Douluo’s Eternal Blue Electricity

Chapter 348: Dragon and Sword VS Hana and Ghost!

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Tang San seemed to be still paying attention to the battle ahead, Yu Tianheng secretly shouted badly.

Although Yu Yuan Zhen, Yu Yuan Xiao, Chen Xin are all here, but Yu Tianheng doesn't know if they can stop the Yueguan that has appeared behind Tang San.

At this time, he didn't dare to bet on whether the Moon Pass would become too playful for a while and began to play with Tang San.

Yu Tianheng gritted his teeth, and a mental wave shot directly out.

He actually has other hole cards, but those hole cards used here may be too wasteful.

After Yu Tianheng's spirit wave hit, he turned his head and it was a long-lost Chidori.

Bah! ! ! ! !

But after all, Yu Tianheng's hard power was a lot worse than Golden Eagle. With a single blow, Yu Tianheng's right hand was directly fractured, the bone was even pierced out, and the flesh was bloody.

Liu Erlong and Flanders directly met the Golden Eagle.

In the carriage, Yu Xiaogang looked at the golden eagle slyly.

He wanted to go to Wuhun City to find Bibi Dong, but was stopped by Yu Tianheng.

The reason is that Yu Xiaogang's combat power is needed.

What a ridiculous sentence that needs his fighting power?

But now, he understands.

"The sun and the moon are radiant..." A thin layer of golden mist appeared around Yu Xiaogang's body.

In front, Flender and Liu Erlong were planning to fight the Golden Eagle. Suddenly, both of them were startled, and then they retreated violently.

A golden light appeared on the bodies of Flender and Liu Erlong at the same time.

"Golden Turn!!!"

In the eyes of others, Flanders, Liu Erlong, and a carriage behind formed a golden triangle.

"That... that is... the Golden Triangle?!"

The eyes of soul masters who have heard of the Golden Iron Triangle flashed with shock.

"Unexpectedly... the Golden Iron Triangle will actually be the instructor of the Tiandou Royal Academy Branch."

"Not surprisingly, after all, that is the Tiandou Royal Academy."


A golden dragon appeared in the air, but before that, almost no one had noticed that the dragon had been transformed from a pet that looked like a fool.

But among these people, Yu Yuanzhen, Yuyuan Xiao, Chenxin and Ning Fengzhi are not included.

Yu Xiaogang's current cultivation is already a forty-first level soul sect, which is much stronger than the previous 29th-level great soul master.

In the same way, as the core of the Sun Moon Radiance Golden Turn, his becoming stronger means that this terrifying martial soul fusion technique is also infinitely stronger.

The golden dragon's breath spouted from Luo Sanpao's mouth and went straight to the golden eagle in the air.

Golden Eagle's pupils were slightly enlarged and wanted to avoid it, but at this time, it was even more difficult for his body to move, let alone avoid the blow.

Underneath, Yu Tianheng had a little complexity in his eyes.

This dragon's breath is many times stronger than his sky-breaking dragon roar.

On the side, Yueguan was also frightened.

What kind of thing is this? !

Obviously it was just an assassination mission, why did something so terrifying come out? ?

Secretly, Ghost Douluo dripped cold sweat on his forehead.

This kind of existence full of sacred aura is the most restrained.

Just like Tang San's Seagod Trident.

Ghost Douluo had no doubt that if he was singled out against this golden dragon, he would have no chance of winning.


After many years, the Golden Triangle once again released their special skills, with their own feelings in their hearts, but immediately, their eyes turned into coldness.

The golden dragon rose into the air, but a dive.

After Yueguan gritted his teeth, a huge chrysanthemum appeared in his hand and pushed up.

He also knew that Ghost Douluo couldn't withstand this kind of sacred attack, so he had to do it himself.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom! ! ! !

The collision between the dragon and the chrysanthemum caused everyone to retreat with a look of horror, whether it was the elite of the Wuhun Hall or the elites of the academy.

Yueguan is here trying to suppress the bright sacred dragon. On the other side, the ghost is walking in secret, and at the same time, the mouth is muttering: "What an unpleasant aura... I didn't expect that little guy has this The means... really annoying..."

Suddenly, he felt two terrifying eyes coming from the air.

In the sky, the giant dragon's eyes stared at Ghost Douluo, who thought he hadn't been discovered.

The corner of the ghost's eyes twitched.

Something bad...

At this moment, Yueguan rushed to his side.

"Don't keep your hands. The power of this beast is far beyond your imagination."

The ghost frowned and looked over.

I saw Yueguan's right arm was bloody.

Secretly shocked in the ghost heart.

He had also heard of the name of the Golden Iron Triangle, but based on the previous combat effectiveness of the Golden Iron Triangle, it is almost impossible to hurt Yueguan.

Because the core of the Golden Triangle is a waste wood that can only stay at level 29 for life.

Although the strength of the other two is constantly improving, even so, it should not be...

Suddenly, the ghostly eyes narrowed.

He saw four spirit rings emerging from the white-haired man.

! ! !

impossible! ! !

This was the first thought that came to the ghost's mind.

Someone unexpectedly...can break through the soul sovereign after passing the age limit?

Although his thoughts drifted far away, the ghostly movements never stopped.

Suddenly, a long sword fell from the sky and plunged into the ground.

Where the long sword passes, the space is broken!

Yueguan and Guimei's face changed again.

This is another opponent stronger than them.

And it is a force to restrain them!

Ahem...No, we are Title Douluo, we must remain dignified...

"Move the mountain!"

The voice shouldn't be described as Fengrui, but at this moment, everyone felt that these two words revealed the endless Fengrui.

boom! ! ! !

A figure with white hair and white eyebrows appeared, holding a long sword in his hand.

Behind him, Sect Master Ning Fengzhi walked out slowly.

Underneath, Yu Tianheng's eyes were gloomy, he was thinking about whether to publicly reveal the identity of the two.


Anyway, he has torn his skin.

At this time, Yu Tianheng's right hand injury was almost healed. A severe fracture might be a serious injury in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of Jiuxin Haitang spirit master Ye Lingling, it was a piece of cake.

Yu Tianheng let go of his mental power, and then sneered: "Huh...The two warlords beside the Pope in the Wuhun Hall, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo... It's been a long time since I saw you~www Ju Douluo and Gui Douluo's face changed drastically.

They didn't expect that the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect would be here to die with them endlessly.

Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi also frowned.

In their opinion, Yu Tianheng had the meaning of forcibly pulling them and Jugui two Douluo to fight.

On the other side, Yu Xiaogang was also slightly lost.

The Pope of Wuhun Temple? ......

After Jugui and Two Douluo's faces changed drastically, they went black directly.

They stopped talking, but directly released the killer move with the intention of killing people.

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