Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 365

The two sides don't have much intersection.

It is a lot of female students who want to take a few words, but they are embarrassed.


At four or five points, the blade finally waited until Flanders and others.

Frand is very ugly when the blade is eye blind.

However, when Fland's line of sight fell behind the blade at the entrance, it was sunny, but immediately slammed his face.

I saw the blade smiled and horn against him.

Fland's face is even more dark, and suddenly I suddenly scared him a big jump after discovering, I came back, and no one in the room made him a dark.

With Liu Erlong, Zhao Wuyi two people scattered to find someone to ran his legs. If you can't find someone in the evening, you will go to Cang Xi College to block the time.

I didn't expect this kid to be intact. It seems that I must go to the ghost!

Harmly Frand Uncle White Worried!

"Dean, worked hard." The blade smiled and gave a gift to Flanders.

Fland did not give him a good face: "Do you not say back to practice?"

The blade sway: "Dean, this is really not blamed, and it is lost in the road."

Flend face is more dark: "Just say that you tell me that you are lost ?!"

The knife is seriously said: "Yes, all the foods of dozens of shops are too fragrant. I walked away and walked through the hotel."

Frady is a jump.

Do you say? !

Laozi is always worried that you are killed by the old family when you are, but you are enjoying the delicious? !

It seems that your kid's conscience is big and bad! !

It is going to give this little bit of boys, but I have seen the blade.

"But this is also my fault."

"Let the dean, you still have the second dragon teacher, Zhao Wuyu teacher is worried about finding, my blade is very uneasy!"

"When the game is over, I will give you three sins in the Skipping Hotel.

Flanders have a little bit of a bit, and this kid is still a good idea.

His face has eased a bit, swinging the hand: "Forget it, can I let you break a piece of students? Do you want it?"

The blade does not have a hand, laughs: "Hey ~ I said, the students invite Germany to high, love the students, such as the Flede Dean of the child to eat a meal? This is going out that is going to be a talker!"

Fland's squints strokes the chin, it is very afflicted to this: "It is also this."

"That's not!" The blade laughed.

After a moment, Fled is a positive, serious way: "But your kid is still careful, and it is already eyeted at you, and it is possible to do it."

The blade also laughed, his face was attributed to calm, nodded behind: "The dean is relieved, I will never get a joke with my own life. If I have a situation, I will immediately pull away the signal you give me, ask your rescue "

Although it feels weird, Fland is still gratified to nod: "I want to come to your kid to joke with my life."

At this time, the hotel has a beautiful figure with a amazing weapon on the left side of the hotel.

On the other hand, the iron tower made of refined iron is big!

Two people saw the blade at the Flem Ghosts were relieved.

If this kid falls in his hand, it is afraid that it is too fierce.

Flandy nodded against two.

Zhao Wuyi smiled: "It's okay to be, if this kid is killed, who is drinking tea?"

The blade smiled and shakes: "Right, I can die so."

"When I came back, I didn't see your child. I can scare people, honestly explain, where is it ?!" Liu Dilong can talk to Zhao's helpless, two words, do not say a burst.

The blade is not concerned, smiles: "Where didn't go, it is to investigate the customs of the Tiandou City."

"The customs of the customs?" Liu Dilong, who is holding a proudian, is not worthy.

"It is to eat and eat." The Frankir's mouth smoked, this kid's statement is euphemistic.

"Hey -" Liu Dilong couldn't help but laugh.

The post-face is a positive, and the board is facing: "Your child is still careful, that year, it is staring at you, don't be dangerous because of a moment."

The knife smiled nodded: "You can rest assured, I promise will never come back!"

Liu Dilong nodded.

Fland is against the blade: "You go back first."

The blade smiled nodded, turned to the hotel after a trip to the three people.

However, after he left, Liu Dilong's eyes showed concerns: "If this child really does it, what can I do in my hand?"

The smile on Zhao has disappeared, and the plate is nodded. It is indeed this. This time is fortunate, but next time?

Fland looked at the figure of the blade disappeared, pushed the four-pointed glasses, the eyes were deep, and the heart was in the heart: "We are afraid that it is not seen when you can see it ..."

He has a sense of smelling of ordinary people and even the same grade soul. With a sensitive sense of smell, he smelled his full bloody smell in the blade when he was close to the blade.

Just now, this kid said, in addition to asking them to go to the Tianma Hotel, he did not believe in him ...

However, since this kid doesn't say, he doesn't know anything, and will not leak Liu Dilong and others.

Walking in the aisle and shaking his head towards yourself with Huang Yuan room.

Great idea.

At the time of seeing Flandy in the process of nose, the nose is not tuned by the autonomy, he realized that the bloody taste contaminated on him has been discovered.

However, he is not worried, Fland will not harm him, or not to pay attention to the fart in the year.

This is a copy ... Trinity, he remembers.

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