Douluo’s Eternal Blue Electricity

Chapter 319: Nothingness and possession

   Suddenly, the slightly transparent Green Phosphorus Snake King stopped the nine-section jadeite.

   Yu Tianheng took this opportunity to back up quickly, his figure flashed, and he directly withdrew to a long distance.

   He was slightly startled.

   He doesn't know why he is still afraid of snakes.

   A flash of shame flashed in Yu Tianheng's eyes.

   Boom! ! ! !

   "Thunder and lightning jungle!!!"

   Today's lightning dense forest is far different from the previous lightning dense forest, and the lightning dense forest released by Yu Tianheng today is enough to cover an extremely terrifying area.

   For Yu Tianheng, one elemental essence plus one hand thunder and lightning is the best clearing method.

  He is confident that a soul beast less than five thousand years old can't even carry two thunders.

   One hit hard, one hit kills.

   Even this nine-section jade, if you eat this dense forest of thunder and lightning, it will definitely die.

   "Goose!" Yu Tianheng shouted.

   Even if this dense forest of thunder and lightning cannot handle the nine-section jade, the next blow is absolutely no problem.

   the look of the dragon!

  Dragon's grace is a skill that relies on the release of dragon transformation, and the degree of dragon transformation depends purely on the talent of a soul master.

   The guess of Yu Yuanzhen and others is that after Yu Tianheng becomes the soul saint, he can have a full body dragon.

   At that time, Yu Tianheng's combat effectiveness will undergo a qualitative change.

   The seventh spirit ring itself is the most important spirit ring of a spirit master, and at the same time, Yu Tianheng's combat effectiveness, which has a complete body dragon, will be doubled again.

   And at that time, the powerful skill of Dragon's Grace could also be fully formed.

   This blow, if it was taken, would be enough to severely damage the Contra.

   Now Yu Tianheng, a high-level soul emperor, has released the dragon transformation, only the last step, and has the perfect dragon transformation.

  The appearance of the dragon is also perfect with the last step.

   Nowadays, the look of the dragon, it is too simple to kill a severely wounded jadeite.

   And what he needs to do is not to kill, but to inflict severe damage.

   The same is true of the facts, a burst of thunder and lightning bombardment of the dense forests half-damaged the nine-section jade.

   The phantom of the Green Phosphorus Snake King of the Dugu Goose directly rushed to make up for this nine-section jade.

   Graphite removes the imperial elephant power.

   Everyone is a little embarrassed.

   There are two reasons why graphite releases the imperial sign.

   One, because the nine-section jade itself is highly poisonous. Once the nine-section jade is poisoned, only one Ye Lingling can detoxify it. Even the Dugu Goose can't solve it. Her grandpa can solve it doesn't mean she can.

   The second reason is that everyone thinks that Yutianheng and the Dugu Goose can easily handle this nine-section jade.

   Although the ending is still beautiful, the process seems a bit awkward

   Yu Tianheng lowered his head and looked at his hands.

   It was a snake-like martial soul that was clearly dealing with, but was surprised by the sudden appearance of the snake head?

   Is it too nonsense to say it?

   But it just happened, and Yu Tianheng didn't know why.

   He had no idea what he thought at that moment.

   Yu Tianheng thought for a while, and said to the lone goose, "Wait a moment to see if there is a spirit bone. Without you, just absorb the spirit ring."

   Dugu Yan nodded.

   Yu Tianheng sighed.

   "Let's go, clean up the neighborhood a little bit, and wait until the geese are absorbed, we will wait here for three more days, if we can't find the soul bone, let's go."

   Yufeng nodded, and flew directly on the spot.

   They are responsible for protecting the law.

   In fact, the best protection method is that graphite directly releases the imperial status and envelops the lone geese, but it takes a long time to absorb the spirit ring, and the spirit power of graphite is definitely not enough.

   Graphite and Stone Mill stood beside the Dugu Goose, Yu Tianheng, Oslo, and the Wild Hunt Chaser stood in a triangle formation to the three positions of the Dugu Goose.

   They all know that Dugu Goose has a little Dugu Bo smell on its body. For a small number of soul beasts, this has the effect of persuading them to retreat.

   So compared to the Star Dou Great Forest, Sunset Forest is quite friendly to Dugu Goose.

   But this is just for comparison.

   After all, the sunset forest is still a dangerous place,

   For example, what the **** is the Crypt Demon Spider, that kind of thing, even if it is protected by the law, may sneak into the Dugu Goose.

   Therefore, Yu Tianheng sprinkled a circle of spring water beside Dugu Goose.

   This thing also has a strong persuasive effect.

   The lethality of the spring water from the eyes of the Ice and Fire Liangyi is indeed too strong. Yu Tianheng once tried it by himself.

   After he opened Longhua, he dipped a very small drop of ice and fire spring water and put it on it.

   But the next moment, Yutian Henglong's skin instantly carbonized.

   Within half a day, Dugu Yan had absorbed the spirit ring.

   Unfortunately, there is still no soul bone.

   Yu Tianheng thinks this is actually normal

   Although there is still some regret in my heart.

   "What is the new spirit ability?" Yu Tianheng asked, looking at the Dugu Goose.

   Dugu Yan smiled, and the sixth spirit ring behind it lit up.

   I saw a grass in front of the Dugu Goose gradually decayed.

   Then, with this grass as the center, the surrounding plants start

Crazy rot.

"The sixth spirit ability is called the virus plague. I can drop the virus on any creature, and if this creature can't hold the virus to die, then the virus will continue to spread to the vicinity, and it will continue. The weakness of the virus is water. , You die when you encounter water."

   "Virus plague?"

   Everyone looked at each other.

   This skill seems a bit too harsh.

   Yu Tianheng's eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "It's great! After the war starts, you can directly carry out a devastating blow!"

   But the water will die of God’s will?

   Yu Tianheng is a bit annoying.

   "Let's go, let's go next. Look for another three days, no matter what we should go after three days."

"it is good."

   Everyone really got a soul bone in the next three days.

   A left leg bone from the ghost.

   That's right, in the past three days, everyone found a ghost.

   is the spirit of Ghost Douluo.

   And a piece of soul bone that was 30,000 years old was lost.

   Oslo’s cultivation base has been directly pushed from level 55 to level 58.

   And this guy also got two best soul bone skills.

   One is nothingness, one of Tang San's sixth spirit abilities in the original work.

  The other one is possessed.

   The specific effect is similar to that of Heizue

   Anyway, Yu Tianheng didn't see the difference between this trick and Hei Jue's possession.

   Just look at the excitement in Oslo's eyes to know how much this guy made this time.

   Moreover, putting these two skills on other people might be able to make that soul master more functional.

   But on Oslo, these two skills really fit him.

   Oslo’s strongest output skills need to rely on movement to save, but in the process of movement, it is easy to be blocked by others.

   and got the emptiness of Oslo, the scruples in this regard will disappear,


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