Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 474

"Don't go." The water is not an expression.

Waiting for the cold and other women smiled, this girl is careful about who can't see it!

However, if the man is waiting for the man, there is no idea?

Just watching the Ning Rong Rong holding his hand, holding his sleeves, her heart sighed.

The girl does not think about spring?

After staying away from the stinky woman from the Tianshui University, Ning Rong Rong looked at himself in a little uncomfortable, and his mouth.

The stinky bamboo is clear.

Hey! Is it afraid?

This is the last one of the larues belong to this lady!

"Zhu Qing, Rong Rong, no gains to eat vinegar ~"

The hands of the blade are attached to the face of the two, gentle.

Don't be honest!

Wow, Zhu Qing and Rong Rong's face feel good!

After two people snorted, they quickly took the bad hands on their faces.

Ning Rong is screwing: "Who! Who is giving vinegar ?!"

Zhu Zhuqing hugged his chest, and the glamorous face had already had a red dizziness.

There are other customers to sneak this side! He actually moved his hands with Rong Rong!

He is too honest!

Some people who have a woman accompanying women and sneak this hate.

"Pain, pain, hurt ..." someone was taken with ear.

"Good look?"

"What is good, don't make trouble ..."

"Cute exquisite girl, the hot iceberg goddess, look good?"

"What are you talking about, I don't know ..."

"It's still!"

The blade smiled: "Okay, let's make a joke, say that we are going to play today, don't you buy it?"

"Cut, today is your guy to pay, this lady does not save you!"

"Zhu Qing, let's go, don't worry about this flower, big radish!"

Ning Rong Rong came to Zhu Ziqing to leave Zhu Zhu Qing, who was red, was left.

She won't give this spatial radish with the smelly clear!

Otherwise, this guy may be hooked by the smelly.

The blade smiled and quietly looked at Ning Rong and gradually entered the state.

"Zhu Qing, you look at this, it is very suitable for you!" Ning Rong picked up a black silk fry tape skirt to do not know how to start with Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Ning Rong Rong's slightly cool hanging skirt. It could not make it in mind.

I want to expose my face, my face is red, and my light is said: "Rong Rong!"

Ning Rong Yang said in a few words in Zhuzhu Qing ear.

Zhu Zhu is listening to the red ear, not aiming that it is a blade that is not a few meters.

I saw the blade laughed with myself, and I thought of honoring the picture, her neck was red!

Enjoy the movement.

Ning Rong Rong said: "Sprinkle, you won't really want to seduce the blade this guy? Do you forget our agreement?"

what! How to do? !

I want to tune the smelly and whispered bamboo whispered, but I seem to look like some intentions!

How to do? !

Zhu Zhuqing lightly said: "I, I don't think so, Rong Rong is not allowed to say!"

Ning Rong looked at some panic and lost smelly, whispered in her ear: "That's good! Bamboo clear you can not come!"

"I will not do that!" Zhu Zhuqing was annoying.

Rong Rong, what is it whispered?

However, she will defeat him.

The blade is the last minute!

"That Zhu Qing, look at this, very suitable for you ~"

This is the same as Dai Mu, which introduced it to Zhuzhu Qing.

"Rong Rong!"


Looking at Zhuzhu Qing and Ningrong Two people play play.

The blade is not to be seen.

"Hey, what is your guy? Let me talk about this, don't look good on this lady?"

"Well, it is very conforming to the temperament of honor ..."


Zhu Zhuqing hesitated for a while, or took a set of clothes opened: "Is this, suitable for me?"

She is a little shy to hear, this is the first time, but the blade is ok.

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