smile: "Okay, don't think too much, what is the problem with this kid?"


When Oscar was absorbed, he was already a time, he was so good to absorb it without Ma Hongjun.

Everyone has a lot of thinking, but I don't know how to open.

The blade is sitting on the tree, saying that it is close to the god.

Just as the proud smile stands up to stand up, but it is shocked by the sound from behind.

"The fourth soul skill is eaten?"

It turned out that it is falling from the tree, and the silent is quietly standing behind him.

Oscar was shocked, and the ghost called a blade, this was stopped.

"Hey, blade, do you want to scare me?" Oscar complained about the blade.

"These small things are not important, is your fourth soul skill?" The blade did not sway hands, and some expected.

The mouth of everyone has picked them, and the image of him will reshape him.

Is this what people tell? !

Oscar is an annoyed: "Blade, should you ask nothing ?!"

"I am almost what this means." The blade explained.

Oscar: I believe in you.

Ning Rongrong knew that this guy was also in a ruthenium, but he seems to be more real.

"Okay, tell you not to be scared." Oscar didn't want to confut this guy.

"My fourth soul technology is not a general cow -" he smirked.

However, suddenly found that a pair of white hands fell into his shoulders gently.

If you don't have, your technique is skillful, very comfortable.

He couldn't help but narrow.

"People who sell Guanzi in front of me are now you are alive, you are alive, you look at it." The blade lighted his shoulders smile and opened.

Oscar's skin is all up, this guy is really unhappy!

When a fat, I rid of the Tang Dynasty.

"It's good, really, isn't it selling a Guan Chi?" Oscar is getting busy after the power of the hands of the hands.

"This is good." The blade recovered his hand.

"I am the fourth soul technology ..."

It is satisfied that Oscar is satisfied with the effect of its fourth soul skill.

Eliminate negative conditions, the full property increase is 10%, plus excitement, the most important thing is there is no negative effect!

"Laozi has a pink sausage!"

"Wow! Oscar, your pink sausages are so small!"

Ma Hongjun squeezed the Oscar, and the expression on his face was too uncle.


The blade ignores their troubles, hold the thumb size in Oscar in the hands of the Oscar, and throws into the mouth as pink glazed sausages.

Chew, taste.

The people in the field are uncomfortable.

The energy spilled in the pink sausage is inexplicably strengthened.

When the blade opened his eyes, he looked at Osca: "The taste is general, but the effect is very good."

"Big brother, taste is not important!" Oscar exaggerated mourning, but his heart is very happy, this kind of recognition is very good.

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