Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 418

"It is a shaped clipcrine. The Slack Academy of the First Black Horse in the competition continues to be uncomfortable, or the Tianshui Academy of Tianshui, which is one of the five-element colleges, ending Shrek's unbeaten myth ?!!"

"Let's look forward to it!"

"Here are the players of the Shrake College and Tianshui College!"

"Applause - Where ?!!"

When the blade and other people entered the field, the impact of a wave of sound was welcomed.

The blade smiled and said: "Zhu Qing, have you seen it? The crowd is forgotten."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded: "Well."

The knife is laughing out, but the Tianshui College has been happy outside the opposite side of the opposite side of the opposite side of the opposite side.

The other party, I actually dispatched six soul! !

The water is calm, soft: "Month, you I immediately launched the soul integration skills immediately after starting."

"Received!" The water monthly responded.

Water Ice is nodded, don't look at this gimmick ancient spirits, still love the trick, I like to watch handsome guys.

But she can't never fall from the chain at a critical moment, it is a very reliable stinky head.

"The audience of the audience, see the lineup of the Shrake College !!"

"They returned to the battle of the warfare, Tang San players, Zhu Zhuqing players, etc.," ""

"The powerful battle of the blade players will feel deeply, and the Tang San players' long-term soul rings are also amazing, but who has completed a pick-seven Zhu Zhuqing player why people dare to be ?!"

"In the face of this powerful lineup! How to deal with the Tianshui College ?!"

The inexplicable sound of the goddess and goddess in the field.

"Men's god! Magnificent Water College, the group of Xiao Sao hoof !!"

"Goddess !! Scratch the ugly man's face !!!!"

"Ugly man !!!"

"The shameless little person is next !!!"

"Men god !!!"

"Cats Goddess, come on !! ^ 0 ^ ~"


Zhu Zhuqing said lightly by the blade: "It seems that many people have not forgotten."

The blade smiled and shakes his head: "Zhu Qingzhen loves to joke, this is certainly not me!"

"My blade is not only a unparalleled look, it is even more bright, ugly male, despicable little people these and me?"

Zhu Zhuqing smiled: "He is stinky!"

But her face changed, and worried about the blade, I saw that the blade didn't care about it.

The heart is secretly blaming yourself, what happened to him?

And the host introduced the two team members.

The referee is still the middle-aged uncle that has no expression.

"Open Wu Soul, Bright Soul!"

Looking at the opposite Slai, everyone is all four soul rings in addition to the small dance, and the beauty of the Tianshui College is a bit heavy.

It is a little bit of the moon, but she is secretly smiling, but she is secretly smiling.

This ancient jewelled girl knew that she was old to see himself, probably being obsessed with my own beauty?

It's a superficial!

However, it is not unacceptable to the skin of such a lovely girl.

The blade smiled and nodded with her.

I am so cute, I want to pinch her little face!

Is this so much skin feel better? (≧ ▽ ≦) ??))

Water ice is slightly prototype.

The water moon quickly collapsed the smile on his face, put down his hand, and looked up with his chest.

The blade smiled: "It's a small ghost."

Both sides did not put it, if the style is lowered.

The atmosphere on the field is still brewing.

I don't know what the host is thinking.

The eyes of water ice have been falling on the blade.

Zhu Zhu clearly noted it, but there was no opening.

He will definitely be liked by many excellent girls.

But as long as she is the best, he will not be taken away!

Come on Zhu Zhuqing!

But the water ice looks at the blade is not the case of Zhuzhu.

Water ice is opposite the embankment. It looks like a dog. It's a righteousness, but private life is unruly and playing with a girl under the court audience. The most important thing is to attack the shameless man at the time.

The blade is very strange that he sees despise and disgusting in the eyes of water, and there is a vigilant.

He, did you have a hurt?

"The following official battle is about to start !!"

The cheers in the field boil again.

Looking at the knife and the stinky woman who named the water, the teeth of the Ningrong pleads of the audience.

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