Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 314

She secretly looked at the blade side, could not help but confuse - he is in a daze?

When the Master talked about the murder in the competition, he looked at the blade.

"Blade, if you play, you need to pay attention."

The blade ended the god and looked at the serious masters. He said in the heart: What did the master have said?

But nothing else.

I just smiled at this time.

He smiled and nice.

The master did not have him, it was preparing to continue, but he heard Huang Yuan.

Huang Yuan looked at the master's cold face with a wisdom: "Master, why do you want to use the blade?"

Ma Hongjun and others have helpless, new, your question is too foreign!

The master said light: "His soul skills are killing skills, the power is huge, and if you don't pay attention, you will cause the opponent's serious injury or even death."

The new four people do not help but look forward, some are incredible.

Only the color of the Tailong is more comfortable, although not to fight with the blade, but can make him feel that the grandfather makes the general pressure of the mountains will be a mediocrity? !

The blade laughed: "I am from my own."

Master nodded.

Continue to briefly describe some other things that need attention.

The blade continues to seriously "listen".

On the side, I sneak a bit of the beads, the beads, dared to definitely, this cousin called the blade is in a daze!

Because of his eyes, the gods are somewhat collapsed!

She couldn't help but smile, clearly just now.

A funny man.


" ." The master said for a long time.

Most of them are listening.

When the Master finished, it was an hour later.

The spiritual power of the blade has improved a little bit, talking about nothing.

"Next, you are familiar with each other, starting the actual combination after the afternoon," Master said that this sentence will get together.

Everyone see me, I see you, some don't know how to open.

Tang San smiled: "The master will introduce us, but still introduce it again."

"I am Tang San, forty-two, Wu Soul Blue Yin."

"Dai Mu, forty-four ..."


The blade is somewhat helpless, why is it always self-cultivating strength? !

Seeing the new four friends with a shocking color to look at themselves, the blade helpless smile: "Blade, 41, Wu Sword."

The beads lick the lips: "I thought that the master was joking, I didn't expect your level and really so high ..."

The rest of the three is the thirty-eight-level Tailong why is not shocked. He thought that he was the same as his family.

Dai Muhu and others could not help but show the pride, they reached such levels this age, it is enough!

Looking at Dai Mu Bai, Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun and others showed the color, Huang Yuan and others were uncomfortable.

The blade also feels that this is not appropriate, but there is no much.

He is not interested in these, is preparing to "cultivate" on the side of the bright hole.

The little guy did not see him afraid that it would be anxious.

"Zhuzhu, Huang Yuan, Jingling, Tailong, you and Xiao San them first communicate with the feelings, I will first practice it."

The blade smiled and left to the four people arched.

Several people did not see the gods and one look at this high-end people in the eyes of this kind of knife.

In the tone, there is no Dai Mu and other people in the population, and the etiquette is also in place.

This attitude of this equality is very comfortable.

Have a friendly back.

People respect me one foot, I respect people.

Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing thoughtfully thought.

"The blade this guy must be went to the bright hole and then dozing off! The old uncle at the door is not comfortable!"

Ning Rong looked at the back of the back of the blade.

Tang San and others are not a taste in their hearts, that is, Dai Mu, Ma Hongjun, etc., there is no more proud of the face.

Four people have a little confused look at Ning Rongrong, are you joking?

"Rong Rong Xuemei, what do you say?" Pearl was the first.

The 148th chapter, this is unfair to the blade of the school!

The blade is really like Ning Rong and is expected to act.

Before the bright hole, in the shade, lounge chairs, , small sparrow.

" ~ ~"

I am looking for you to find a lot of hard. Is there a reward ~

The blade has laughed and laughs behind the water: "No."

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