Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 312

It's coming, you can't always return.

The knife mouth hooked slightly, and after the event, after the unshirphere, the hand was moved.

Native products, what is the souvenir, his favorite!


Picking up, the blade took a secondary secondary drug, two one-level spirit medicine.

He wanted to clean up traces and then, but so big, still count, anyway, what is fake.

The blade goes to the poisonous haze.

When entering the poisonous mist, its soul is outside, and the mental force is given to the body double-layer protection.


The third soul technology - the sword!

The bilateral flap speed is spread.


Soul power increases the output.

The blade is like a sharp arrow!

After breaking out of poisonous mist, the blade is recovered, the sword wings.


At noon, the blade returned to the college.

Reading old or old, still is stall there, holding a water in hand.

When I asked the old, the blade first returned to the dormitory, he wanted to wash all white.

In exchange for the Light blue uniform of the Shrake College, he will listen to the teaching of three gold before departure.

Enter the school.

Although it is often fun, I saw Zhu Zhuqing.

What about Tang Song?

Does the collective strike?

Ignore the surroundings around the burning and non-good eyes, the blade came to the last corner of the Zhuzhu Qingshu to sit down.

Some boys who are still hesitant to give up the goddess of the goddess gave up the minds of the heart.

It's just a sharp heart: how did this small white face come? !

I haven't arrived at class time.

"Zhu Qing, why didn't you see the little three?"

When Zhu Zhu Qing took the book, he looked up and looked at him.

"This, it's right, after all, it's a breakthrough, but it is not very thick." Headed nodded.

"However, Zhu Qing, you are sitting here." He couldn't help but smile.

"I don't like to go shopping." Zhu Zhu Qing faintly.

The blade is not just a way: "You are lie."

Zhu Zhuqing has some doubts, she doesn't like shopping.

"You don't like shopping, how can some girls don't like shopping? You just have to spend time more important things."

Zhu Zhuqing looks a little embarrassing and silent.

The blade added: "Of course, there is another reason."

Zhu Zhu clearly looked at him.

Is there another reason?

The blade laughed: "Is this not obvious? Your beauty."

"Beauty?" Zhu Zhuqing gently struck his face.

The blade smiled nodded: "I want to walk in the street by a big pile of greedy jealousy eyes staring uncomfortable?"

Zhu Zhuqing has a mouthful, and it is true, and those eyes make her sick, especially those ** naked.

"But this is nothing." The blade shook his head.

"Every time I walk in the street, the pressure is super big, but when protecting myself, I will habits slowly."

"Hey, I will die!"

The blade is helpless.

Several boys who have never had to kill his impulse.

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but smir, this guy is too unhappy?

How can people be so narcissistic!

Seeing the blade, I looked at myself, Zhu Zhuqing quickly laughed.

Some embarrassed asked "What happened?"

The blade smiled and shook his head: "You laugh very well, I have known a girl, she laughed and was exactly the same as you."

Zhu Zhu is tight. After hesitating, I still choose to open the mouth: "She is you, can you tell me?"

"Who?" The blade shook his head after a moment.

"It's a savior and comrades."

"Savior and comrades?" Zhu Zhuqing glanced.

The blade smiled and swayed: "Don't say this, people are dead, say these significance."

"Dead?" Zhu Zhuqing Zhang Xiaozhao, the eyes were full of mistakes.

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