Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 338

The blade is back against the chair: "Don't the battle is not very good?"

"Cut, your guy is really, there is no passion!" Ning Rongrong is very dissatisfied with the blade.

"Passion? Leave you! I, I will cheer you on the audience!"

Looking at the attitude of the salted fish this kind of salty fish, Ning Rongrong is super uncomfortable.

"What you mean is that we are fighting, you are watching the lively?"

"When people are not, I am talking about being killing in the scene, I will give you you on the stage." The blade looked at Ning Rong and said.

Ning Rong Rong: "..."

Ma Hongjun: "..."

Huang Yuan: "..."

"Your guy is really unsatisfactory." Ning Rongrong, no longer rule to blame the salted fish in the process of mixing the team.

The air suddenly quiet.

Ma Hongjun muttered his snacks and muttered boring. To see what the game was, it was very stomach and Jingling, Oscar went out.

I also asked the blade Ning Rong Rong to go, the blade did not care about them, Ning Ronglong screamed: "Don't go, here, I am not assured!"

Three people have been here.

"Hey, why don't you talk? This is very boring." Ning Rong Rong held the chin, his eyes looked at the door.

no respond.

When Ning Rong Rong returned, he saw the blade and was hanging. It has closed his eyes, and the breathing is very uniform.

Fell asleep?

She was surprised, when did it?

"It's really, you have to fight, there is still a mood!" Ning Rongrong hit his chest, despising the blade.

"However, this guy is still very good when he is asleep."

She looked at the chin in her hands and thought.

There is no expression of expressions, nor does it take the smile of the girl, is not bad.

The air is so quiet.

Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing, etc. are meditation.

Ning Rong looked at the blade and looked at it could not help but smile.

Suddenly, an absurd and bold idea was born from her mind.

She feels flustered for her own bold idea, I, how can I have this idea?

How can I do that kind of thing for this hate!

But she made a thief carefully whispering to Zhuzhu Qing and others in meditation.

"They should not suddenly wake up."

Ning Rongrong jumped so fast, she secretly told myself.

Return your eyes back on the blade.

The bart slowly comes close to him.

"Plop! Plop! ..."

She seems to hear her heartbeat.

I looked at this innocent face, she had some hands and sneaked, and she glanced over to Zhu Ziqing and others again.

"Plop! Plop! ..."

She feels that her face is overnchronic, and the brain is not awake.

The leaning is slowly close to the blade ...

"Plopping!" She felt that her heart was jumped out.

The brain is also crazy, and Ning Rong has stopped, what are you doing? ! How can I hate this!

But looking at this face that it tips her hate, she could not help but peak.

Looking at the familiar face, she feels that she is crazy, how can the Sakarakong's big lady can do this!

But but when you feel the burning and urgent breath you call, she is a heart, a closed eyes.

Pink seductive lips is on the side face of the blade!



In addition to the warmth of the warmth of the lips, Ning Rong Rong is self-heating.

The blade opened his eyes in a moment on her lip.

Body, no move, but the eyes are closed, and the blush is like a ripe little apple.

Some of the eyes ... struggle.

I want to push her, but I will slow down and continue to refine the soul.

Ning Rongrong felt that he was really crazy, how can she pro worked with this guy? !

I opened my eyes quietly.

Seeing the blade or is like the original appearance, this is loose.

I quickly got up, and I sat away from the blade.

Some people have swept away from other people in the eyes, seeing everyone is still meditation, she puts down a lot.

Can't help but laugh with a hot face.

A pair of beauty bends into the crescent.

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