Douluo's full-time soul master

Chapter 258 Plug: Return Try (3)

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So, three days later, at this moment, two people still stopped in Nanhai Town Inn. Wien said that he wants to go in north. He is going to find someone; Ser' is trying to get the troublents to get back the intersection, and you will get out of this frightened day. What interests is that Vi En seems to be interested in this stubborn mercenary - although it is very likely to just simply color my heart - intend to take her north. So Serina is still not worried about this "prisoner" escape.

But Ser' still feels very irritating - this way, the travel expenses you have soon or later.

"Hey, is it both beautiful and young, is this because of a shameless mink and finally sleeping street? Ai Lun, I pray to you, give me a force to get rid of the dilemma!" She finally started hysteria.

"Do you believe in Ai Lun?" Wi En felt surprised.

"We have freedom of religion."

"One of the chest, is there a faith?"

"..." Selna felt that this guy was purely wasteful - he can pull in the direction of erotic. She piled up a stomach, but it was not good to attack. I could only tightened my fist. In my heart, I used the most brutal means to put this guy countless.

Look outside the window, the sun has to fall again, which means that there is no matter what to do if you don't do everything except for the mouth.

Wi-lian's face revealed a smile, "I have a better plan ... You will take a trip to me first, go to the westball. I will meet with a friend. Decree in my performance. After it is over, we can slowly discuss the compensation of the pottery. But in advance, I will not go to the ghost of the iron furnace. There is too much harmful substance in the temperature and the air is not good for health. And I don't I like the feathers who live there, don't meet my aesthetics. "

Selna is forcibly suppressed to give him a punch, so it is calm. "The air of the iron furnace is also 10,000 times better than the west plague ... well ... well, this is my last concession. But it corresponds, because there is no way to catch you back, I will have a lot loss. So in the problem of compensation, I have to knock on you, it is a compensation to me. Is this okay? "

"How much do you want? Right, my body can't give you casual, I am very regrettable, sorry."

Calm, calm, don't tell this guy - Ser' is not stopping yourself.

"50 gold coins." She did his best to make friendly expressions, but the mouth is more sharp than the knife. "Since you let you account for so cheap, then I can't suffer. Although it is a lion, this is what you can't."

"Is it sure this?" Winn is not satisfied.

"Ah ... yes." Serina was surprised - the transaction is not a bit too smooth. Is he so refined?

"Tomorrow morning, pack your luggage in the door of the hotel."

Wi En did not think about this sentence inexplicably. He stood up and rushed to a strange smile and then turned to the door to the hotel.

"What time is this solemn?" Zerna confused.

"They are chasing it!" A knight shouted, "I drag them, you have a princess to run! Arrive!"

The cold wind is like a knife as a knife. She felt that she was raised, then another pair of generous and powerful hand passed her. The blue royal dwarf holds her whole body. She heard the sound of the weapon, behind the undead, there was a fashionable snoring, and the scream of the horse.

"Don't look after it, the princess is in the house." The ear came from tired and old voice. But through the gap of the cloak, she still saw the scene behind. I just hugged her knight and rushed into the natural disaster. His horse was cut off his feet by a huge suture. At that moment he lost his mount, the sword passed through his body.

"Don't ..." She grabbed her face horror, "Don't this, this is fake, this is fake! ..."

Selna is sitting in front of the window. She looks very depressed, and her sigh is connected.

Someone took her shoulders. When she turned his head, she saw the face of the "mink" hippie smile.

"Hey, Miss, I will call you waiting for me at the door of the hotel. How? Are you trapped in young troubles? It's hard, do you fall in love with me? Ah, can't, unfortunately, I can't accept your love. ...... "Wi En and it is said to be a mercenary queen in questioning, it is better to say that he is self-directed and bored.

"Shut up, you are not annoying?" Selna didn't sound, "I just made a nightmare, I didn't sleep well in one night, I feel that I haven't worry."

"Do you want me to massage you?"

"I call you to shut up!" Selna roared. "It's a hateful guy ..."

She stood up straight and pushed the Wen En of the road. I walked into the bedroom, lifting the big backpack with her shape and her shadow, and then opened the door.

Wien shrugged his shoulders, and his face still hanged a constant, neutral, followed by the door.

"I have been very curious, what is your big backpack? I haven't seen you."

"It belongs to me, there is no curious." Selna replied coldly.

Wenian suddenly jumped to her, staring at her face. "Hey, Miss, this is so cold? We are now a companion, don't you come, come, laugh one!"

"I am in a bad mood today, don't mess with me."

"So after it is this?" Wien smiled stuffed a drumful money bag to the hands of Serba. "According to the agreement, 50 gold coins. How? Miss, this is at least letting you have a princess in the next year."

Ser' slammed the eyebrows. "Do you have a princess? It sounds very good."

She has always been wiped a little sunshine on her face. "I didn't expect that you are still very stronger. Where is these money?"

"A part-time job."

The two did not continue. Wien also slowly collapsed the exaggerated smile on his face. When arrived at noon, the two arrived at the foot of Otrakk. Going forward, you must overlook most of the Otrak Mountains - except for the Griffin, this is the closest route to the west. Due to the Northern undead disasters interfered with the flying lines of Griffin, they only had a hard scalp to start long distances.

"Ah, forget something." Ser' scratched his head disappointed. "The Cindi Grano here is not a general."

"Oh, is it?" Wi En didn't look like, "But I think there should be no problem, let's go."

"No problem? Are you funny?" Serina got him, "Listen, I have forgotten this thing recently, and the number of Cindijia has been growing from the previous year, and the beginning of this year, Nanhai Town And the replenishment of the western plague was cut by the disaster-disaster, which was cut by this disaster. You should have a whole half a month in the town. It should be seen in the stables, such as the mountains, those who are because of Cindida. Can't ship to the front line! A few days ago, in Nanhai Town, those guys actually done in the town, almost downtown! Now we have only two people, two people! And the bandits on this mountain are not I know how much, it is estimated that it will not be less than 500 people! The fool will go straight to the road to go up the mountain! We should get around the relatively safe small way ... Hello, have you listened! "

Wi-En obviously didn't listen to her, because he is now walking in the road she says "the road to walk".

"Don't be nervous, I can use my body to guarantee you no accident." His tone is still as soft as ever.

"Who is rare your body ?!" Selna's heart was born to play the impulse, "in case being surrounded ..."

Wi En stopped and looked back at this stubborn girl. He suddenly radially radially shot a very serious look at this moment. Selna was stunned, but he didn't continue to say, but it was so stunned with him.

For a long time, he opened: "Let me go with me."

A simple sentence, Ser' finds that he doesn't know why there is no objection. She stayed in place for a long time, and then slammed it on the ground, and he was very reluctant to keep up with Wien.

But after two hours, the scene appeared in front of me almost couldn't speak.

Cindida has tied countless camps in the mountains, and they do have a lot of people to gather here. But these people are now dead. The horizontal all the bodies in the camp; although they are dead, they are all miserable - some people are cut into two paragraphs; some people have been cut off; even someone is pulled out one The big hole, the internal organs are flowing out. The grass is full of blood; the air is filled with a strong bloody smell.

Ser' unveiled a face mask of a dead body. The face under the mask is distorted, and the eyes are very big. I don't know if it is because of huge fear or death, it suffers from unimaginable torture. She carefully observed the dead corpse around and found that most people in them did not touch the weapon before they were dead. That is, they are killed without preparing.

Who is so big? She felt a chill rush on the back of the ridge - this is not a thing that ordinary people can do.

"Look, my words should be checked." The Wenne on the side is still the paneish look. As if in his eyes, these are not blooddown, but a cute doll.

"Hey, don't tell me what you have!" Ser' is looking at the sashima liking by blood in a unbelievable gaze, can't help but hit nervously. "This is not a joke ... Do you know what we are seeing now? They are Xin Di stolen, all are all! The new alliance can uniform them for two years, but now they are all dead! You look at them. Pose, their face, this is a brutal unilateral massacre ... Do you have anything ignorant ?! "

"Oh ..." Vi En laughed, "Nothing is sincere? Well, I ask you, since you also know this is a group of despicable robber, then they are not worth celebrating? You won't want to do these bodies Is it compassionate? "

"They are also people." Ser' can't bear to see the scene in front of me, "Even the evil robbers, such a massacre is not too cruel - I don't think there is a person who makes this thing and what is the difference between Cindy? "

"Ha! Tang Zong's statement, Miss. I have to cheer for you!" Wi-knee applauded her.

"Are you so cold? Wi-En." Serina frowned, "I hope to face the fair branch with the enemy that is the flesh and blood like me, then defeat them, not to use this cruel way to make A slaughter. Although I am a mercenary, I prefer to use the knight to conquer my opponent. What about your enemies? "

"I hate this reason this kind of crown," Wien said to make her averse movement - he stepped on a stiff body, simply like a leather boots to smash the cerebrose. same. "What kind of knight, what is fair, this is a ignorant childish thing. This world is not fair. I only believe in my own soul. I will not see this group of corpses like you. What is human nature - I seem to be a good. "

"You are very fanatics." Selna's face has an obvious dislike look, "I do what you mean, if you also have the same power as this mysterious murdere, do you do this?"

"Why not? Why do I want to talk to the enemy or the knight?" Wien replied coldly. He looked up, closed his eyes, desperately capturing every bloody gas in the air with his nose. "How much I like this smell ... Blood, the best thing ..."

"Nausea ..." Selna whispered. She is now on how to stay away from this hanging german, and the words and deeds have made her feel deeply disgusted.

The night is coming. Refreshing wind blows through the mountain ridge, making nausea bloody disadvantaged a lot. But even if this is the case, the current smell is still unsatisfactory - because it is summer, some of the body has begun to rot, a worse smell is exuded, even if it can be sniff even in one.

Vi En launched a bonfire and he enthusiastically greet the companions. But Ser' does not want to be close to him, always keeping the distance between five or six steps. She deals with a few mouthfuls of dried food, she found a clean place, deliberately carrying Wyne, then use the most pleasant posture to lie down with her big backpack. A whole day is in the depressed mood and the mid-hoshan, which makes mercenary queen to die. It is not long after lying down, and her upper and lower eyelids will start fighting.

But what happened during the day still makes it difficult to sleep peacefully. I think that those dead miserable bodies, and the indifference of Wen, she feels extremely unhappy. Every sentence is in her mind. These with her beliefs are inconsistent, and even the views of her disgust is a bit awkward. I don't know what it is. She really wants to sleep, but it is a little crazy, but I can't enter my dreams.

In the half-time half-awake, a melodious voice passed into her ears.

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