Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 16 Abnormal external soul bones and mutated soul skills

As soon as Qingluan finished speaking, Han Li opened his eyes, not caring about the dust on his clothes, and stood up with a happy face.

He first waved to Xiu'er who was not far away to show that he was fine, and then looked at the two Titled Douluo in front of him.

"Thank you, teacher, thank you, uncle, thank you for protecting me."

He was not surprised that the two appeared beside him. After all, he made a sound when absorbing the external soul bone, and this very conspicuous situation could not be unnoticed.

"Hey, isn't this Master Han? You still know that I am your teacher. When you cut the elemental butterfly with a knife, it was so neat. Now that you have the first soul ring and the external soul bone, I am afraid that my status as a teacher is even lower." Guang Ling said with an exaggerated expression.


Listening to his teacher's weird words, countless question marks appeared on Han Li's forehead in an instant.

But his reaction was still fast, and he instantly realized that Guang Ling was provoked by him and complained here.

He rushed forward in an instant, hugged Guang Ling's arm, shook it, tilted his head, and looked at him without saying anything.

"Get lost."

Guang Ling looked down at him and saw that he had no intention of letting go. He knew that he had underestimated this boy's face, so he threw him back to the original place with a look of disgust.

Qing Luan looked at the interaction between the master and the apprentice and shook his head with amusement. Guang Ling had met his nemesis and was eaten by his apprentice. This was good, and the boring worship hall would have more fun in the future, so that Guang Ling would not be unable to sit still and look for people to fight everywhere.

Seeing that Han Li still wanted to pounce, Guang Ling directly mobilized his soul power and restricted him to the spot. He said with a serious face: "Okay, kid, confess the truth and tell me what the thing on your head is used for."

Han Li was just pretending, and he stood up again when he saw this. There was something on his head suddenly. He was not used to it yet. He fiddled with his tentacles with his hands before organizing his words:

"For the time being, the effects are still mixed and have not formed a complete system. Fortunately, it can be used even if it is put away, but the effect is slightly weaker. Let me briefly talk about its effects. First, perception, including but not limited to climate, temperature and taste; second, communication, I can use it to unilaterally transmit information to others, and it will basically not be noticed; third, amplification, it has improved my mental strength to a certain extent, and when my mental strength is released, it will be about 1.5 times the amplification."

"The fourth and most important point is that it strengthens my affinity and perception of the elements. The most important thing is that since it and my first soul ring come from the same beast, it can continuously drive the enhancement of the soul skill effect while strengthening it, and solidify it into a passive. But I don’t know if it’s because of my martial soul, it is very repellent to other elements besides water and fire."

Speaking of this, Han Li said with a headache. The appearance of the external soul bone greatly strengthened his perception of water and fire elements, but it also brought certain negative effects. Although in the short term, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages for him, but in the future, he may lose some opportunities.

Looking at Han Li's worried expression, not only Guang Ling, but even Qing Luan couldn't help but want to slap him.

What are you worried about? Do you know how envious they are? This kid is totally taking advantage of him.

Guang Ling and Qing Luan looked at each other, Qing Luan nodded calmly, Guang Ling showed a grim smile on his face, and before Han Li could react, he pressed him on his legs and slapped him on the butt.

"Let the kid show off, like to pretend, right? Today I'll let you know what adults are treacherous."

Pah Pah Pah

Four or five times in a row, it must be said that the action of blocking the account was indeed fast enough. By the time Han Li reacted, Guang Ling had finished beating him and put him back to where he was, with a very comfortable expression on his face.

It can be seen that Han Li was just expressing his feelings normally. After all, as the father of destiny, he had to have some other compensation without the first ring of a million years, right? Now, the compensation mechanism has arrived, and he is still quite satisfied.

However, he did not expect to suffer an unprovoked disaster. Looking at the expression of the unscrupulous teacher, he just felt confused. When he felt the pain on his buttocks, he reacted. He was not angry, but just a little ashamed.

Looking at the teacher staring at him with ill intentions, Han Li instantly extinguished the idea of ​​resistance, but silently remembered what happened today in his heart. My beloved teacher, Han Tianzun's "forbearance", I am afraid you can't bear it. (Note: anti-bar, joke, no birth idea.)

Seeing Han Li bowed his head and said nothing, Guang Ling's expression was not right, and he was even more panicked. Could this kid be scared by this beating? This is his first time to take an apprentice, don't make a rift because of this, so he quickly cast a look of help to Qingluan.

Qingluan smiled but didn't say anything. The look in this boy's eyes was exactly the same as Guangling's after he was beaten before. It would be strange if something happened.

Guangling didn't get Qingluan's help. After thinking about it, he squatted down a little embarrassedly, patted Han Li's head, coughed and said, "Good disciple, I was wrong just now. I promise that I will never do this again. Then, I will agree to one more condition of yours. How about it?"

Han Li didn't expect that there would be such a good thing without reacting. He threw the nonsense of "you sign a contract" in his mind behind his head and replied respectfully, "Everything is up to the teacher. Although the disciple doesn't know why the teacher took action just now, it must be the disciple's fault. The disciple will remember it."

If every time he was spanked, he could make a condition. Han Li wouldn't mind a few more spankings. He was only six years old now. What happened if he was spanked by his elders?

Is there a problem? No problem at all. How many people don’t have this condition?

When Guang Ling heard what Han Li said, she felt very guilty. He should really deserve it. As a teacher, how could he be influenced by his emotions? Xiao Li is still a child, so what does he know? He is really incompetent as a teacher.

Qingluan on the side looked a little dumbfounded, this, this is too unsightly.

Guang Ling is so pitiful, being toyed with and applauded. But he didn't mean to remind him. It didn't matter if he let Guang Ling suffer a little loss. He was still his own disciple. Anyway, there wouldn't be any big problem.

Seeing that Guang Ling realized the "mistake", Han Li quickly changed the subject and said: "Teacher, uncle, after absorbing this externally attached soul bone, I have reached level 12, and I am not far from level 13. At most In half a month, we should be able to reach level thirteen. And..."

Seeing the two men nodding with satisfaction, Han Li summoned his martial soul, and the ice and fire bow instantly appeared in his hand. What was strange was that his soul ring was not in the regular position, but appeared very inconspicuously. In front of the center of the bow, there seems to be an aiming rail. If you don't pay attention, it can easily be ignored.

"It's okay, the little ones are cute too."

Guang Ling thought he was a little worried that the position and size of the soul ring were different from ordinary people, so he said nonchalantly.

Han Li's face darkened when he heard what he said. What did he say?

"Teacher, don't interrupt, that's not what I want to say. My first soul skill has also changed accordingly. In addition to the affinity with the water and fire elements, my regular attacks have also been strengthened."

Han Li thought for a while and simply poured soul power into the bow. The bow string and arrows were instantly formed. Then, Guang Ling and Qing Luan saw that when the arrows were shot out, they passed through the yellow soul ring. , the intensity suddenly increased a lot.


Not far from the training ground, a small crater was instantly blasted by the force of the falling arrows. There were still some flames burning around the crater. Han Li nodded with satisfaction at first. With the assistance of mental power, even now he can I can control the approximate range. As for what is beyond the range of mental power, I can just let it happen for the time being.

Looking at the two titled Douluo whose eyes lit up, Han Li did not dare to show off and continued: "The temporary enhancement is only 30%, but it will also grow with the attached soul bones in the future, and the consumption will be very low. Of course, I You can also choose to cancel proactively.”

With a wave of his hand, the soul ring returned to the top of his head, then stood up under his control and appeared behind his head.

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