Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 327

At present, the Sky Room has sent people to focus on such speculators.

I heard that dozens of people have been caught, even the soul of the soul has, after which it is punished, the situation is greatly improved.

The result is good.

But unreasonable, not compliant.

But this is the imperial power, it is over the law.

When the blade got off the bus, I saw the small eyes of Ma Hongjun and others envy and hate.

Here is the square before the entrance to the Soups, very open, very lively.

Various types of cars are all, and they are looking at the people who walk.

"What about seeing it? Collection." Ning Rong stared poked the blade of the four things.

The blade is nodded.

Many eyes came to them here, because it is a handsome pot beauty.

"Knife brother, you are too unfungered!" Ma Hongjun saw the blade and walked together with the four beautiful women.

Tang San smiled, this trainer is not easy, the car is small, the boys are more, and the block is big.

Squeezing horses Hongjun to sit in his arms.

Scared personal!

However, if this is to change the horse Hong Jun, Dai Mu, Oscar, the girl carriage, I am afraid that I have been loving by Xiaoqi.

He yourself, it should not.

The blade will take a colorful lollipop in the hands of the horse.

"Hey, I swear, I will never throw you back."

Ma Hongjun believes that he has a ghost, but he is accepted.

"Do you have these little guys not coming?" Fland and others also took the car.

Zhao said that he made great to them.

Tang 3: "Let's go."

All the way passed, and I also met many other colleges, but I didn't know each other, and both sides were nodded.

Young people who come to participate are some handsome women.

Like Ma Hongjun This type of body is not said, but the blade has not seen it yet.

Walking around, his team is unfair, very eye-catching.

When they came over, the blade had a group of illusions who were solitary.

But this is a low-distribution version of solitary because their nostrils are only forty-five degrees look up at the stars ...

After all, it is quilted.

Their leaders have only one of the old people who have a gloomy old, which exudes the spurious breath. He looks like a wolf is staring at the prey, and it is very uncomfortable.

The blade is only judged from the breath of the breath, which is not a good thing.

The stink of his body is that it is also a sharp blade.

If there is a chance, the blade will send him to accept the teachings of the light god.

The eyes of the year were falling on the knife behind the team, and there was a light flashed.

The blade smiled and nodded with him.

When the stiff and vision of the Sadman's face was forcibly squeezed out some smiles, nodded.

Flander, Zhao Wuji, Liu Erlong and others browned slightly wrinkled, walking for many years, people who are literate.

This person is not a good thing ...

Flan nodded and took the crowd.

When the two sides missed, the knife smiled and greeted the students who watched after the year.

Several of these arrogant, like a little princess is very shy.

Ning Rong Rong screwed the waist of the blade: "Why laugh, did you see people with nostrils?"

The knife was gently patted by the hand of Rong Rong, smiled: "Know, Rong Rong, let go, very painful."

After the removal of the electric shock, Ning Rongrui was taken back, and he didn't care, no longer carefully took this everything to seduce girls.

Thinking of your own movements are somewhat intimate, not shameful.

After listening to your body, the blade and Ning Rong Rong's dialogue did not help with slightly, the scarlet tongue licked some lips.

There is an excitement that can't stand it.

It's a top quality prey ~


The students behind him heard the strange laughter of him, and the cold hair was standing.

Continue to follow the blade that Fland is reported to report, not coming to the show.

Very good, heaven has a road, you don't go, hell has no door, you come in!

Waiting for me to prepare, I will send you a few days to listen to the teachings of the gods ...

Seeing the blade inexplicably laughing, sneaking his Ning Rongrong.

However, this family is eager to smoke.

It is very smooth to handle any registration.

The next step is to go to the nearby housing, and a few hotels near the Soul Soul Soul are contracted.

In such a few steps, everyone is not preparing to sit down the carriage of the people, anyway, it is also Rent of Flanders to rent, saying that a car will drive back.

Just Flend has some heartache.

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