Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 357

And the heavy shield of the call is cut off by Tang!

After a while, there were only three 40-level soul from the Act.

"Mu Bai, Fat! Different people!"

Another two other people have broken the blue silver prison.

Charm! !

The little dance is moved to one of them, and the pink stream is running in the eyes when it is surprised!

The big face showed a wretched smile.


Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Heaven is best suited to attack this enemy of this loss.

Looking at this huge flame huge column rushed to your comrades, when the call is to go, the red eye is screaming: "You dare !!"

But under the control of Tang San, he has not rescued!


There are still two people in the field!

The other person took the fourth soul skills and the white tiger mean fist who Dai Mu White, but he was a gravitism!

The combination is mostly!

Emergency running, a shield row in Tailong!

Tailong - lost combat power!


The situation in the field is already obvious.

Call extension two eyes blood red, the biggest failure of this battle is to save people.

His departure makes the array of rushing edges.

With the high grade suppression, the other party takes cutting, breaking the tactics that makes it a rapid settlement ...

Looking at the five people around him, he knew that he called.

He still has soul bones, but it can't be turned on.

Is it? Still hidden ...

"Establish? Call, you can't win, but you can't win alone." Tang San faintly.

This situation is not easy. It seems that after breaking the other party's defense, it seems to be with its destined, but there is no destruction.

Seven people under the command of Chai Decentil actually make him feel like the pressure on the Taishan.

The eyes of the call are filled with blood, and several big ages have smirked him in a few big ages.

His huge fists are gripped, and the face is cloudy.

Tang San is carefully carefully.

Zhu Zhuqing is guarded, only personally with this call, the battle, can understand how much this big child is.

If he is not that he is in order to rescue his teammates, she is also very hard to hurt him.

This person is very strong!

The eyes of the call are stayed in Zhuzhuqing. If she dragged him, the situation will never be so!

He is complicated, he is a big man.

However, it has to be admitted that this woman is very powerful!

Areas of the district, can actually drag his pace ...

"we lose!"

Silent, the call is difficult to open.

Tang San is dark, and this person is afraid that he is not full, although he is not afraid of him, but this may cause unnecessary casualties.

"Shileke College wins !!!"

The field is accompanied by the host this scorpion boiling.

Cheers are all, very lively.

The blade is very happy, you will win, so you don't have to worry about him to fight.

Flend faintly opened: "This call is definitely behind, but it has not been displayed in the general trend."

The master nodded: "Yes, he is a bit too long."

Zhao said that he didn't have two hands, but as long as we won it. "

"Teacher Zhao is too right!"

Zhao Wuyi heard this sound only feels comfortable, this kid is sensible!

Ning Rong looked at the blade.

Master suddenly said: "However, after this game, it is afraid that all the opponents fighting with us will send the strongest players."

"Master, I have to say what I observed with you." The smile on the blade has been collapsed.

The master turned back, since this kid spoke to this tone, then it is not a nonsense.

There are more information in the blade, and he shakes: "According to the members of the team, the unknown compensarily members of the unknown power, according to the strength of each team in my observation farm."

"I can surely say that in addition to us, the strongest players in other teams have been present."

The blade looked at the calm Word: "They, always treat the game with the most serious attitude, so they don't have a stronger player to send."

"Unless the master team can't play, other team members will not have the opportunity to play."

"Compared with them, we have a arrogance, arrogance, big, and even stupid."

Chapter 170! Lazy!

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