Douluo's Golden Sparkle

Chapter 345 343_MVP is justified

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If Su Yuntian is in the qualifier, he defeated the Shrake College with the aid of the teammates, let him not call in Tiantou City, become a star character of the Safety Sea Elite Contest.

Then he is in the promotion of the first show, but also "Su Yun Tian" name, all the aristocrats and players who are present firmly remember.

No teammates assist, one-to-seven defeated the first Thunder College team in the Eastern Division, and the East Division Star Players Yu Tianxin!

And he seems to have a good power.

It's just ... horrible!

In addition to participating in the Royal College, the Thunder College, the other thirteen teams, are also watching this game.

The fire dance of the Fangtou Fair, the water and other people, naturally it is to understand that this battle is basically there is no suspense, but for other teams ... the ear is empty, seeing is true.

How did you hear it before, it is better to be convincing as a practical testimony!

Just an instant, the scene of the heart, the scene of the passion, even if the ..

In the ear, only the breeze is moving the leaves, as well as the ..

After a while, after a while, from several teams in the Tiangou Venean, the audience suddenly broke out the tide cheers.

This game came down, I saw the snowy night, the heart was blooming, I almost couldn't help it, I was able to seal the sun to the Earl on the spot.

Waiting for people's voice, Su Yuntian turned to the next, and she hides the work and name.

When I went back, I couldn't help but think that if it is the Tang San at this position, most of them will be close to the jade heart sleeve, come to a business to blow.

But Su Yun Tian will not do so, because Yu Tianxin is just a jade heart.

...... Sui Yuntian, is Su Yuntian!

Although Yu Tianxin is injured, but because the clouds are very inserted, he will stand up and stand up.

Today, the first game is over, there are six games behind.

The second game is the Heavenly Fire Academy of Tiandu City, a team called the French Bayi College.

Although the Hui Fire Academy is the tail of the crane in the Tiandu City, the comprehensive strength is not weak. In this game, only the fire is unparalleled and another Sensitive Soul teacher, defeating Fabia College .

The only regret, probably the previous game "one seven" is too exciting, there is such a result in such a result, and it has become a little tasteless.

Third, the Angle College Team is against the Haagen-Dazs Kings College.

This game was because there was a man in the scene, so Su Yuntian still standed under the stage.

Meng Yirheng as the deputy captain of the team's team, took the lead in the game.

Today, she put on the uniform of the alcoholics. The whole person seems to be more practically, cool, hands and hard and long snake sticks, connecting the opposite players to the platform, not for a while, Winning three.

Now Meng Yaoran is a goal of cultivating, and the strength is stronger than in the original character of Douuo. After the opposite person is defeated, it is exhausted.

The sister is high, the strength is strong, and it has been the attention of many people.

Compared with the same, although the fire of the Hui Fire Institute also defeated four people, but the fire is unparalleled, and how does Meng still image?

Because of this, Meng Yaran himself became the second star player in the promotion.

However, this star player seems to be absent-minded, and when I got the direction of the audience, I saw what was looking for.

Su Yuntian is hidden in the corner, and it is a bit touch.

... The promotion is also a cycle system, and there will be a day of the Royal College to the Alcohology College.

At that time, I was going to fight with Meng Yaran.

In the subsequent competition, the Slack College in Tiantou City Division, Tianshui College also won the victory, the gods college, automatically won.

In this way, in the first day of the game, the 5 teams in the Tiandu Tournament area have achieved victory.

Such a result, so that the emperor of the snow night is very pleased.

After the end of the seven games, the fire dance, Ning Rong Rong has come to the Royal College, ready to find the clouds, but by the avalanche, the excuse of "Cluttering of Yuntian Deputy Captain, no one," is blocked back.

Su Yun Tian himself, during the game, when he didn't pay attention, quietly left the royal hunting ground, returning to the private house of Tiandu City.

Taking into account the next step, he doesn't want the fire dance, Ning Rong and Zhu Zhuqing to produce serious dependence on himself.

After all, it is necessary to separate for a long time, can adapt in advance, let them adapt in advance.

In the next two weeks of competition, the Royal College has experienced 1 triumgo, as well as the other 13 play with other colleges.

In the fifth day, Su Yuntian defeated the Hui Fire Academy of the Fire Dismorn, and defeated the Tianshui College and the Shenfang College on the 8th and 12th day.

Before the last day of the game, the Royal College team has achieved 13 consecutive achievements, from the beginning to the end, it is only the only one Yun Tian himself.

In other words, he has touched the youth soul of the Empire Division!

Only 14 days ago, the Royal College has opened the gods and Thunder colleges, becomes the first team of the Fangtou Empire!

MVP is justified!

However, on the last day of the last game, there happened that everyone had not fulfilled.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the sky in the north suddenly floated a dark cloud, followed by the cold wind from the north, blowing the royal knight group's banner in the wind hunting.

At 2:44, today's top six games have ended, will start the last game after ten minutes.

"This is the last game of the promotion competition in this competition, still appeared by our Royal College's second team!"

The host held the high-stroke speaker in the center of the game, rendering the atmosphere.

"I don't know if this last game, the Vice captain of the Royal Academy, is there a legend of the legend?"

... The last game, the Royal College, the second team of the VS.

At the moment of admission, the elements of the alcoholics first came to the stage.

It is still the first, but this time, thinking that maybe in the face of his own heart, Meng Yao is tight, the expression is very dignified.

In the expectation of full, with three points of grief, two points are uneasy, and it is very popular.

The Royal Academy is here, Su Yuntian slowly deserted Terminal.

The eyes of the audience are again focused.

"Game start!"

With the announcement of the host, the noisy stadium suddenly quiet.

Almost everyone is waiting for the "Wang Zhubara" that is famous for the famous "Wang Zhutu", and shoots countless powerful treasures.

Even the team members of the beast college, there is no hope for this battle.

Meng Jiran stood on the stage, staring at Su Yuntian, and his eyes did not blink.

She didn't fight, but she was looking forward to the action of each other.

Whether giving yourself an explanation, or the kind of crushing of the kind ... Meng Yiro is emptied, waiting for the other party to take the first step.

Su Yuntian Zhang Zhang said, it seems that I want to say something, and finally, I will take it, turn it off.

"This game, I admitted."

People in the field are shocked.

A piece of stunned.


PS1- Thanks to the book friend Black Swan Bai Swan, Current Month, Anhui Jun's Reward!

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