Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 309

Some of the blade looked at her: "Do you know this?"

Ning Ronglong screamed: "I still don't know you? The eye is a bad eye."

The blade smiled and shook his head: "I just boast me smart."

"Hey, don't face, say, what are you playing bad ideas?" Ning Rongrong lowered.

The horse Hongjun in front of the front is erected with Oscar.

The blade has a string of sugar gourd with strawberry as the core, and smiled and handed her.

Although Ning Rong, I don't know why there is a sweet gourd in this guy, but it is not polite, and after the natural connection, I licked a bite.

"Hey, say it," she licking the sugar gourd to urge the blade in front of her hands.

The blade side looked at her smiled: "This is a secret, that is, you can't say it for Rongrong."

"Cut, this lady is still not unfair!" Ning Rong Rong face has a sugar gourd.

The blade smiled nodded: "Yes!"

Ning Rong Rong: "..."

"Hey, how long is your skill? Is it difficult to bring people?"

After a while, Ningrong is coming to the free opening.

Colorful sugar in the blade exit: "How long does it fly? There is no time limit, as long as you have soul, you can turn it all the time, that is, the soul consumption is somewhat big."

"Knife brother, this is too big ?!" Ma Hongjun could not come back.

The master and others have naturally heard, and the heart is also surprised, but she has not asked, but she has never thought that it is so amazing.

Huang Jun, who turned back and looked back: "As for people, what is the stinky man can't bring it."

Don't say Ma Hongjun, that is, Tang San Dai Mu Bai, and even the masters and other male compatriots are black.

They feel the maliciousness of ** naked!

Zhao Wuyi Anan decided to go back to teach this kid, and have to add a male and female equality.

"Rong Rong, if you are willing, I can take you with a whole way ~" The blade smiled and opened the arms of Ning Rong.

Ning Rongrong face is red red: "You think beautiful! This lady is not willing!"

The blade is stressed, laughs: "You are willing to don't want it, see if you are in the eyes, look at my clean white robe."

Ning Rongrong was hired by him, but the consciousness looked at his body, it is indeed a bit dirty, some are also divided by branches.

The face is slightly red, and the scil is a truth: "What happened to the clothes, the lady is still fragrant."

The blade smiled and nodded and continued to lick the seven-color sugar.

Seeing that he biting a strawberry in the breath of breath, he frotted with the blade.

Seeing Ning Rongrong did not let the blade to fly, Zhu Zhuqing is clear.


At the turmoil, it steps on the backward road.

The blade is given to the great Flander asked for a day.

The reason is that there are some important things that must be done immediately.

When asked, if it would be, the blade smiled and shakes: "Dean, I am sorry, I can't disclose this matter."

Flan nodded, pushed the latter road: "Pay attention to safety, after the process is finished, the college is reported."

The blade smiled and was prepared to leave. Zhao had no extreme, but patted his shoulders. "

"Don't worry, Teacher Zhao, isn't it dangerous, drink tea tomorrow?"

Zhao has a stiffness, and the left and right look at the quirky Frand, Liu Erlong, and the master also has Ma Hongjun and others.

Cough: "Cough! Go early early, Million can not slack out."

The blade arched and laughed: "Do not worry, in Zhao teacher, your teaching urges my cultivation, it is a thousand miles a day."

Zhao said that he nodded very much.

Everyone: Oh!

After a few steps, the blade walked for a few steps, he waved his hand from everyone: "Everything, if it is going to see tomorrow!"

Ning Rongrong mouth, squat: "This guy will not go out to mix it?"

"It is possible that these stinky boys are like this." Xiao Dance is very identified.

I want to add: "Xiaosan except!"

In the presence of the male compatriots, the Tang San is a weird, the master saw Liu Erlong's serious eyes, only had to smile.

Dai Mu's white face is the most unnatural, so long before he takes the same time, he will take the time to go out with Ma Hongjun 'to relax.


Down to the opposite of Flandy and others, the blade stopped and the blade was summoned.

Cold and cold: "Mouse, come out."

[It's more than the past, it's hard to do, there is no deprecation, but it doesn't mean that it is very unliked (¯ ▽ ¯) σ]

Chapter 145 Today is the solitary life, I can't stop him!

Silent surroundings.

No one responded to the blade.

At dusk.

The sun, a short tree, a vine, belonging to a bird, a breeze.

"Out." The blade will open again.

Just, in addition to a few birds, there is still no movement from the surroundings.

"Find you!" The blade suddenly burst into sound, and the springs of the people were surging!

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