Douluo’s Eternal Blue Electricity

Chapter 328: The star-studded classic

  Yug raised his right hand slowly.

   A flash of cold light flashed in Yu Tianheng's eyes.

   This old thing... really dare to do it?

   Yu Tianheng has a flower from the other shore in his right eye.

   Even now, the other side is still his second hole card after mental power.

   And the consumption of the user from the other shore is not so great.

   At this moment, a voice sounded like thunder.

   "Stop it to the old man!!!"

   Boom! ! !

   Yu Tianheng's face changed.

   This coercion... it's him! ! !

   Did he shoot again? ! ? !

  The Second Hall of the Elder Hall of Wuhun Hall is dedicated to Golden Crocodile Douluo!

   A huge golden crocodile appeared in the sky, and then the golden crocodile slowly disappeared into a human form.

   Yu Tianheng dripped cold sweat on his forehead.

   The strength of the Golden Crocodile Douluo, he couldn't resist it now.

   Apart from anything else, even Yu Tianheng's strongest mental power, in front of Golden Crocodile Douluo, is still two or three levels behind.

   However, Golden Crocodile Douluo didn't seem to be asking for trouble. He stared at Yu Tianheng deeply, then turned to look at Yuge, and said coldly: "Who made you come here without authorization?"

   Seeing that it was the Golden Crocodile Douluo who had come in person, Yuge knelt down on one knee, saluted, and said, "See the second worship."

   "Second worship, I am here this time to..."

   "The old man is asking you! Who asked you to come!!!" Golden Crocodile Douluo yelled angrily.

   Yogg was taken aback, and then quickly said in a panic: "'s the snake spear crown..."

   Snake Spear...

   A flash of cold light flashed in Golden Crocodile Douluo's eyes.

   "Huh! Take your man! Go back to the old man!"

   Yuge was startled, then quickly lowered his head and said: "Yes."

   After Yuge led the others to leave, Golden Crocodile Douluo turned his head and glanced at Yu Tianheng, then let out a cold snort, the golden light flashed and disappeared in place.

   The cold light in Yu Tianheng's eyes has not faded.

   In front of the super strong, he is still a lot worse.

   It seemed that Yu Tianheng could barely hold the pressure of the Golden Crocodile Douluo, but Yu Tianheng knew that he didn't need all his strength. As long as the Golden Crocodile Douluo displayed 30% of his strength, he could not be able to hold it.

   The reason why Golden Crocodile Douluo kept his hand was because his goal should only be to get Yuge to take someone away safely.

   As for why the Golden Crocodile Douluo was so persuaded, Yu Tianheng didn't know, but Yu Tianheng knew why the Golden Crocodile Douluo did not hesitate to walk alone to keep Yug.

  Because Yogg is a direct line of the Palace of the Elders...


   Go there in person?

   Yu Tianheng frowned.

   He stepped forward and took a close look at the place where Golden Crocodile Douluo had just stood.

   Suddenly, a terrifying mental power appeared in the room.

   And then, this mental power directly locked the position where Golden Crocodile Douluo stood just now, and then this mental power directly enveloped the space.

   Yu Tianheng's handsome face suddenly twisted.


   That's not a real person...

Oh shit......

   "Okay, I will withdraw first..."

   "Shadow, you let my brothers go back too..."

   Yutian left unhappily.

   He thought he had something to do again.

   It turned out to be so anticlimactic.

   On the other side, Golden Crocodile Douluo directly dragged Yuge back to Wuhun City.

   Qian Daoliu's eyes shone with white light, and he said coldly, "What will She Long ask you to do? What do you do? In that case..."


   In fact, in the eyes of many viewers, the qualifiers and promotion matches are the most exciting, but the excitement of the finals is a bit worse.

  Because of the importance, during the qualifiers and promotion matches, some powerful academies will participate more or less with a performance nature.

   And there are many teams, which means that the various abilities they can see are also strange.

   Such as the qualifiers led by the Dugu Goose, the strange poisons of the Dugu Goose shocked the world.

   Dugu Bo’s poison is more towards killing, but Dugu Goose is moving in a very strange direction.

   In addition to the lone goose, there is another snake that shines in the competition.

   The second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, flying feather snake, dreaming of flying.

   Feathered Feathered Snake’s abilities are very strange. Now that after several games have been played, everyone doesn’t even know what the Soul Skill of Feathered Feathered Serpent is.

   Because to this day, he has displayed seven abilities.

   This has far exceeded the four.

   And according to everyone's observation, Feathered Snake seems to have the ability to conceal its spirit ring.

   This is another ability.

   There is also the snake control technique of the Feathered Snake family, which added a little trouble to the organizers of the competition.

   But in the end, the organizer still didn't ban beast control.

   After all, this is also a way to embody the strength of the soul master himself.

   In fact, the schedule of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy is not friendly, and they met many strong teams in the early stages of the competition.

   If it weren't for the Tiandou Empire and the entire Tiandou Royal Academy to support the second team of the Tiandou Royal Academy, maybe they wouldn't even be able to get the information of the students from the first-class academy.

   After all, these people in the second team of the Tiandou Royal Academy have an awkward position in their respective families.

   Yu Pojun is the young master of the sideline of the Blue Electric Overlord Longzong, and Yu Liuli is the fiancee of Yu Pojun.

   Ning Lan is a person who has just been confirmed to have no relationship with the Sect Master of the Qibao Liuli Sect and the patriarch of the Ning family.

  Meng Xun Yu also confirmed that he became the young master of Feathered Snake Sect. Meng Xunfei also missed the Sect Master of Flying Feathered Snake.

   Then, Meng Xunfei also joined the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

   Jade Pojun gathered all the temporarily unwilling people of these other major sects. This is already a signal in the eyes of many others.

   And now in the arena, the defeat of the second team of the Tiandou Royal Academy against the Shenfeng Academy has given everyone a clear fact.

   In fact, in this game, the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy had more than one chance to comeback, but they were all suppressed by Kamikaze Academy.

   Maybe it should be said that it was suppressed by Feng Xiaotian.

   At the very beginning of Feng Xiaotian's forty-eight consecutive cuts of the Storm Demon Wolf, if Yu Pojun could use silent babble to slowly destroy Feng Xiaotian's mental power, they had a chance.

   However, he was happily playing with another Wind Elemental Assault Spirit Master on the side, but he ignored Feng Xiaotian on the side.

   When the Yupojun reacted, Feng Xiaotian's Forty-Eight Blast Demon Wolf's forty-eight slashes had been used to the extent that it could defeat one person in one shot.

   At this time, Yu Pojun finally couldn't make a comeback.

   Feng Xiaotian’s blast demon wolves cut forty-eight in a row. In this Continent Senior Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, apart from the moves of Yu Tianheng and others, this move is the most terrifying existence.

   As long as the forty-eight consecutive slashes of the blast devil wolf were used to exceed twenty-four slashes, it would be regarded as a natural enemy of jade, and it was absolutely impossible to bear it.

   If Feng Xiaotian is really allowed to perform to the 48th cut, perhaps Feng Xiaotian will lose control, but once it reaches the forty-eighth cut, it will definitely be impossible to hold it even with graphite.


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