Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 427

"Hahaha! Happy !!"

"I am so happy! Soul !!!"


The big old ghosts of the Heaven, crying in the wolf, mixing the sound of the sound.

Dai Mu's white tiger beam is rapidly burned, he has to step back.

Zhu Zhuqing, the little dance is even more, and their attacks are almost close to kill, but they are very passive in the face of collective remote parks.

I have to retreat again.

Ma Hongjun is most wronged, and he is not afraid of his alone, because his level, the flame temperature is higher.

However, as long as the other two or more, the situation is completely changed!

He wants to use the big trick, but ...

"Everyone pays attention, the dead fat man wants to enlarge! Let him!!!"

Ma Hongjun really wants to vomit fragrance on the spot, don't mention more,

Ma Hongjun: Baby wrinkled, but the baby doesn't cry. (????????????????????)

After forced to retreat, it is slightly adjusted, and Shrake once again launched an offense for the forward!

"Don't leave your hands, fully attack!" Tang San faintly said that there will be a lot of trouble to complete things that the opposite martial arts integration skills will change.

He is not worried, after all, the strength of the two parties is here, even if the other party's martial arts fusion skills are strange water, as long as they drag a few minutes such as the martial arts, the martial arts fusion is lifted, and the losing and negative points.

"Tanglo! You have a family of your mother! Quickly use the fourth soul skill! Otherwise this wave is absolutely unable to live!"

Everyone in the hot garden saw Dai Mu Bai, Ma Hongjun was attacked, and he could not help but he was a helper to fight the body.

"Your uncle! I call you this group of baubles!" Named the auxiliary mouth of Tanglo, but the feet rose a deep purple soul ring.

The fourth soul technology - collective cremation! ! !

His soul skills are different from other recovery of the soul skills, and those soul skills are also useful to other soul teachers, but the effect is probably only about half of the fire teacher, not strong.

For example, the group replied to the soul skills of the soul, this is to use four other souls, how can you let four souls resist four soul? The two soul respects the strong attack for a minute?

The fourth soul skill is almost completely built into the fire teacher, and is completely useless to other soul.

Its effect is that the flame power of the fire teacher is 40%! Recovery is doubled!

This is the huge increase in the limit!

There is a self-owned reason.

Under the increase in the collective cremation, the four-seventh 3st-seventh grade of the prefensure college will start the soul of the soul!

This skill is valid for twenty seconds.

However, it is the 20 seconds and the shortest soul left left, and the water college has been eliminated by the two people to win the hope of victory!

Wuhun integration skills - Fire Phoenix!

to make!

More flames of Ma Hongjun's flame temperatures hit Shrek and others!

Tang San and others quickly retreated, but a shadow was risks that the risk of being seriously burned by the flame was reversed!

"Zhu Qing!" The little dance screamed.

"Why is Zhu Ziqing playing in a huge danger?! She is crazy? !!"

On the table, Ning Rongrong is anxious to stand: "Zhu Qing this stupid! Now not to be able to move!"

"This kitten is dry ?!" Zhao helpless a head.

Liu Dilong has got up.

"The right choice."

The blade sounded with a smile sound.

"Do you not worry about this guy?" Ning Rong looked back at him.

The guy didn't pass him in an instant, so there was a church.

"Fight, not a family." The blade shook his head.


"Blade, why do you say that the choice of kittens is correct?" Zhao's unpredictable face is a little dignified, the flame in the field is not a joke.

The blade smiled: "Teacher Zhao, you tested me again, then I will show ugly."

"Have you seen the auxiliary soul? At this time, you don't have to do it, wait for him to start the growth of the soul skill?"

Zhao Wuji, Flandy and others pupils.

If this momentum is no longer a flying phoenix of the fifty-four soul king, he gets the soul of the soul.

So ...

Chapter 209 Wow! Rong Rong, you are bad, oh ~

"Oh! It turns out !!! Zhu Ziqing players ran out to eliminate the Bang Luo !!!"

After the church, Zhu Ziqing has come to him by the Nether Treatment.

Second soul technology - Nether!

Tanglo, eliminated!

"Teacher Zhao thinks what I replied?"

The blade looked at the scene in the field, and the Zhu Zhuqing evacuated by the wolf in the flame of the fire phoenix.

Zhao has no face, he is red, he didn't think so much for a time ...

"Cough! Cough! Your kid answered is not bad, but said, I think in my heart!"

"Isn't that Zhao teacher taught?" The blade is humble.

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