Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 478

The only female in the MFT is flying while flying at the same time!

Although she is guarded, it is too fast!

Because she is not a fighting teacher, she is hidden by the energy of the blade that has not been reacted.

All people in the mad team exclaimed: "Mo Ji!"

But the mad war is drinking: "Warfare !!"

He took the lead in rushing out, staring at the blade of the sword back to them.

And Zhu Ziqing and others wrapped around the blade and walked from the side!

The face of the mad war is calm, there is no angry in the eyes, and some only have endless excitement and war.

This is the opponent he wants! !

He is not cared for, the honor of the college, the glory of the family, the glory of the empire.

There is also the three dog fits!

These messy is going to die!

Now he just wants to be hearty and a very chatted with his eyes!

The blade looks at him, the war is very good, but your strength is far away.

First soul technology - the first sword!

Send out!

The madwood's claws, in the strengthening of the third soul skills, the road, Jian Mang, is scattered under the claws of the metallic gloss!

The hand of the blade waves suddenly changed.




The fascinating face of the mad war called a smile, he quickly expected the power of the sharp sword, just a fight!

First soul skill - front paw! !

This soul skill: the paw sharp increased by 20%! Hardness increased by 40%!

This effect of soul skills appeared in the first soul skills.




Dotting under its claw seems to have lost the power of past days.

The blade is not surprising, after all, only the weakening version is explosion, the power is limited.

People are so enthusiastic, he has never been so fast that the battle is cold.

After the blade and the mad war, Zhuzhu Qing and others have also handed over the smuggling of the mad war.

Have to say, this time they hit the hard bones.

Although the people of the Mad War, although they lost their auxiliary, they did not blow themselves.

Zhu Zhu Qing's opponent is the strongest in the forty-seven-level soul of the fortress!

He is a forty-fourth-level strong attack peak.

Wushu - Great King Kong!

Tailong on the stage feels that this rough is smooth.

Distance, blade horizontal swords.

Zhu Zhuqing is using his agile advantages and the strong gold rushing to the roaring rush.

In the initial confrontation at the beginning, she already understood that this person not only defensive strength, but also attacking violent.

If she is hard, she has no chance.

She is looking for, waiting for the opponent to reveal the flaw!

Mongolia has some headaches, this cool-looking woman can be more difficult than those described in the information!

Nether Temple! !

Second soul technology - Diamond body!

His reaction is also amazing. When he saw Yu Guang, he immediately launched a defense when he raised the soul ring under the feet of Zhu Zhuqing.

At the same time, his heavy palm is taken to the Zhu Zhuqing prepared to be side!

In this way, Zhu Zhuqing is unable to avoid, I am afraid that I will vomit on the spot.

But I can't see a panic in Zhuzhu Qing's scorpion. She is not a person fighting.

Qi Bao is famous - two speed!

Ning Rongrong is coming to watch!

Although Zhu Ziqing did not want to rely on others, especially Ning Rong, helping to win the enemy.

But if you want to quickly get your enemy, it is not enough to rely on her alone.

She has a beautiful Jiubao glass tower issued a blue stream, exchanged into Zhuzhu Qing in this emergency moment.

Zhu Zhuqing only felt that the body was light, and the claws in the hands and claws were on the giant palm.

The situation is born, and the other mad team controls the soul of the soul of the soul of the soul of the soul!

The blade is in the mad war.

His sword was shot on the mad war.

The mad war climbed from the ground, and the hot light was tightened against the blade.

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