Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 372

I heard the footsteps, everyone looked back, but only saw the blade.

They heard that the blade accidentally hurts Tang three, but it seems that the injury is not heavy, and it should come together after adjusting.

Master: "The little three is fine?"

The blade smiled nodded: "You can rest assured that he can be alive for two days."

The master nodded and continued to watch.

Others have gone tones, and they have suffered from the same time.

Zhao Wuyi and Flanders listened to the master and others, it is really incredible, there is no hurt in the field, but it is dangerous to wake up friends.

However, this also reflects the extremely vigilant heart in this kid's heart from the side.

It seems that don't look at this kid, the environment in which you used to live is definitely a crisis.

Frante sighs in the heart, this kid has such a miracle.

Liu Erlong smiled: "You can pay attention to this next time, let's sit down."

The blade smiled nodded and sat in the last party.

Ma Hongjun turned back to the low voice: "Knife brother, three brothers and small dances? Will not ..."

The blade smiled and shook his head: "Don't ask if you should ask, do you understand? Xia fat?"

Ma Hongjun remembered what bad memories, chickens, face nodded: "I know, you can rest assured."

Ning Rongrong: "There is no interest."

Zhu Zhuqing is actually a little curious, but he is embarrassed to open.

"Zhu Qing, let's take it back." Ning Rong pulled Zhu Zhuqing.

The 179th chapter should be returned, far away, stay away from him, which is the best for him ...

Dai Mu was not resistant to the eyes of Ning Rong, who did not resist his eyes.

A cold in my heart.

Horse Hongjun and Oscar are not envious, just what they dare to expect?

Just now, Ma Hongjun has grown his face next to the beads, and the gentle smile of "You is a good man" is open.

She is interested in unintentional, I have learned some of the life habits of Ma Hongjun and others from the small dance.

"People are more popular!"

Ma Hongjun was opposed to Oscar, helplessness.

Ning Rong was shangting on the blade, and Zhu Ziqing was placed on her right hand, she was blasted.

The blade smiled: "How come over?"

Ning Rong Rong snorted: "How, I can't sit here with Zhuqing?"

"Of course it is possible, and I am also warmly welcomed." The blade laughed.

"Cut ~" Ning Rongrong mouth.

Zhu Zhuqing feels so nervous. I don't want to go to the blade at all. I still don't think it is, but I can't help but think about my own bold move.

There is also his caress, although it is comfortable, but yourself!

Every time she is always on her face.

Shy is dead! Zhu Zhuqing!

Her face is calm, and the pictures of the phacoquartes and the Metal College of the Five-Elementary School of the School of Five Elements are located.

It was just because of the thunderstorm in my mind, and the cold face gradually covered with a raw pink.

Fortunately, Ning Rong Rong's attention is on the blade, otherwise it will be discovered.

"Hey, what are you doing below?" Ning Rong Rong suddenly whispered by the blade.


"Linger, what are you doing?" The water ice will willow, because the water spirit suddenly begins to use a small punch to him.

The water spirit bites his lips and wronged: "Sister, you see Shrek, the unfortunate smell woman actually under the majesty, the public, the big handsome pot!"

The ice is looking at her line of sight. It is indeed this, and Willou can't help but wrinkle a bit.

I can't think of him, this is this loam ...

From their side, the movements of Ning Rongrong did not make people want to be non-non-non-non-non-

"These are not important, our task is to win." The ice is cold and said to the field.

She disgusted these self-righteousness and the appearance of the four, and the people were hooked.

Water Lingner saw the water ice, I didn't dare to slap in her, and a pair of spiritual scorpions aimed at the mouth.

Finally, put the snow in the team in the team.

With the tenderness of the snow, it is very beautiful, very beautiful, she is curious about this head, she looked at what she was for?

Although she is also uncomfortable in the heart of the name of the blade, the beautiful man who is almost perfect, but there is no such thing as this gimmick, after all, it will end.

"Ah !!" She couldn't help but shook.

Because the ancient god girls this ancient spirits have smashed her chest!

The blue team of water is supported, the drum vesicle, the normal walking is rushing, this is a huge wave, and this is a huge wave, and it is awkward ...

The blade smiled and said: "Rong Rong, do you really want to know?"

"Don't want me to do it, do you want to ask you?" Ning Rong looked at the blade with the eyes of idiot.

Zhu Zhuqing also erected a sensitive little ear. Her face is still calm, hands holding chest.

It's just a little curious in your heart. After all, it is about what you are girlfriends.

The blade smiled: "I don't know, if you want to know what you want, maybe I can see what interests, I will remember to share with me."

The blade said that, but Ning Rong Rong is so shy, and there are some angry colors.

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