Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 130 The feasibility of the three-person martial arts fusion technique

The three women on the side were a little confused as they listened to the conversation between the master and apprentice. Although they were very curious, they did not interrupt at will.

When it comes to the Pope and the Grand Priest of Wuhun Palace, they are still a little in awe.

However, he secretly gossiped in his heart, Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong? From what Xiao Li said, there seemed to be a story between them.

The two people are very different in strength and have opposing identities. What relationship can there be between the two?

No one would think about feelings at all, or in other words, they would think about it, but they would soon deny it. After all, no matter how they thought about it, it was a bit absurd. They subconsciously believed that the two of them were not from the same world.

In addition, the amount of information about martial soul fusion skills that Han Li just mentioned was quite large, so everyone became quiet and simply sorted out the new knowledge in their minds.

"Then, will it be my turn next?"

After Dugu Yan came to his senses, he looked at Han Li excitedly.

"Well, it's indeed our turn." Han Li responded with a smile.

"First try to use flames to simulate the fluctuations of your soul power. This will be more intuitive. Well, try again to see if you can slightly adjust the fluctuations."

Han Li walked to her side and took the lead in mobilizing his soul power to set an example for her.

"Okay, I'll try."

Although Dugu Yan's martial soul has also evolved, in this regard, the foundation of her martial soul is still somewhat inferior.

In short, she did show fluctuations, but apart from the changes in soul power fluctuations caused by emotional changes, she was not able to control the soul power fluctuations to change as desired.

Shui Bing'er and Xiu'er also tried it in their own way, and then they also encountered the same problem.

"It seems that it's because my mental strength is not strong enough."

Han Li freely adjusted the changes in his soul power. Although it was not fixed, there was no problem in maintaining a frequency in a short period of time, but it was just a bit laborious.

As for permanent changes, according to his speculation, even he must concentrate on practicing for a long time before he can completely change it into the kind of fluctuation and frequency he wants.

Guang Ling and Qing Luan also tried each other and found that even they could not easily change the fluctuations of their own soul power.

Although the fit between 50% and 60% seems to be about the same, when you really try to change it, you will find that it is really difficult.

"It seems that the sooner you discover this, the better. In the early stage, your mental power is much higher than your own level, which is also a weapon for acquiring martial soul fusion skills. When your soul power becomes huge, it becomes even more difficult to control."

After the comparison attempt, Han Li made a concluding speech.

"That's true. It seems that your uncle and I will be busy in the future. Well, I won't interfere with your affairs. You can deal with the three over there first."

Guang Ling patted his apprentice's shoulder with a mean smile, and looked at the three girls next to him who were still trying to adjust the fluctuations in their soul power.


Han Li nodded. There was indeed no need for the master to try with him for the time being. The strength gap between the two was too big to make a mistake.

"I don't know, would it work like this?"

After Han Li lowered his head and thought for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"What did you think of again?"

Guang Ling asked curiously.

"Master, you will know later."

Han Li quickly walked towards Dugu Yan and Shui Bing'er.

"Sister Yan, Bing'er, come on, I have an idea, let's try it."


Seeing the excitement on his face, the two women looked at each other and answered without hesitation.

"Sister Xiu'er, I will try it alone with you later. This time I will start with the attributes I am familiar with."

Han Li thought of what happened yesterday and said something to Xiu'er.

"Yeah, I know, Xiao Li."

Seeing him at this time, Xiu'er also comforted herself first, returned a sweet smile, and nodded towards him.

"Come on, you guys come to my left and right respectively, and then grab my hand."

Han Li stretched out his hand and looked at the two girls.

The two girls had already become accustomed to his behavior and handed their hands to him directly.

"We will enter the cultivation state together later. However, don't cycle through your body as usual. Instead, direct your soul power to me first. After passing through my body, I will give it back to you. Do you understand?"

Han Li gave instructions. He had control over the elements of ice and fire, and their respective mastery and resistance to the elements of ice and fire were not low. They could still withstand the impact of his soul power when they were conscious.

"It's a very good idea, worth a try, and if it succeeds, not only the two-person martial soul fusion skill can be easily completed, but the three-person martial soul fusion skill may also be possible."

"If this continues for a long time, your high-intensity ice and fire elements will also benefit their two martial arts spirits. Relying on Xiao Li, you can complete further transformation."

Qingluan understood his thoughts immediately and praised aloud from the side.

"Ha, it must be you, uncle, who can see my thoughts at a glance. And I swear by my martial soul that when I transfer soul power to you two, I will remove my spiritual imprint to avoid the things I mentioned before. things.”

Han Li first turned around and gave a thumbs up to Qingluan, and then made a serious promise to Duguyan and Shui Binger.

The two were stunned for a moment, then nodded and swore on their martial souls that this was already Douluo Dalu's highest promise.

The two looked at Han Li with a softer look. They had just ignored this point. After all, this was not the situation mentioned just now, but they did not expect Han Li to bring it up.

Guang Ling and Qing Luan on the side also nodded and wrote down this note.

"Okay, empty your mind and try to maintain your most primitive soul power fluctuations."

Han Li reminded him and took the lead in entering a meditative state.

Dugu Yan and Shui Bing'er also closed their eyes and entered a meditative state.

Two different energies flowed into Han Li's body from his arms, causing him to frown slightly in a meditative state, but he was well prepared. With absolute control, he began to deal with the alien soul power in his body in an orderly manner.

One minute, two minutes, ten minutes, just when the three people outside thought that this attempt would fail.

Suddenly, with Han Li's body as the center, a light red light shield appeared around the three people and wrapped them up.

Then they saw that the soul power began to transfer with Han Li as the transfer, and the three people's auras were mixed together, indistinguishable from each other.

"It's done."

Although it was impossible to directly see the soul power fluctuations of the three people in the practice, the appearance of this scene undoubtedly represented that Han Li's idea was feasible.

"It seems that the martial soul fusion skills may become the mainstream in the future." Guang Ling couldn't help but sigh.

"It's unlikely. At most, there will be more of them. Even if you can find someone who can complete the martial soul fusion skills with you, it is difficult to change your own soul power fluctuations. Not everyone can be as strong as Xiao Li in controlling the lower elements and mental power."

"And just the trust issue, the martial soul fusion skills cannot be rampant. If you think that it is not Xiao Li's efforts, and these two children have benefited, how many people do you think can let the other party's soul power enter their bodies for a long time."

Qingluan shook his head and clearly pointed out the problem.

"Well, you are right, but I overlooked it."

Guang Ling was stunned, and then he thought of the reality and figured out the key.

He and Qingluan have been friends for decades, so they can trust each other.

As for the two children in front of him, Han Li could let them do this, but he paid the price of the quasi-immortal grass and helped them evolve their martial spirits.

If it weren't for this, I'm afraid only Xiu'er would let Han Li do whatever he wanted.

However, it was precisely because of this that Han Li activated her martial spirit for her, used the immortal grass as a base, and left the Acacia Heartbroken Red to her without hesitation, and didn't even let others try it.

Thinking of this, Guang Ling glanced at his side calmly, only to see Xiu'er staring at the movement over there.

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