Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 151 All good things must come to an end, set off again (3k)

Hearing Qian Renxue's words, Han Li laughed dumbly and turned his head to look at her.

"It would be great if the domain could really be learned so easily. And do you think that with the current relationship between the Worship Hall and the Pope Hall, the two titles will teach me?"

Qian Renxue thought for a moment and shook her head.

"The reason why I can understand the field is of course because of my invincible perception, amazing wisdom and strong qualifications."

Han Li replied half-jokingly, while not forgetting to add in his heart the blessing of plane consciousness.

Then, he saw Qian Renxue nodded.

Okay, it seems no explanation is needed.

He hasn't done many things in Wuhun Palace in the past few years, but every one of them is enough to cause shock in the mainland, and others will naturally believe it.

"Can you tell me about your method of covering a small area?"

Qian Renxue spoke a little embarrassedly, and then quickly added: "Of course, I can pay the price, how about a soul bone?"

"Also, just like your Breathless Wind, I will not tell anyone else except myself. I swear in the name of the Angel God."

When he saw leeks, he would cut himself off. Han Li had no objection and nodded.

He is not a generous person, but there are some things that he was originally prepared to provide to his people. Now that Qian Renxue has taken the initiative to increase the amount, Han Li will naturally not refuse.

Soon, he taught Qian Renxue the little tricks.

In the final analysis, they are essentially just tips on how to apply mental and soul power, but even so, Qian Renxue listened with interest.

Han Li couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Douluo Continent was still too barbaric after all. The restrictions of the cultivation rules and the superior quality of martial arts made the people at the top lose their subjective initiative at all.

As for people at the bottom, even if someone really studies it and succeeds, it will be difficult for them to get ahead, because skills are only useful among people at the same level.

Here, your hard work on studying skills is really not as practical as having an extra soul ring above your head.

After Qian Renxue finished absorbing the knowledge, she briefly tested it again. Although it was not able to directly cover the body surface like Han Li.

But compared to the previous situation where it turned directly into a large LED light bulb as soon as the field was opened, it is still much better.

Seeing her enthusiastic look, Han Li reminded her again: "For now, the improvement of soul power is the most important thing. Don't invest too much energy in it."

When Qian Renxue heard his words, she smiled and closed her domain.

"Don't worry, I know that at least in terms of soul power level, you won't be able to catch up easily."

Han Li nodded, as long as she understood.

"Okay, let's go out too. Didn't you want me to see the strength of the three of them?"

Qian Renxue looked at Han Li. After the battle with him, she was also a little curious about the three of them.

"Then let's go and let you see what true soul master training is."

Han Li also smiled. He was quite confident in the three women.

There isn't much worth mentioning about the battle process.

Qian Renxue, who had the upper hand in martial arts and soul power, faced off against the three women. Although it felt a bit tricky, she still won easily.

However, there were some changes in the way she looked at the three people. These three people were not as powerful as normal soul kings, and the soul emperor could only deliver food.

She paid much more attention to them, treating them as geniuses of the highest level, instead of the previous female companions of Han Li.

Especially Xiu'er, her unexpected fighting style and the claw that almost scattered all her soul power made her remember it particularly deeply.

She was certain that if Xiu'er grew up, Grandpa Jin Crocodile would also be completely suppressed by her.

There is also Dugu Yan whose fire ability is no worse than hers, and Shui Bing'er who can suppress her fire ability with ice elements.

In terms of combat style, they almost all have their own set of tactics, combined with self-created soul skills other than soul rings. Under the Soul Saint, the only result is defeat when facing them.

Qian Renxue was secretly stunned. As long as the few people gathered around Han Li could grow up, their combat power would be at least as strong as the elders of the Enshrinement Hall in the future, or even stronger.

His ability to collect and cultivate talents is actually stronger than that of the entire Wuhun Palace.

As for the Wuhun Palace, Hu Liena and the three people who had no chance to become the "golden generation" were directly ignored by her. The Wuhun Palace did not lack ordinary title combat power.

Even if Hu Liena and his brother Xie Yue have martial soul fusion skills, they are at best on the level of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, not to mention that their martial soul fusion skills are not as powerful as the two of them.

Then, Han Li would be the first person she conquered after the Tiandou Empire.

Qian Renxue silently confirmed her future goals in her heart.

Han Li, who didn't know that Qian Renxue had set such a lofty goal, was still very satisfied with the performance of the three of them.

Even against Qian Renxue, the three of them did not collapse at the first touch. Instead, they each showed their due strength and responded reasonably. The actual training was not in vain.

Xiu'er's explosive step and Bajibeng, Duguyan's flame control and strong melee ability, and Shui Bing'er's ice element control with field control ability are enough for them to cope with the upcoming trip.

In the following time, several people were warmly entertained by Qian Renxue, and they were also given a taste of the luxury from the royal family.

Near the end, Han Li also formally bid farewell to Qian Renxue.

"Are you leaving so soon?"

Qian Renxue looked a little dazed.

In the past few days, although she still spent most of her time in contact with Han Li as Xue Qinghe, it did make her mood better. She even became a little greedy for the feeling of having friends.

"Every banquet in the world never ends, leaving temporarily is for a better encounter next time."

Han Li guessed what she was thinking and served a bowl of chicken soup for the first time in a long time.

"It makes sense, but I think too much."

After Qian Renxue repeated his words, she cheered up, picked up the cup on the table and handed it to the center:

"Cheers to a better future."

Her emotions also infected several people, and they all raised their glasses and drank them all in laughter.

Of course, the cup was full of Hanli brand juice and he didn't drink.

There were no surprises on the way back. Those with ulterior motives had already been dealt with and all the ashes were blown away.

"Then see you next time and don't forget what I told you."

When they parted, Han Li sent another message to Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue, who had returned to Xue Qinghe's attire, nodded and parted ways with him politely.

Ye family, I didn’t expect there to be such interesting stories, well, I’d better not contact them for the time being.

In the future, perhaps we can use the identity of the prince to directly win over the Ye family.

Designating Ye Lingling as a candidate for the imperial concubine is also an option. Well, I just don't know if Han Li can accept it.

Forget it, it's better not to act rashly. She finally got a friend, and she didn't want to lose her again soon.

On the other side, Han Li and others returned directly to Wuhun Hall.

"Are we leaving tomorrow?"

Dugu Yan looked at Han Li and asked.

"The day after tomorrow, you can go and say goodbye to Ye Lingling later. It is not suitable for us to contact her directly for the time being. However, you can have a close relationship with her. The premise is that she needs to swear an oath with her martial spirit. In three years at the latest, we will Solve her martial arts problem."

Han Li thought for a while, and considering Ye Lingling's situation, he relaxed the restrictions a little.

"Okay, no problem, I know you are the best, Xiao Li."

Dugu Yan showed a happy smile and gave him a sweet kiss.

"The morning after tomorrow, with a little disguise, we will transfer to another carriage."

Having said this, Han Li looked at Dugu Bo.

"Grandpa, please continue driving this carriage towards Wuhun City. Kill the spy directly."

"We are waiting for you at the villa twenty kilometers outside Tiandou City. We have to disappear for a while."

"Well, leave it to me."

Dugu Bo didn't even ask him what he planned to do next, and just agreed.

The morning of the third day was just as it had come.

Dugu Bo drove the carriage out of the city gate and headed towards Wuhun City under the gaze of everyone.

"The Holy Son of Wuhun Palace is gone. He has returned to Wuhun City with his friendship with Tiandou."

"Yes, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to see Dugu Mian again in the future."

"Who says otherwise? However, he has accepted several invitations from His Highness the Crown Prince. It is said that the two of them had a very happy conversation."

"Well, I heard about it too. By the way, how do you sell this dish?"

Amidst the conversations of passers-by, they gradually put the matter of the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace behind them and began to worry about trivial life. These big shots were still too far away from them.

What they didn't know was that while they were talking, in another luxury carriage passing by in the middle of the street, the departed Holy Son of Wuhundian passed by again.

"Xiao Li, where should we go next?"

Dugu Yan was the first to speak as always. After walking around Tiandou City, she became more and more looking forward to the rest of the trip.

"Let's go back to Notting City first. I haven't been back for a long time."

Han Li stretched and looked at Xiu'er. After all, that was where they first lived.

A flash of joy flashed across Xiuer's face, and she really wanted to go back and take a look.

What Han Li didn't say was that he was going to take her back to her previous village to see it, even though it was already deserted.

Since Xiu'er was rescued, she has never dared to go near the village where she lived. Even if she wanted to pay homage to her parents, she would only go to the graves.

Now she is no longer the weak girl she was back then, and it is time to get out of this so-called psychological shadow. Otherwise, it may be difficult for her to get out of that place.

If possible, he would rather Xiuer be well protected by him and live a happy life, but now, it is obviously impossible.

Either proactively or passively, he has been pushed on a path that he must take. Although there is still a guarantee, he still wants to keep the initiative in his own hands.

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