Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 497

In the field, Flandy and others have already looked down, the little girl in the Wuhun Temple and the martial arts of the boy of the boy have a powerful strength!

Just face this strong enemy, the knife fish actually did not sprinkle this. This is the expectation of Frand.

Fire dance, water ice, water moon, mad war and others are staring in the field.

In addition to shocking in the heart, it is also asking: Is this opponent really a forty-second level soul? !

Even the soul of the soul of the soul is powerful, and the battle consciousness is unimaginable, and it is very shameless.

Ning Rong Rong came to Zhuzhu to finish, hugged her hand, and struggled.

Zhu Ziqing knows that she is in nervous, she is the same.

"Believe in him, Rong Rong." Zhu Zhu Qing softly.

His words is so, but the nervousness is never biarin.

Ning Rong was a vulgarity of Zhu Zhuqing, which couldn't help but kneel, but I thought that the smelly clearing in the sky is now in the sky.

Bamboo clear!

Continue to look at the wind to blow grass.

Hu Lena looked at the knife with the knife mouth around the nine-tailed days, and the knife, a small brother, do you think that I haven't a way?

"Evil, you assisted me."

Hu Xie is slightly nodd, and the soul is increasing.

Looking at the nine-tailed day fox opened his mouth ...

The perception of the blade is in the show.

The blade smiles, is it a remote attack? However, the most important thing to use remote attack is to hit the target, can you hit me?

Honestly, it is impossible!

He is so mad.

Hullen looked at the knife and stopped, and the heart was not cool. This is not to see her?

My sister teaches you what is modest to make progress!

Wushu fusion technology - roar of the fox!

The soul of Hu Xie was extracted for more than two.

A pink energy pillar of a piece of face is taken into the blade!

The blade really wants to disdain, so slowly, if you can hit me, I am on the spot!

If the feathers are gently falling, the roaring of the stunning fox will be emptied.

The blade began to prepare the second year of Jiuyu fox, laugh:

"Lana girl, Hu Xie brothers, so slowly, there is no way to defeat me. And so strong Wu soul is very consumed? You can't support it."

"The knife brother is really thoughtful. But your sister is not worried ~" If the woman comes from the child, the female who came out of nine days is not used inside.

Ning Rongrong, who is angry, can't wait for this stinky woman.

Zhu Zhuqing is a bit annoyed, but she immediately contracted sharply, and suddenly: "Be careful !!!"

Many people on the field are also a big jump in the field!

The blade has been reacted before Zhu Ziqing's exclaimed.

The sword wings fierce, rapid landing!

After the body, the roaring of the fox of the void is brushing over, and it is amazing.

The blade is quiz, this attack has also taken positioning function, it is really not.

Lonni, who was safe and safe, and Hua Launa suspended within the Jiuyi Tianhu, but this didn't have her megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload

The roar of the fox has not been there.

The blade collapsed the sword wing and started to start offense.

The other party has such a skill, then he flying in the air, there is not much sense. For him now, he still needs serious reliance on the sword wings, the sky will not be better than the earth. .

Hu Lena also issued the roaring of the second fox.

However, the blade is not afraid, the district has a large version of the spot, and the death will be turned.

With his flexibility, you don't have to worry about it!

Looking at it again and I will come to the third year of Jiuyu fox, the blade brow micro Zou.

Two attacks he escaped have been around him. He is unclear that the trajectory of these attacks is automatically adjusted or needs Hu Lena or Hu Xie.

If it is automated to lock his words, once the number is enough ... The situation will become very troublesome.

The sword gave the knife to the knife of the nine-tailed days, and the two huge pink energy columns were interlaced.

Second soul skill - spot!

Looking at the soul of the fox empty in the nine-tales, the soul of the fox has reached the edge of the outbreak, and the big mouth is aligned in the air, the blade is slightly evoked. ,

Lana girl, you won't really think that I am pushed into the road to jump up to borrow a living target?


The second soul technology - does not steal the work drop version!

A large white energy column that is a shorter white energy column that has been made than the past him is going to open the blood dish of the nine tail fox.

Accept sanctions! Stupid Hu Lina girl, owe the Hu Xie brother!

Feel what is malicious in the world!

However, the plan of the blade failed. When his attack is about to fall into the mouth of the Nine-tailed fox, this world seems to be quiet.

The little bit of the body stays before the nine-tailed fox, only the soul of the nine-lasting foxes, which can be directly detached from the nine-lasting day, and then explodes Hu Lenna and Hu Xie through the fusion of the mood of the soul. Fox dog head!

His plan is perfect ...

But the reality has a slap in the handsome face of his knife!

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