Douluo’s Eternal Blue Electricity

Chapter 236: Re-enter the east

   Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Sect, the mansion of the Lesser Sovereign.

   Yu Tianheng is meditating and practicing.

   More than a year of wasted time, and now he is only seventeen years old in the last half a month. In terms of cultivation, he is also a fifty-fourth level soul king.

   One more year...

   Tang San will be twelve years old in one year.

Huang Shuo, Su Xiao, and Chu Yin had all graduated and left the college. On the first day Yu Tianheng returned to school, Luo Tong announced that he had also graduated, and gave Yu Tian the position of student council president. Constant.

   However, Yu Tianheng rarely manages the school. Instead, he let the vice president Li Shengyuan manage the entire student union on his own behalf.

   Today's Li Shengyuan is already in the Soul Sect, and he is not too young. In today's academy, Li Shengyuan has the same effect as Lin Xuke back then.

   Today, the levels of the nine people are as follows:

   Yu Tianheng, the fifty-fourth level assault soul king.

   Dugu Goose, the forty-eighth level control system soul sect.

   Graphite, the forty-eighth level defense system soul sect.

   Ye Lingling, a forty-eighth-level auxiliary soul sect.

   Oslo, the forty-seventh level agile attack system soul sect.

  Stone mill, 46th-level defensive soul sect.

   Yufeng, forty-sixth-level agile attack system soul sect.

   Jade breaks the army, the thirty-ninth level assault system soul sovereign.

   Jade colored glaze, the thirty-third level assault system soul sovereign.

   With the graduation of Luo Tong and others, Yu Tianheng's second team of Tiandou Royal Academy also became the first team.

   At the same time, it was renamed Huangdou Team.

   In this more than a year, everyone has not wasted the least. They have finished fighting every day, and the team competition is with the Jade Breaking Army.

   Yu Pojun’s play style is very similar to Yu Tianheng, but not very similar.

   Both of them are Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Martial Spirits, and their cards are their own powerful mental powers, but the difference lies in that Yu Pojun is far from Yu Tianheng's crushing strength.

  This allowed the Huangdou team to gradually form a style of play that no longer centers on Yu Tianheng.

  Of course...For the Huangdou team, Yu Tianheng itself is not the core of the tactics...

   Still the same sentence, the core of Huangdou's tactics is Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling.

   Now that Yu Tianheng is back, they are about to fight a soul king-level team battle.

   However, because Yu Tianheng has the Killing God Realm, the gap in spirit power will not be so big for them.

   The horror of Killing God Realm, Dugu Yan and others have all felt it.

   Their evaluation is horror!

  The effect of the Killing God Realm is too terrifying, and it is much stronger than the two kinds of boost poisons of the Dugu Goose.

   The gap between the Soul Sect and the Soul King has been wiped out a lot.

   Of course, it is impossible to smooth it out completely.

  Emperor Fighting Team, except for Yu Tianheng, the rest are actually Soul Sect.

   There are very few soul king teams participating in the fight.

   And most of these people are the strong ones among the soul kings.

   There is no way, Yu Tianheng can only find Jade Natural Enemy to help.

   Jade Natural Enemy is now also the Soul Sect, and in the Soul Sect, he is also an out-and-out powerhouse, and his role in the Royal Fighting team is almost the same as the original Yu Tianheng.

   And Yu Tianheng, he participated in the soul fight.

   Yu Tianheng felt that his current level should be sufficient, but instead he urged himself to start working hard.

   just because the original plot is about to begin. (I always thought that Tang was only considered the beginning of the original work when he was thirty-two years old...six-year-old does not count.)

   This makes him very excited.

   One day, Yu Tianheng suddenly received a letter from Xuehaizang.

   After reading the letter, Yu Tianheng sat in a chair and thought for more than ten minutes.

   Waiting until the next day, the president of the student union of the Tiandou Royal Academy, the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, once again left with a few people.

   But this time, he didn't lead the Huangdou team.

   did not bring any of them.

  He brought a bunch of people in the vertical and horizontal directions.

   After experiencing the Eastern Expedition, he felt that such people as the Emperor Fighting Team were still not suitable for the battlefield.

   "This time, our goal is to help the third prince Xue Haizang fight. His Royal Highness intends to attack the Sixteen Eastern Countries. What he meant is that at least a few Eastern Sixteen Kingdoms must be destroyed."

   Shi Zheng, sitting in the carriage, frowned.

   This is a real power to destroy the country, super power.

   This battle is different from the battle of Su Fengling, Earl of Mandy. The scale of the war this time is much larger than that of that time.

   And if this victory is defeated and Xue Hai Zang achieves the desired effect, then Xue Hai Zang's right to speak in the empire will be magnified countless times.

   Yu Tianheng brought Yang Wudi, Shi Zheng and Zhuge Pingsheng, besides the people in Zongheng.

   Yang Wudi and Shi Zheng are also people in need of merit, and Zhuge Pingsheng, the old man...

   If you love to follow, just follow...

  East, Fenglin Pass.

   A handsome young man in a red dress stood shut, with a blood-colored long sword pinned to his waist.

   His temperament is very weird, it is composed of two kinds of auras of eerie and domineering.

   At this time, a warlord in heavy armor stepped forward.

   "His Royal Highness, the new intelligence, the Yunguo has already deployed a defense line... Why do you have to declare war in advance?"

   The general asked him, or the doubts of the whole army.

   Isn’t this equivalent to giving Yunguo time to react?

   Xue Haizang glanced at him calmly.

   "Go and see if there is something wrong with Yunguo's defense line. Don't come to me until you see it."

  The general was startled. Although the soldier's instinct made him respond and left, he didn't understand what Xue Haizang meant.

In fact, Xuehaizang has been infiltrating Yunguo for so many years with the help of the vertical and horizontal and the strength of the Tibetan Army Pavilion. Now, although Yunguo has laid a line of defense, in the eyes of soldiers like Xuehaizang, this line of defense is simply in place. Hilarious.

It seems that this line of defense is very strong, but Xue Haizang has carefully calculated This line of defense has at least three loopholes, and if they are fast enough, they can attack these three loopholes at the same time, Let an army composed of soul masters and elite soldiers bypass or use loopholes to break through the line of defense. Then, this team can basically be said to have attacked the capital of Yunguo.

   He is just waiting for this line of defense to be continuously strengthened, which means that Yunguo's forces will gradually shift to the line of defense, rather than the domestic city.

   Maybe Yunguo will still have strong combat power, but a city...

   No matter how strong this city is, Xue Haizang can still defeat him.

   The only problem is that Yunguo is not without top powers.

   Normally, because the Eastern Border Army is mainly defensive, the Eastern Border Army can exert its full combat power.

   But now, they are offensive, and the City Lord of Hitz definitely can't march with them.

   This caused them to lack a Contra.

   And this is only high-end combat power.

what about others? Fenglin Pass also needs combat power, and all towns and military districts in the east also need combat power.

   So Xue Haizang wrote a letter for help.

   Even though he didn't write this request for help, he was not incapable of taking Yunguo. But you have to know that these people in the East Territory are all his team, and it is better to try to reduce the loss.

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