Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 334

Ning Rong Rong stared poke the knife: "Hey, you don't laugh, do you want to hook a big boy?"

She found that there is a bad eye to look at her everywhere.

"Hey, I will die this charm!" The blade sighed.

"The stink is not a face." Ning Ronglong disdain.


Before the grandfield soul, it is already the sea.

It doesn't look riped down on the guidance of the staff.

Under the leadership of the relevant personnel, the blade and others are unimpeded and go to the lounge.

The lounge is to rest, here, here, there is a twenty-eight team, all of which are the top talents cultivated by the University Institute.

Handsome guy makes a lot.

The blade saw the old acquaintance, he was about to go to the end of the gods.

I laughed and nodded with the blade, and the blade was polite and laughed.

The colleges that were brought by the Cang Xi College, who were brought, it was gotten, and it was so scary!

Flanders went to the eyes of the eyes, and there was a warning look at the eyes.

I won't pay attention to him, but I started to close my eyes.

Under normal circumstances, he will not easily shoot, and even there will be emotions, but I think that there is such a perfect quarry waiting for yourself.

His bones of his whole people itchy, the chestnut feeling of the deep soul, let him hate the prey immediately, torture, and destroy.

I think that he couldn't help but take a breath.

But you don't have an urgent, delicious prey should enjoy slowly, then wait for a few days.

Happy smile, etc. fall into my hand, !

The corner of his mouth is not hooked.

Frante frown deeply frown.

Yu Guang pays attention to the blade face on the year.

"Hey, what is your guy smirked? Watch the beauty of the beauty?"

Ning Rong said stamped the knife, some acid, this guy is watching everywhere! It must be a beautiful woman!

The blade smiled: "Rong Rong said that I didn't see you."

Ning Rong Rong did not react, but the radix reacted, this guy is boasting her is a beautiful woman!

"Hey! Sizes!" She snorted to go and went to see him.

Can't be smirked with a small mouth.

Ma Hongjun whispered in Oscar: "The cattle, the knife is too big!"

Oscar does not help agree with it.

Although I know that the blade is the attention of Ning Rongrong, I am still not a taste in Zhu Zhuqing.


At noon, I have been in the opening time, everything is ready, and the big people are all arrived.

The contest officially started!

The team in the field was impassioned in the host, and he walked out to the conference center of the contest.

"Sister, see, the boys are so handsome!"

Somewhere looks ancient spirits, energetic, beautiful and moving, girls with light blue and long hair are even more tall, but the face is softly and beautiful.

"Month, concentrated attention, to go to us to enter." This woman did not pay attention to her, and there was no shine, and only faint.

"Sister, you are so happy, really super handsome!"

"The following is the Tianshui College! They ..."

"Month." The woman faintly evoked the elegant step forward.

In addition, several women laughed and pushed the unnecessary water: "Month, walk! I will know how to watch handsome guides all day."

She was pushed.

Chapter 159 This man is the biggest resistance to the Wuhun Hall in the Tiangou Empire!

Twenty-eight teams, I can't take too long.

"The following is the Slack Academy!"

Dai Mu made a trip to everyone, said: "Departure!"

After passing through the dim, the seas in the seating area disappeared without a trace, thousands of applause, screaming to people to enter another world.

On the audience, Fland, Zhao Wuji, Master, Liu Di Dragoniously won the blade of the admission.

In the eyes, it is expected that I finally arrived at this big stage!

"Everyone is looking at it, it is a member of the Shlake Institute!"

"Look at them, look at their mental pace, see they firmly! They will give us surprises!"

The host is skilled with high-priced, and suddenly, the voice of the twenty-eighth is similar.

In the Sky Trimmonic Soul Soul, on the VIPT, the atmosphere is on the chair of the atmosphere.

One piece, wearing a golden crown, the old man holding a golden defender looks at these young teenage girls in the field.

He is a snow night!

His eyes are plain, and the breath that is exclusive is not aggressive. Instead, if you sleep, there is no need to reveal the teeth, you can raise awe.

Sitting next to him is a white gold bishop Salas in Ningfeng and the Wushu Temple.

Ningfeng has not had to say more, Wen Wen Confuciors, like a gentleman, giving people a sense of heart.

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