Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 213 The first man-made 100,000-year soul bone

Wow, this old guy, his reaction is really fast enough.

Han Li glanced at the Blue Silver King who was still communicating. Their conversation was almost just a brief mention to Tang San.

But even so, it made this decision decisively.

There is no doubt that it has no trust in the male protagonist of the previous Blue Silver Emperor incident, Tang Hao, and treats him as an enemy.

Perhaps, in the eyes of this old Blue Silver minister, their emperor was deceived? So you are also a supporter of conspiracy theory?

Of course, it may also be because it shows the characteristics of a male soul beast? So it is so clear? Han Li thought a little nonsense.

However, he is happy to see this happen.

With this order from the Blue Silver King, as the scope of communication expands, let alone awakening blood, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul is completely useless.

It is estimated that even if he uses Blue Silver Grass to practice mimicry in the future, he will be resisted. Of course, when his level is improved, he may be able to forcibly borrow the power of ordinary Blue Silver Grass.

After all, even if there is no awakening, for soul beasts, the level of blood is there, not to mention that the martial soul can still evolve as the cultivation level increases, even if his martial soul is almost broken.

But even so, the biggest advantage of the Blue Silver Grass martial soul compared to other plant-based martial souls will be lost, and it can be regarded as completely reduced to the bottom of the same level of soul masters.

The title of little punk is a foregone conclusion this time, and Han Li couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

The Blue Silver King on the side, although I don't know why Han Li's attitude seems to have become a little gentle, but for it, for the Blue Silver Grass clan, it is always a good thing.

"Yes, I am very satisfied with your handling."

Han Li nodded lightly, and continued: "After I leave here, I will use some means to completely hide the Blue Silver Forest, and no one will be able to find it again."

His words fell into the ears of the Blue Silver King, and its body couldn't help but tremble. Unlike other soul beasts, their clan has unique means of exploration and communication.

It had heard the same words from the core of the Star Dou Great Forest through the transmission of its own people.

Later, those terrifying soul beasts in the eyes of its own people did disappear without a trace, and no matter how it explored, it could not find any trace.

Now, it heard the same words from Han Li again. It was not sure whether the two used the same means, but it was beyond its imagination to dare to say it.

"Thank you, respected human strongman."

This time, the Blue Silver King's thanks were more sincere.

"This is interest, so get ready to start."

Han Li turned his hand and put the Blue Silver Emperor back into the wristband, and the Blue Silver King nodded to show that he understood.

From beginning to end, neither of them mentioned how to deal with the former emperor, Ah Yin.

While the Blue Silver King was still taking advantage of the last time and looking at everything around him with nostalgia, Han Li turned around and looked at Ye Lingling.

"Soul bones in the torso, okay?"

For a moment, Ye Lingling was a little confused by his question, and she didn't react.

When she understood what Han Li meant, her little head nodded quickly, and her eyes looked brighter.

Sure enough, fate led her to find the one who saved her, and she also firmly believed that Han Li would bring changes to the world.

Of course, with this period of contact, Ye Lingling would not say such words as before, but no one could stop her thoughts.

Han Li felt the power of faith from Ye Lingling on the opposite side at a close distance, and he was secretly happy and helpless at the same time.

Although believers are not bad, this makes him always feel guilty when he contacts Ye Lingling, as if he is a big bad wolf cheating a pure little white flower.

Forget it, let's talk about this later. Han Li put the inappropriate thoughts behind his mind and turned his attention to the Blue Silver King again.

"She wants a trunk bone, I know you can do it."

After thinking for a while, Han Li continued: "Her martial soul is also the top martial soul of the life system, the Nine-Hearted Begonia, and you don't need to worry about the soul skills. As for the soul bone skills, concentrate on condensing your Blue Silver Domain."

As if he thought of something again, Han Li looked at the Blue Silver King with a serious expression: "I know you can borrow the power of all the tribesmen here, and I won't force you as for the soul ring."

"But soul bones, if you can impact it to 100,000 years, I promise you that within a hundred years, I will restore you to today's state, and the energy concentration of the Blue Silver Forest will increase by at least three times during this period."

While speaking, Han Li stretched out his right palm, as if he was moving something, and a gust of wind suddenly surged in the Blue Silver Forest.

After the wind stopped, the Blue Silver King was stunned. The energy concentration of the tribe where it had lived for more than 80,000 years had increased by more than double.

In addition, through mental power, it could perceive that the free energy between heaven and earth was still slowly converging towards this side.

Is this really something a soul master can do? And his extremely unreasonable soul ring configuration, maybe he is the next angel god and sea god?

The Blue Silver King was shocked. If it had a heart, it believed that its heartbeat frequency must be very high. This might not be a disaster for the Blue Silver Grass Clan, but an opportunity.

"Follow your will."

The Blue Silver King did not hesitate for too long before making a decision, and then it showed a hint of embarrassment: "Sir, I will try my best, but I am not completely sure whether the soul bone can successfully reach a hundred thousand years."

"It doesn't matter, I will take action."

Han Li waved his hand casually and glanced at the luck light above his head. Ye Lingling, who had been temporarily linked to him, didn't think this was a big problem.

"You just have to do your best and leave the rest to me."


In the lowered head of the Blue Silver King, his eyes lit up slightly, becoming more respectful.

Han Li didn't care about Blue Silver King's actions. To him, this was a business without a basis. Anyway, they would eventually become his subjects, so he should exercise his rights in advance.

Nodding to Ye Lingling, she took a few steps forward and stood in front of the Blue Silver King. Several people skillfully made space for her. They were just offering sacrifices. They were familiar with each other.

The Blue Silver King no longer hesitated, and after looking around for a week with nostalgia in his eyes, a blood-red light beam mixed with light blue shrouded down towards Ye Lingling's location.

Not only that, as the blood-red light pillar rose, light blue light spots floated in the entire blue and silver forest, and they converged towards Ye Lingling.

But what is surprising is that with such a big movement, if there were people or spirit beasts outside the forest at this time, he would find that the forest in front of him was extremely quiet, and nothing strange would happen at all.

In this scene, the Blue Silver King was in the process of being sacrificed. Its senses were sharper than before. Naturally, it noticed this change and it became even harder.

"How does it feel to see a sacrifice for the first time?"

On the side, Han Li and the others were extremely relaxed and seemed not to worry about any accidents at all. They even asked Zhu Zhuqing, who was exposed to such a scene for the first time, how he felt.

"It's quite shocking."

Although I have heard about this situation from several people, seeing it with my own eyes is different after all. Zhu Zhuqing expressed his true feelings.

"Be prepared, it will be your turn tomorrow. Once you get used to it, you will become numb."

Han Li said with a smile while paying attention to Ye Lingling's situation.


A subtle thanks came out of Zhu Zhuqing's mouth, but it was drowned out by the sound of wind pressure caused by the surge of energy.

At this time, the Blue Silver King has reached the most critical moment.

The energy of the soul ring has its own control, and it did not cause any harm to Ye Lingling. On the contrary, it made her smoother than when she absorbed the first three soul rings.

But when it condensed soul bones and used the same source of energy to increase its lifespan, it encountered great obstacles.

Without it, after the sacrifice, it could no longer control the huge energy.

"Okay, that's enough. Cut off the connection between you and the soul bone, go and gather your life seeds, and leave the rest to me."

Just when the Blue Silver King was at a loss and about to give up, Han Li's voice rang in its ears, making it breathe a sigh of relief.

It no longer hesitated, and decisively cut off its connection with the soul bone, and its aura suddenly became sluggish. Fortunately, the life aura here was sufficient and the energy was quite abundant, so it did not suffer greater damage.

Then, at the moment it turned into blue silver grass, it saw the soul bone that had not yet fully formed, turned into a stream of light, and took the initiative to deliver it to Han Li's hands.

Immediately, its vision dimmed and it fell into a deep sleep.

As for the outside world, Han Li was actually not that relaxed. In an instant, all his abilities were fully activated and he devoted all his energy to the soul bone in his hand.

He struggled to mobilize the rules, and while being careful about the energy in his hands going wild, he found loopholes in the rules that had not yet been completely condensed, and mobilized the homologous life energy and soul power from the outside world to move towards the soul bone in his hands.

As the connection between the soul bone and its owner was severed, the rules of heaven and earth also quickly improved the pattern of rules on the soul bone.

Finally, before the loophole was completely blocked, Han Li stuffed nearly two-thirds of his life energy in, but was also knocked away by the spilled energy.

"Xiao Li."

Several voices sounded almost in no particular order, running towards the place where Han Li was knocked away.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Before any of them could get close, they saw Han Li getting up with a face full of joy, and tightly holding a piece of blue-gold soul bone in his hand.

"One hundred thousand years."

Han Li excitedly stretched it out to several people, showing off his achievements. He had done this alone, so he was naturally more satisfied than before.

Seeing how lively he was, and looking at him again, they found that he was indeed not injured, so a few people looked at him helplessly.

"Don't take such risks in the future."

Han Li looked at the worried eyes of several people and smiled: "Don't worry, it won't happen."

Then, he turned his attention to the soul bone in his hand.

"It's a pity that I didn't have time to completely modify it, but the quality is still good and the completeness is also very high. At least it's not worse than my right leg bone, but the bonus may be a little weaker."

The bloodline level among soul beasts is still a bit strict. Although under Han Li's control, some loopholes were avoided and he was successfully promoted to a hundred thousand years, he still failed to cross that threshold in the end.

However, after all, it is a hundred thousand-year-old soul bone, and a bicycle is already a treasure beyond the reach of others.

On the other side, Ye Lingling's soul ring absorption was also coming to an end. The soul power fluctuations around her slowly calmed down, and a soul ring with a reddish color in black appeared at the position of her fourth soul ring.

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