Douluo’s Eternal Blue Electricity

Chapter 126: 5 spirit skills

the next morning.

   Yu Tianheng rubbed his eyes and woke up from his sleep.

   He glanced at his side subconsciously and found that there was no one around him, so he was stunned.

   The tent is very big, very big, so big that it can actually accommodate nine of them, but now he is the only one in the tent.

   Yutian Heng raised the curtain and walked out.

   Ye Lingling and Dugu Goose were resting in another tent, and the five people who wanted to absorb the spirit ring were all cultivating, and only one Jade Breaking Army was idle and lighted a barbecue on the ground.

   Yu Pojun saw Yu Tianheng getting up, and said with a smile: "I also just got up, roast some meat, by the way, to make up for those guys who have been practicing all night. Yanzi and Lingling's are over there."

   Yu Tianheng looked in the direction of Yu Pojun's finger. A few pieces of toast, a bottle of butter, a bottle of cream, a large glass bowl of fruit salad, and some vegetables allowed to be eaten raw were cut and placed there.

   Yu Tianheng raised his eyebrows slightly.

   Even though he has been here for so long, he still doesn't like toast, even though the difference between it and bread is that one is baked and the other is not baked.

   Yu Tianheng glanced briefly, then withdrew his gaze, and turned to look at Yu Pojun’s barbecue.

To be reasonable, as an orphan in his previous life, it was impossible for Yu Tianheng to not know how to cook. After he came to this world, he also practiced cooking for a period of time, but in this respect, he is really inferior to Yu. Breaking the military.

   Yupojun’s meat production and fruit salad production are top-notch.

   Yu Tianheng slapped his lips.

   He is a little greedy.

   I have been on my way all these days, eating dry food and jerky. It has been a long time since I had something as delicious as barbecue.

   Yu Pojun saw through Yu Tianheng's mentality at a glance, and said with a smile: "You have to wait, after all, the barbecue thing will not be good for a while."

   Yu Tianheng narrowed his eyes.

   He thinks the current Yupojun is weird.

   But compared to the past, the Jade Po Army now looks more like a normal person. The former Jade Po Army is sometimes more gloomy than him.

   Yu Tianheng thought so in his heart, but on the surface he didn't show his sensuality and nodded.

   Then he resisted hunger and sat beside Yu Pojun.

   About half an hour later, Yu Pojun said, "Okay, I'll call those guys who are still cultivating, Tianheng, you can call Yanzi sister and Lingling."

   Yu Tianheng nodded, before taking a few steps, he turned his head and asked, "What level are you at?"

   Yu broke the army for a moment, then smiled: "Level 21."

   Yu Tianheng thoughtfully, left to wake Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling.

   Yu Pojun also reacted to a question at this time, he whispered: "Why am I only level 21??"

"Cough cough cough, you have to be considerate of me... I really count now that I am actually reborn... I still lack the strength... how could it be given to you? What..."

   Yu Pojun gritted his teeth and went to wake up the five people who were practicing.

   Two minutes later, everyone gathered in front of the fire.

   Yu Tianheng asked, "What are your new spirit abilities?"

   Yufeng said: "My luck is not very good, it's just a short-range teleport."

   Yu Tianheng groaned a little, but he was not too disappointed.

   It's too rare to teleport in the long-distance space.

   Oslo said: "My new skill is called Ghost Impact, a soul skill that increases damage with my speed and degree of stealth."

   Yu Tianheng raised his brows. This is very good. If Oslo can get an invisible spirit ability and match it with this spirit ability, it will be perfect.

   Yu Tianheng turned his gaze to Yu Liuli. He was curious as to what kind of soul skills Yu Liuli's character could help Yu Liuli acquire after he might give up a big adventure to others.

   Yu Liuli smiled slightly, seemingly satisfied with her new spirit ability, and said: "A single attack and control single skill that requires two seconds of charging but extremely high damage."

   Yu Tianheng slapped his lips.

   He wants it too.

   The high-damage ability of offense and control is too rare, even if it has the defect of two seconds of charge, it is one of the top spirit abilities.

   His current situation is a lack of aoe and control skills, and his team has high requirements for control skills.

   Although it is said that Dugu Goose is also a control type soul master, but really, it is more like an auxiliary type poison soul master.

   Dugu Goose's role in the team is more like Ning Rongrong, except that the auxiliary effect is far inferior to Ning Rongrong, but it has more poisonous attributes.

   And now, although Yu Liuli is a substitute in Yu Tianheng's team, getting this soul ability can be regarded as making up for some of the team's obvious shortcomings.

   is worthy of joy.

   Yu Tianheng glanced at the Shi family brothers and asked, "Are you two still have the same spirit abilities?"

   Graphite and the stone mill looked at each other and shook their heads.

   Graphite said: "My skills are more inclined to prevent group damage, while Xiaoma's is a powerful single defense."

Then he stoned it and said: "My third spirit ability is the spike shield. An edge will protrude from my tortoise shield. During this period of time, my tortoise shield will have a tremendous increase in defense. My estimate is that I can easily prevent Teacher Qin Ming’s attack, but at the same time, during this period of time, the tortoise shield I can condense is just that."

   Yu Tianheng's eyes flashed extremely terrifying.

  Can defend Qin Ming's shield? ! ? ! ? !

   I really fucked.

   Is Nima so perverted? ! ? !

   Is it not going to make people live? ? ?

   Yu Tianheng immediately asked: "What kind of soul beast is your third spirit ring????"

   The stone mill looked like a silly smile: "The mutant plate giant rhinoceros of You mean a hammer??

   1600's mutant plate giant rhino? ! ? !

   You can die soon.

   Jealousy makes me totally unrecognizable.

   Yu Tianheng assured that when Stone Mill said this, he was already happy in his heart. He was different from his brother Graphite. Graphite is really cold, and Stone Mill is Mong Sao.

   Graphite said: "My third spirit ability is the imperial elephant power. It will summon a giant that can defend all attacks from outside the giant. I can adjust the size of the giant by myself. The smaller the defense, the stronger the defense."

   Yu Tianheng raised his eyebrows slightly. Graphite didn't say how strong the defense was. It is estimated that he will need to use it in actual combat.

After rearranging it again, Yu Tianheng smiled and said: "Very well, I am very satisfied with what everyone has gained, and we can return to the academy. Now, the team’s starters are already at the Soul Master level, and the benches are also big Soul master, now we can participate in the team competition in the Great Fighting Arena to improve the tacit understanding. I will not try to break through in a short time after returning to Heaven Dou City. Even if I break through in a short time, I will not try to obtain the fourth soul. Ring, so we have a long time to break in."


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