Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 173: Blazing Sun Domain, the Sixth Soul Ring Delivered to Your Door

The new martial soul phantom is not quite the same as everyone imagined.

Han Li had imagined what Jiuying would look like before, after all, Ma Hongjun's martial soul evolved into a seven-headed fire phoenix after swallowing the inner elixir of the ten-headed scorching sun snake.

Or maybe Dugu Yan's martial soul directly turned into a ten-headed scorching sun snake, but he didn't expect it to become like this.

Overall, the appearance of the Flame Winged Snake Spirit has not changed much, and even the extra head has not grown, but on its head, nine golden-red phantoms like the sun are arranged in a strange way, giving it a sacred meaning.

Well, it should be because the concentration of snakes is too high, the original half-dragon head has now turned back to the appearance of a snake, and it is very similar to the head of the ten-headed scorching sun snake.

The appearance that was originally gradually turning into vermilion has completely turned into golden red after this evolution. How to say it, in terms of appearance, it is much better than before.

Dugu Yan's forehead also had a mark that looked like a snake or a flame. With her golden-red hair and whitened skin, she looked very cool, and people felt that she was so beautiful that they dared not look directly at her, as if even their eyes would be burned.

It is worth mentioning that Dugu Yan's already fixed figure has become more powerful, but her waist has become much thinner. While people are deterred by her temperament, they also have a strong desire to conquer her.

Han Li blinked unconsciously and sighed in his heart that the martial soul evolution is really good.

Every time it evolves, it is like changing a person. Coincidentally, he has witnessed the whole process and experienced every period.

But the one who reacted the most on the scene was definitely not Han Li, but the other two girls. They looked at Dugu Yan with their eyes almost straight, and the envy in their eyes was almost overflowing.

"That's great."

Dugu Bo suddenly spoke up. It can be seen that his body was a little uncomfortable, which was a manifestation of the suppression of the martial soul, but the expression on his face was extremely excited.

With this sound, Dugu Yan also woke up, opened her eyes and stood up. At the same time, a smile appeared on her face, which was very beautiful.

Above her head, the soul rings also appeared one after another, and the golden-red soul ring at the top also caught everyone's eyes.

"Golden-red, is this the natal soul ring that Xiao Li mentioned?"

Dugu Bo's voice trembled a little. Dugu Yan's harvest this time was beyond his expectations.

"Grandpa, you guessed right, it's the natal soul ring, which can grow with me. It's a pity. If I had known this result, I should have put it on the seventh soul ring."

Dugu Yan was happy at first, and then she replied reluctantly.

While she was talking, the soul ring on her head was still flashing, as if responding to her words.

"The energy of the inner elixir is limited. If it is the seventh soul ring, perhaps while improving the martial soul, it will not be able to form a natal soul ring. It's not bad now."

Han Li looked at her greedy look and added a sentence.

He had thought about this problem before, but after calculating with the plane consciousness, he decided to make it the sixth soul ring, so that the utilization efficiency can be maximized.

Moreover, before the Soul Saint, the martial soul upgrade drives the fire attribute to transform into the ultimate fire, which is of great help to the subsequent condensation of the soul core.

"Hey, I'll tell you."

Dugu Yan smiled a little embarrassedly. She was indeed a little too greedy.

However, the next second, she looked at the few people happily again.

"My gains are more than that. Do you want to guess again? By the way, Xiao Li, you are not allowed to guess."

Dugu Yan directly launched the silence spell, and Han Li also smiled and closed his mouth.

There was no way, he could not refuse the threat of the snake girl who had just changed her skin, if he wanted to experience a thinner waist in the future.

Guang Ling cast a contemptuous look at him and decisively joined the guessing game. He could not refuse this childish game.

In the process of going back and forth, Dugu Yan's information was still updated.

The sixth soul ring, for now, has only 50,000 years of age, but considering that it can continue to grow, it can be ignored.

As for the soul skill, it was named Nine Suns by Dugu Yan. It is a relatively flexible move that can focus on a point attack or directly attack in a range.

When using the soul skill, the nine golden-red scorching suns suspended above the martial soul will emit fire-attributed rays, which can be freely controlled by Dugu Yan and can be merged together to form a stronger attack.

In addition, Dugu Yan can also choose to directly sacrifice the nine scorching suns to form a bombing zone within the range of her mental power, or even directly self-destruct, but in this case, the recovery period will be longer.

In general, her sixth soul skill can be regarded as a martial soul true body that does not strengthen itself but strengthens the attack.

Finally, her biggest gain is a domain, which she named the scorching sun domain.

After the domain is unfolded, a scene of nine suns across the sky will appear in the domain, and not only that, the bottom will also turn into a sea of ​​fire.

In the domain, Duguyan's fire damage is directly increased by 100%, and she also has the ability to transform into fire, which can avoid physical damage to the greatest extent.

And her enemies, if they are in the domain, will be ignited as time goes by, whether it is soul power or mental power, and will be continuously eroded by fire poison.

The most abnormal point is that perhaps because of the extreme fire, in the domain, other elements are directly excluded and cannot be used, which is the same as one of the effects of Han Li's two-element domain.

"Come on, Sister Yan, if one day you can combine the realm of the God of Death, then you can be the king in battles at the same level."

Han Li smiled and encouraged, but received a blank stare.

"The consumption of the Fierce Sun Realm is too great. I can't afford it now. The fusion should wait until later."

Dugu Yan was pleasantly surprised when she found out that she had become level 67, but after she tried it, she turned into a bitter face again.

"Hahaha, take your time. After you reach level 70, the domain will gradually show its power."

Dugu Bo was so happy that he couldn't even close his mouth.

His granddaughter has two fields, one of which is the talent field that comes with martial arts. What is the top family of snake martial arts in mainland China?

A good thing happened, and the atmosphere in the yard became lively again. As the night got deeper, the house became quiet, and it was another good night's sleep.

The next day, several people stopped practicing for a short time and waited until three o'clock in the morning before getting up. They went to the chamber of commerce in the town and exchanged some supplies.

Steal half a day's leisure.

In the afternoon, the three girls ran out to go shopping, and the four men played chess by the pond in the yard, chatting casually and enjoying the long-lost leisure.

As for worrying about the three of them, it's better not to worry about them. They are still letting out murders from time to time. In addition, this is not a place where soul masters often hang out. It's okay if they don't bully others.

Sure enough, it was almost dark before they came back again. It could be seen that they were in a very happy mood. Not only did they bring meals, but they also brought gifts to each of them.

Early the next morning, a luxury carriage set off again, leaving the town and heading towards the Star Forest.

When several people appeared again, it was already more than ten days later, avoiding the sight of others and entering the Star Forest.

"Is Bing'er's sixth soul ring going to the frozen forest?"

After going in for a while, Guang Ling seemed to remember that this time not only Han Li, but also Xiu'er and Shui Bing'er also needed to obtain soul rings.

"No need, there is also a soul beast suitable for Bing'er here, a snow kite that accidentally lives here."

Han Li smiled and replied, as to whether it was really an accident, only he knew in his heart.

Such a coincidence?

Several people blinked and stopped asking, acquiescing to Han Li's statement.

Well, after all, this is the Star Dou Forest, so nothing should be surprising, not to mention that it was said by Han Li himself.

Then, after walking for a long time, Han Li, who was walking in front, stretched out his hand to stop everyone's actions and asked everyone to hide their presence as much as possible.

As expected, after Han Li and the others had been waiting in place for nearly ten minutes, an angry snow kite came chasing a dark golden bear holding an egg. The dark golden bear kept turning around and throwing boulders. The scene was It was so funny that several people couldn't help but hold their foreheads in their hands.

Han Li watched this scene without changing his expression. He had no choice but to try his best. It was not until he communicated with his good son that he realized that his previous plane consciousness was also difficult to describe.

He has already optimized a situation like this, otherwise, the scene would be even more outrageous.

"Master, uncle, and old man, let's take action together. Don't make too much noise, so as not to affect subsequent events."

Han Li saw that several people were happily watching the excitement and couldn't help but urge them.

"Okay, here we go."

Although this scene was very interesting, in the past few years, several people had seen more outrageous scenes, and they still took action quickly.

The three super Douluo's attacks were sharp and decisive, and they fell into a coma without giving the two special actors a chance to resist.

Guang Ling quietly stuffed the eggs into his storage space to serve as his future rations.

Everything went smoothly, as if God had arranged it. The two of them absorbed the soul rings effortlessly, and also gained two soul bones by the way.

However, the two of them did not choose to absorb it directly, but temporarily put it away.

They have not forgotten what Guang Ling said before. After the soul core is formed, this thing can speed up cultivation, but it is a bit of a disadvantage to absorb it now.

Similarly, the two reached levels 62 and 66 respectively. Among them, Shui Bing'er's level leap was the most obvious, crossing level 9 within one year.

However, in a short period of time, her period of explosive growth has passed, and the gap in soul power required for the follow-up is getting bigger and bigger. She can only rely on three fellow practitioners to make up for the slow progress of the ultimate attribute training before Soul Saint. .

You know, she was able to grow so much this time because Han Li took care of her and Dugu Yan, and deliberately left some meat for the two of them in the killing city.

Xiu'er and Dugubo could only drink some soup during that battle.

But even so, several people are very satisfied with the progress this year.

You must know that although their soul power has not grown much faster than before, they have made great progress in physical body, mental power, combat power, etc. This is unimaginable by others.

Their peers are still struggling in the soul master and soul sect stages, but these are still the best group.

"Okay, we've got them both, Xiao Li, where's your goal?"

"Are you talking about the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger? Well, look over there."

Han Li raised the corner of his mouth slightly and pointed to the northwest. Over the forest, many flying soul beasts were fleeing crazily.

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