Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 670

The star smiled and shook his head: "Your kid has this heart, but forging [void soldiers] What is easy?"

"If I can't forge [Void], I am afraid that my father is hard to find a suitable and wait."

"The battle of the sky is the war of the battle, but it obviously didn't read what books, did not come to this fine."

"The words of the sacred words are unparalleled, but let him give [Vachane] to get the array rune, forging, I heard that he is a hand ... The rest of the remaining long-lived bodies are sleeping."

"Knife you will forge?" The star heard the blade for two major days of the people, hateful, such as a few slabs of the smolder.

Can the people who are guilty of the people? !

But at this moment, he is more curious to say this.

"Meet, and not a general meeting, the broken seventeen artifact, one of the sixteen is made by me personally."


The blade is slightly opened.

Master, don't worry, please worship!

I still don't wait for the father to take the flying in his thigh, and the eyes just closes the eyes open.

"Not good, there is an accident there!"

Chapter 36, Talent Technology - Soul Screams! ! ! !

On the snow, the snow is floating.

The blade is quickly going to the direction of the mental mark.

With him, he stayed in Zhuzhu Qing and a spiritual mental mark, as long as the two sides are separated by hundred miles, he can lock one bird or a bird position!

And the reason why Zhu Zhuqing and spirit caught in danger.

Just because he stayed in a spiritual three attacks, it was activated.

That is to say, the spirit is dead!

The three attacks on Zhuzhu Qing have no abilities, that is, the crisis of one bird to deal with it should be also controlled.

So what is this silly bird? !

However, I can't take too much, and I will talk about the situation in the past.

There is also a few miles away from Zhuzhu Qing and Spirit.

The old master of the star has also chased it up, but the spirit has returned to the sword.

"Knife, what is your little better?"

"Currently, there is no different, just I don't know why I stayed in a spiritual number."

The blade shook his head.

The star of the meteor is in the heart.

However, as long as this kid is in a good and sound, it is not that God's death.

The low-class life of the district is dead, and it is dead.

It may be better, and the soul stone that has not been completely absorbed is completely small to use the talent.

"heads up!"

At the sound of the sound of the star, the blade has been suspended to hide to avoid the black shadow of the bottom flat snow!

The black shadow felt the track of the blade flight.

If you don't have a blade, you will be dodge, and the consequences will be unimaginable!

The blade looks back, do not know this sharp-long, body round rolling creature.

But its speed is rapid, can't get down on his first sword!

I saw that the soul of the body has rushed into a hundred meters high ......

Although the blade has not slowed down, it is the round-rolling round of the sword to hide!

Since you want to fly, then I will help you, send you ahead!

The second soul technology - full output version of the spot! !

Destroy and sacred energy in the sword tip.

The size of the sea bowl is connected to the sky!

Explosion to the soul of the liter!

It mobilizes the soul, ready to rise to the highest air time to start the skill [Death Dump], will kill the bird who escaping the life.

When you are ready to position the white wings, it is a sacredness that is a sacredness of the breath ...

The blade did not go to see the final result, the sword wings accelerated, and sighed in his mouth:

"The Warriors chasing the freedom are all difficult to encounter setbacks, and even the blood shinks, but the history will end this feat."

"Unfortunately, the little brother is going all the way ... I hope you will have a big event with me again!"

The star is silent, this kid is black, his hand is embarrassing, and the poison is still a lot of money. It is so excused to be ridiculous by the death of his pit.

The sky is filled, the shreddab is flying? A deep purple soul ring high

But now he is concerned about what the blade said.

There are a few people who are inexplicable than those who have died.

Two hundred years old? The history of the history of history, looking at the ancient times? This is a phoenix river in the people.

And this kid also handed a seventeen eight handlers ...

This means? God let me die!

The sad star is sad.

He did not think that the blade will be takeholded in this matter, he did not have the value of such a peerless genius.

Can get such a promise.

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