Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 413

But ... Hey!

Zhu Zhu couldn't hold a smile, and then looked at the knife and seriously: "I won't hit you!"

The blade looked at this face with some red foolish girl.

He remembered a person.

The man said that as long as he married her, she protects him, no one dares him on her site!

The blade laughed at the time: "If you play me? What should I do?"

She also said this.

It's really nostalgia ...

The blade smiled and got some Zhuzhu Qingguang whitening the forehead, and smiled: "Then that you are saying it ~"


Zhu Zhuqing's face was red.

The heart is a small deer.

So many people are, how can he make such a relative action! Is he too bold? !

Shy is dead!

Ning Rongrong is amazing.

Always pay attention to Dai Mu and white face in this side.

This is really getting more and more embarrassing for dog men!

However, it is not impulsive now, otherwise only the opposite effect.

Liu Dilong looked at the blade and Zhu Zhuqing with a smile and blessing. She really felt that the two children were very popular.

Looking at Ning Rong, if Rong Rong, this girl has a little gentle, in fact, it is also very suitable for blade this child ...

Qin Ming was chatting with Frad, Zhao Wu Wuyi.

Freed reveals a look of feelings from time to time.

Probably recalls the past.

The blade was walking in advance, and he patted the shoulders of Zhu Zhuqing before he walked. "I went first."

Zhu Zhuqing aimed at around the right shy, seeing Ning Rong Rongzheng, looking at him with the blade, his face brush is red.

What is Rong Rong, what do you sneak? !

She must not be honest after returning tonight!

Ning Rong looked at the blade, and the guy snorted, this guy didn't have a smelly clear.

She is not big! What is governing.

Ning Rongrong Guanlu Chuqing.

Bamboo clear, watch tonight, how can I pack you!

The beads sitting helpless, this is too heavy.

However, her heart is a little sad, such a good girl likes him, where is she still chance?

The little dance looks at the face.

The blade is not a carrot, Zhu Qing, Rong Rong, is it in touch?

Let's say that the blade is her little three good?

She disdains.

Revelling that two people touched in the lounge, entangled, sweet saliva, and stupid Tang Sana fell in her hips ......

She couldn't help but talk to the master of Tang, who did not have a smile.

Cut ~ or her little three handsome!

The blade is that it is called the biggest hiking market that is called the Tiantu Empire, where the name - Safety market.

As long as you have enough money, don't buy anything, don't engage in things, no one can set up a fortune.

However, it may be because of the influence of the Soul Competition, the wide flaw market set is a bit cold.

However, all kinds of goods are still dazzling.

The goal of the blade is still like life, bloodstock, and the like.

Last night, the soul space began to jealize him again ...

I still threaten him if he is slowly swallowing.

Hey ~ Ginseng!

[Recommend Zhang Yusheng's (Fire Youth) This song is very good (¯ ▽ ¯) σ]

[Also, I am solemn to support the support of Zhujun? (????)]

The second chapter of the knife is ready to go to the sea!

The blade feels that he has to make a fortune.

Because he bought an ancient map, and this picture he once seen - on a book.

The book name "Conquer the power of the sea".

His knife is ready to go to the sea!

However, when you are not going to waves, he is just a small cute new, of course, you have to worry.

I took a circle, and the blade found that in addition to this map, there is a special spice of the aroma, it is a busy living.

At noon, he went back to practice well. After the game, he went out and went to see if he could find enough cultivation resources to release the guy.

When I go back, I just encountered Flem and others.

This is really clever.

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