Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 495

If the fifth soul technology ... is impossible!

The fifth soul skill is impossible to be invalid to him, even if the teacher, the teacher can't do absolute immunity.

If it is really not, then I will start the mission of the soul!

Zhu Zhu cleaves around the side wings.

After she didn't have a support of Ning Rong, she had no possibility of fighting with Hulina or Hu Yan.

What she is going to do now is to disperse her with his attention and give them some interference.

What kind of bad move can be seen in the blade and the two people who are in Hullen and the husband.

But this time you should master the initiative, chaos the other's rhythm is undoubtedly a good choice.

In case of preventing, he temporarily changed the plan.

The fourth soul technology - Jian Wing!


Hu Lena's blade launched the moment of killing!

The fifth soul technology - mental imprisonment! !

Fan fan, the blade that has been close to the ground is in the moment of the black soul ring on the foot of Hu Lena. It seems to be pressed.

Reap back to the ground.

There is no surprised color in the blade, and even a variety of waves.

The big wind big waves are more, and the emotions will be easily agitated?

He is in the heart: "The original danger comes from here, it should be an attack."

as expected.

Hu Xie stepped into the curved knife and the purple soul ring emerged.


The fourth soul technology - the moon! !

The blade smiles, if it is easy to get someone in the knife, he is not standing here at this moment.

Thunder is moving, he does not have used the spirit of the sea after the restoration of the sea, and it is no longer as the dead sea.

Personal condense.

Prisoner is all-round, but the blade should break this face.

It is not difficult to break this mental prisoner with his spiritual use.

Psychotic has been condensed into a tapered in the moment.

The invisible mental aggregate exploded out ...

Spiritual imprisonment - break!

The moon is already less than five meters away.

The blade that bucks Hu Lena is as sword to resist.

A shadow is in front of him!

The blade looked at this woman laughing at himself, helplessness in his heart.

But this time hasn't thought about him.

At the moment of the moon, I have to fall on the moment of Zhuzhu Qing, and the blade took her hot willow, pulling her rude into his care!

Shape conversion!

The blade held the blade of the hand flipped, and the blade was in his back.


Due to the no borrowing point, this time I have no way to unload.

The blade blocked the moon, but the huge force is part of him or the role is on him.

The blood spilled in his mouth, he looked at Zhu Zhuqing in his arms couldn't help but smile.

It's really a stupid fool ...

But Zhu Zhuqing can't laugh, she looked at the blade, and a blank in my mind.

How could this be? !

It takes the body behind that the blade is pressed in Zhuzhu Qing and gets up with the sword.

Looking at a look, Zhu Zhuqing, who is lying on the ground, she can't get up, and the blade wipes the blood of the mouth, and bending her white tender hands and pulled her up.

Looking at this silly girl still looked at yourself, the blade couldn't help but laughed: "What? We are fighting, playing spirit."

Zhu Zhuqing is silent, and the head is low, and it is light: "Sorry, if you are, you ..."

The blade looked at her little mouth and whispered: "Bamboo Qing you know? I am very happy."

Zhu Zhu looked up his head, and the mist and watched the blade with doubts.

Looking at this silly girl, the blade is a little ridiculous: "Because there is a fool, you can miss my life."

A heavy heart, because this sentence is easy to ridicule.

I feel that someone's hand is well painted on my face, and here is the stadium, everyone looks at.

Zhu Zhuqing's cold face brush was red, and quickly patted the bad hands, low heads:

"You are stupid!"

After I finished, she was busy lifting my head and concerned: "How is your injury?"

The blade smiled and shook his head: "Don't look vomited, but just a small injury."

Zhu Zhuqing did not believe, hesitated, "" The game is not as important as you. "

The blade laughed: "Don't worry, if the situation is not wonderful, I will immediately surrender to keep your life."

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